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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yes, that's the main technical issue. It doesn't bother me on my pc either...it's a principle thing. I like seperation of function, that's all. If I want a spellchecker, I'll get spell checker. Both hubby and I are funny that way. I used to love MSWord, until it became a giant bloated piece of ...
  2. While I'm absolutely loving this new Casear, the Republic campaign is far too easy. I finished the 5th economic map (of 7) and I'm blowing through them like nothing. Still takes a little while for each map, by game design, but not much real challenge, even in terms of city-layout puzzle-like quandries or anything. Supposedly the Empire campaign gets a lot harder. I hope so. The next mission looks even easier. Only 2 more till the Empire...
  3. I can never get enough of that crate-kicking, I tell ya.
  4. .......gar Not that I mind such features, as long as it doesn't bloat up the program performance-wise - and as as long as I can shut them off. I get increasingly irritated, however, by companies seeming need to cram more and more "stuff" into their software, when all I want is the basics/minimum.
  5. I think you're misunderstanding me? Unless it's the other way around, heh. We eat meat. We're big meat eaters. Well, beef and sometimes pork, anyway. We're not as much into chicken/fish. Turkey's good sometimes tho. But I also eat a lot of salads. Sometimes. When I'm in the mood. Hah.
  6. I'm using version still. I always take forever to upgrade things. But it's still working more than fine, sooo...some folks on slower computers seem to get the slowsies using Firefox - particuarly on load up - but it's fine for me.
  7. Watch Atton's face as he becomes more and more DS. It's fun.
  8. I'd go for meat flavored veggies. Then again, I can just eat meat... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A nice medium done steak or a tasty pot roast is a no go? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not in this household.
  9. You can make your lightsaber anywhere. Well, maybe not Korriban, not sure about that one.
  10. I've known people to have the Windows Updater vs going to the site and downloading it manually yourself cause problems before. I don't know anything about it tho, or if it would/could really be the cause of your trouble.
  11. I'd go for meat flavored veggies. Then again, I can just eat meat...
  12. Well it is the spoiler forum, Sturm. That said, Sith Lord Urais, maybe next time turning such info into a .txt file that you could attach to your post, or a link to a site, might be less overwhelming.
  13. *click xans portrait* "Our quest is vain!" - *giggle* *click xans portrait* "We're all doomed.." - *giggle* *click xans portrait* "Whatever..." - *giggle* Repeat 100 times. Doom and gloom elf, hilarious. It seems I often like characters most people loathe, and vice versa.
  14. Hate the way he says that! Hate, hate, hate! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know, every time I hear that particular bit I think: Shouldn't it be "Your quest is in vain?" Hmm...actually, I always thought he said "Our quest is vain." Which would make grammatical sense. It's been a loooong time tho.
  15. Hehe...yeah, that might be a fun series to bounce around in. At least the first five or six. They started to fall off after that. Bink, Trent, Millie the Ghost, the Gap Dragon, all the really bad puns...Priceless. Best thing - if you hid there, you'd never have to shop for shoes!
  16. There are many different codecs that all call themselves .avi. That doesn't make them the same, nor does it mean a player/program will be able to play everything called an "avi." I've noticed that since updating XP with SP2, all my old and new .avis that I made with FRAPS will now hang/crash in WMovieMaker - and half the other newer video editing software I've tried - they won't load. They loaded just fine in XP with no service packs. I'd assume I either don't have a backwards compatible plugin (or whatever) so the "new and improved" WMM can 'read' them, or....whatever. I also bought a small mini-video recorder that had these raw files that you had to convert before being able to upload/work with them - and would only use .wmv, which my old editor didn't want to open without converting to .avi first, which could take hours...and...so on and so forth. And yes, such things are very annoying, especially when you pay money for somethng and have to convert/alter, if it's even possible. I won't be buying an ipod.
  17. If you mean the pieces that allow you to 'build' a lightsaber the first time, you can find those two on any planet...whichever planet is the first you go to after Peragus/Telos is the one the game generates those pieces on.
  18. Ditto. Maybe Korriban next, because of the creepy atmosphere and cave crawling. I liked Nar Shada and such, but I'm not really all that into big beehivish cities - even in games... haha.
  19. Look at it this way...by the time you work your way through the first 1/3 ot 1/2 of that list, the rest will be a lot cheaper. On that list, I think NWN2 and maybe the M&M one are the ones I'm interested in. The other games I keep thinking about getting have been out for a while, like CivRome and Rome Total War. Yes I like Rome-themed games...
  20. Do you get to choose what character to be when you jump in the book, or is that magically random? If "yes", then any book where I can have superpowers because that'd be, like, fun. If the answer is "it's randomly chosen for you", then scratch that and instead, any book that doesn't involve evil wizards/leaders/dasterdly plans, Ultimate Evil (the Ring! oh noes!), or world or galatic wars of a fantastical or even 'normal' nature, etc. Hmm....I don't read many books without such things in them. Perhaps Asimov's Robot novel series.
  21. About to eat a bowl of noodles with beef leftover from last night mixed in, while I fire up the Ceaser4...again.
  22. I'm not even 40 and already there's a mental decline; I blame the pizza. Seriously tho...yes, not surprising. All things in balance.
  23. Again, not that I've played the game, but this reminds me a bit of Ultima9...where there were actually many things I liked about the game, and I kept playing for a while, but in the end, the bad things (some of them really really bad) made me shelve it and eventually riddicule it mercilessly. I sincerely hope Gothic3 is patched etc. It does sound like if it was done properly, it'd be a fun game. If not...well, like mentioned...Gothic4...
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