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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I haven't played Kotor1 either...well...I did play up to the point you get the Wookie, but that's it. :D
  2. That one's a bit on the weird and wild side, yes. :D I don't get the mouth cover either - is it supposed to be a mask?
  3. As much as I sometimes complain about little bits here and there in XP, I'd agree...it's certainly been the most stable version of Windows OS - which means I can go a lot longer without re-formatting.
  4. Happy Birthday! ...I'm a Libra, as well. Whee.
  5. I definitely won't be upgrading to Vista until something I want to use forces me to. I let other people be the version-guinea pigs. :D
  6. You're probably correct. I still have many US-centric term-useage habits from another age. One of my favorite non-American films of all time. Better? :D
  7. I had posted a reply with a link to that site that has modding tools but apparently I was a dufus and put it in the wrong thread. At any rate, I noticed that stoffe replied to one of your posts in the forum there. Did you try his things? I'm curious if they worked or not. I remember Stoffe used to frequent here from a year or more ago...very helpful and technically knowledgabe re: the game modding.
  8. Ah...glad I didn't go mouthing off in great detail about anything, then. :D Not that I usually do, anyway...
  9. Thanks, I'll add a couple of those specific things to my list to research. I'm not generally concerned with 'top of the line' either in fps speed-performance or pure expense...but I am really picky when it comes to graphics and resolution flexibility/performance/eyeball visual appeal. I do a lot more than play games and graphic capabilities has to reflect that.
  10. 1) Hey, really impressed, some very nice work. 2) I tend to prefer more neutral backgrounds for game portraits, as well, although as art on it's own I like the fancy backgrounds. Some of those would make good desktops if altered. 3) The retouched 'gold' looks a lot better. The first was too flat-yellow. The 2nd has better shadings and a better 'gold' color vs. simply yellow, to me. 4) I also think the dark background is a bit too much contrast to the gold, however. Part of this may be because his head is so low in the picture. If there was less space between his head and the top, the background might not be as distracting - course then you couldn't see much of it, either, heh. IMO, I think it looks better overall in terms of portrait use to have less space around the face/body, like the 1st and 2nd one you posted.
  11. I remember liking the Arcanum demo, buying the game, and disliking the final product. But I didn't very far into it...maybe if I'd stuck with it. My husband is apparently bored (or unmotivated) and is installing Kotor1. It's the first game he's installed/played since trying Kotor2 last year. I'm amused. Me, still Summoner.
  12. Ok...thanks, density removed from my person. More research needed now.
  13. OK, backwards compatability, I think I can understand that. Most of the older games I'd want to play I wouldn't notice/care if it was slower performance or not, so DX9 emulation probably wouldn't bother me, really. Still not sure how that equates into the graphic card thing tho...older/current cards may become 'outdated' because they wont be as good at emulating older DX? I'm sorry if I'm being dense...
  14. Hrm...uh...ok. More confused than ever. So those boards/cards may not support DX10, thus DX10 will emulate 9 so you can run Vista which requires 10?...should I, then, not even build a new system yet because of this, whatever this is?
  15. One of my favorite foreign films of all time.
  16. But how would you be running DX9 and DX10 (even if in emulation mode) at the same time? It's always overwritten the older version before...they will be seperate new whole thing now?
  17. I think I've seen you (or someone else) mention the DX10 thing before. Is this because current pci-e cards won't work with DX10, or Vista, or what? And if that's the case, will the motherboards? I don't understand. Edit: And I keep looking at LCD's because my CRT's won't last forever, and it's getting harder and harder to find them here.
  18. Pondering the possibility of building a pci-e system in a few months. Nothing will be ported over and while my natural inclination is to squeal like a wounded rat at high prices, money isn't an issue if spending the money actually means getting what I personally want. It would appear that Intel's Core2 thingie is the one to go for now, so I guess I'd go with that. I like Intel anyway. I have some other inquiries tho... Does this also equate into less heat, by chance? (Hubby and I were discussing the power usage issue this morning...between us we have maybe 8-10 computers on 24 hours a day so...). According to this, the Radeon X1900 XT 256mb is great bang for the lesser buck. However, if you're willing to spend bucks, Tom also says that the Geforce 7950 GX2 is better if you like to play at 1600x1200 with 6xAA. Now, given a choice, I really prefer to play games (and anything else) at the highest resolution possible. So video related questions: 1) The Radeon X1900 XTX can run OpenEXR High-Dynamic-Range lighting (HDR) and antialiasing at the same time. Tom's Hardware doesn't specifically mention the Radeon X1900 XT or Geforce 7950 GX2 having this ability. As a gamer, does this ability matter to you? 2) In terms of the resolution-size performance, if I like to do video editing/photography a lot as well as game, do you think the Geforce 7950 GX2 woud be worth the price over the cheaper Radeon X1900 XT? 3) LCD Monitors: If I want to use/play effectively in 1600, do I need to purchase a LCD monitor with a native resolution of 1600+? Most of the time I just see 1280 native on 19" monitors. Any thoughts on that? 4) LCD Monitors and 'ghosting'/pixel response time and video noise: Almost every recent review at Toms Hardware on 19 and 20" LCD monitors that I skimmed over said something to the effect that in practice, they were 'fair to terrible' in games, or video, or both. For example, this quote: Or this quote: This doesn't make me want to give up the CRT. Do you agree/disagree with Tom?
  19. I thought I wrote this one already.... United 93. I was curious. It's actually pretty decent. It's not, of course, a documentary and shouldn't be viewed as such, but as a tribute/whatever it's ok. It doesn't focus on characterization/personification too much - ie there's no 'one main hero focus', just events and dramatic hypothesis. One of the more interesting things to me (I have no idea how accurate it is to reality) was the portrayal of the confusion and chaos that resulted in civilian and military paralysis or at least slow reaction times. Not an easy movie to watch and I can understand why some people would never want to see it, but it felt largely respectful and was well filmed. Tho occasionally I couldn't hear what people were saying because of so much other noise in the film.
  20. So where's the commentary from all the BSG fans here? I thought it'd be all a buzz with chatter... :D Oh wait..it's the weekend. Maybe some people have more active lives than myself. teehee
  21. I had a cat come home once with the top 3 inches of the tail skinned away to the bone. She probably caught it between fence boards while jumping to the ground, or something like that. We snipped it off and nicknamed her 'stubby.' I'd assume they hydrated the cat along w/the initial antibiotics. I'm sure he'll be fine.
  22. I think the main thing is that even if there ever is a Kotor3, it's not in the plans now, and if they ever change their minds and start working on it, it'll likely be...a long time from now. I generally don't like to consider any game series dead unless companies break up, and even then, sequels to games occasionally are still made, even if it's a decade later. But yeah, in terms of wanting something "pretty soon" - like a year or two - I don't see that coming.
  23. Edit: Oh dear, right reply but wrong thread. :">
  24. *sniff* I like stories like these. Poor kitty...and yet, lucky kitty. Good to see it found its way home.
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