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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. There's no emotional-tugging human drama in wondering if a machine is going to survive a battle or not. At least I'd assume that's the exec's reasoning.
  2. I'd tend to agree with Steve's post on the main causes for the rise in figures. And if there is an actual small rise, the reasons could be...well I don't really have an answer for that beyond the usual 'humans are violently repressed' for lots of reasons sort of stuff. Some take it out on animals because they think doing so is 'safe/ok' cause they're not human.
  3. I'm thinking about how frustrating it is keep that bit o' extra weight off as I get older. I've also been thinking about my father again, which I tend to do whenever I see a picture of Christopher Reeve post-riding accident. Plus my husband looks really cute with greying temples.
  4. That review makes me wonder if it really does feel like The Summoner. I liked that game. This goes on my 'check it out someday' list. Thanks.
  5. I liked Stronghold Crusader better than Stronghold2 - I think the old did better at skirmish/siege maps - but it's a still a good game. Some of the camera angle stuff is a bit awkward and archers are (still) way overpowered but...building the defenses is a lot of fun.
  6. It's fine for me too. They'll stay pretty big relative to the rest of the screen, however - they don't get miniscule w/more resolution. Still, if they're really huge, that would seem unusual to me. Maybe attach a screenshot?
  7. TVGuide gave the Hoff a Jeer for being mean on America's Most Talented. Maybe this explains his videos...
  8. I'm thinking about how I need to clean out the fridge, toss away some stuff, and replace it all again. And about what to have for dinner. My life is so mundane. :D
  9. I absolutely loved Fargo; I love W.H. Macy plus I found it hilarious. I didn't 'understand' the humor in Raising Arizona at all, despite having a friend who loved the movie try to explain it to me. It was just a really weird, off the wall movie that kinda bored me...
  10. MultiiMedia is so vague. I hate vagueness. :D Sounds like it would likely work tho. Thanks, I'll look into it more.
  11. The website mentions it as a potential 'camera companion' which interested me at first. I wouldn't mind a device that allowed me to download/view stuff off my memory card on a bigger screen than what's on my camera, w/out needing a bulky laptop with me. The screen doesn't sound too much bigger tho. My camera uses CompactFlash cards not SD, can the expansion slot use those?
  12. *watches thread* Keep it on-topic, keep it civil. If an argumentive challenge must continue, please do it in PM's.
  13. I used to dream a lot. Now it's fairly infrequent. But when I do dream, they're pretty wacky. Or gross. Often recurring themes, usually stress related. :D
  14. It must be true. *Humorously intended: if Kaftan wishes I will gladly take this down...
  15. My experience with Oregon is that it's a haven for motorhomes. The coast is pretty tho. Re: the article - well...I really don't have much to say on that one. I guess they'll have to make larger MRI machines and eventually give the costs to the patient/consumer, as usual. I don't personally see the inactivity/poundage issue decreasing anytime soon, in the US or anywhere else having the 'problem'.
  16. Power went out again in the middle of writing a post, earlier. But this time, with the darkening came the Trucks. The people gathered round this vehicle of the Power-Gods to watch the Power-Angels as they made a big hole in the ground. After a lot of chatter, struggle, and shifting of more dirt with handheld shovels, they finally lowered a large, magical grey cube into the hole. And lo, there was power, and it was good. And it's 63F at 2am and that is also good. :D
  17. Your PC has wings. ) That impressive. I wouldn't mind a rig like that...
  18. I'd give a lot for a little rain right now. I love rain.
  19. I haven't actually seen it, so don't know how it 'looks'. I'm sure I'd find it terrible. To me it's all like when Speilberg took us 'inside' the ship in Close Encounters. Sometimes altering shouldn't be done, or at the least, doesn't make the movie 'better.' As long as he really does put the original cuts onto DVD, I'll be happy enough. Choice to me is the thing.
  20. It's cooled off a bit but our power keeps going out. Three times in four days, or something. I guess there's 1100 transformers out in our fairly immediate area and they can't keep up with it. Anyway...just had to gripe about it.
  21. Influence has nothing to do with it, seejai. Only being male and speaking to Di in his 'room'. Then Di will say something along the lines of 'well I'll return to Koonda' and eventually (I don't remember exactly when) there's a cutscene. That's it.
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