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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Assuming on PC, there's the KSE savegame editor, but while you can do some nifty fun things with it (mostly graphical oddities and major-cheating type stuff), I kind of doubt you can actually change the things you'd need to change in order to get past this apparent black screen bug, since it seems to be dialog-triggered during a cutscene event. But it does have a lot of 'features/abilities' like global booleans & numerics (whatever those are) that I've never tried to alter, so who knows?
  2. @ Kaftan - depends how the marmalade is used - perhaps the marmalade is spread over it as a coating before roastin in the oven. Wouldn't be much different from coating meat with BBQ sauce or an orange or lemon mariande, maybe. Tho, if W. meant marmalade as a side bit to dip the meat in...yeah, ok, I'd find that personally odd.
  3. The fact we only have one pair of arms, because it's really hard to eat BBQ ribs and type at the same time.
  4. Yes, I see the whole file name/extension, along with file type column and date modified. My prntscrn button always works even if enablescreenshots=0; the vertical buffer line change does nothing. It's not on read-only. It seems to do nothing at all but record changes I make in-game. Most of those program/mods that supposedly let you look at/read things like the dialog file in a certain order/way; they don't/can't see/read files, even tho they're right there, stuff like that. I just figured it was some weird California version thing or something odd like that. :D
  5. The review was posted as one of the comments if you want to read it.
  6. I like chess too, but that's just sad...
  7. Even worse, I've seen people with virtually identical system specs having completely different performance (one horrible, one great). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do people post their dxdiag's on the Bio forums? The info in those is often very enlightening beyond the common and seeming similar basic system specs of 3ghz/graphic card/RAM people give out.
  8. Ooooo! 31gp! Fame and riches await! Gotta love those early stages of games trying to collect the cash and find the stuff.
  9. I have all hidden files showing; it's the first thing I do when I install/reformat Windows. I just seem to have a freakish Kotor2 game. I can't alter the .ini file (well I can, but it has no effect whatsoever), can't play the sound files w/out Miles...
  10. A lot of games take up close to 100% of the CPU, or at least they want to. Not any tech help I'm afraid, but you're not the only one who has a lot of problems with those steamy areas. Some people think the patch made certain things worse - you could try reinstalling and playing without it just to see if it makes a difference. You could try opening the SWKotor2.ini where you installed Kotor2 and then under [Graphics Options] add the line Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 - that helps some people with other effect lag areas; doesn't help everyone. Still might be worth a shot. Other than that you can really only avoid those vents if possible.
  11. I like Cylon hybrids - and I like the whole Cylon sub-plot. In fact, even with my general dislike of Baltair (sp?) I like it a lot more than all the human psych-tragi-drama on the Galactica right now.
  12. About to go back to my mega-Ceaser4 city, which is now at 45,000 population and starting to lag.
  13. If I keep posting in this thread people will soon discover that: 1. I have a pretty boring selection of clothing. 2. I live in robes, long nightshirts/t-shirts and stretch pants/shorts about 50% of the time. 3. I don't wear clothes the other 50% of the time.
  14. Hassat, not everyone can get WinAmp to play them. I still can't play the files in anything but Miles - and yes I tried renaming them and all that stuff. At any rate, Maecon, if you want to edit the files, like Hassat said, you need a program that you can use to record them while they play in Miles or WinAmp or whatever works for you, then edit the recorded files. I don't know if there's any other way in this case - if there is I don't know of it. If that interests you, WavePad is a good free recorder/editor.
  15. If I had an optical mouse I might not find a mousepad neccesary either. But I don't like the feel of the mouseball - or the plastic casing for that matter - on a fake-wood laminate desk.
  16. A part of the reason GW has no monthly fee is that they had plans to release expansions that you have to buy for new content. Originally they were hoping for 2-3 per year perhaps, which would essentially add up to close to what you'd pay if you paid monthly (10-15 a month) - assuming you bought them. I don't know if they're going to keep up with that or not; they certainly don't seem to have released much. And I don't know if they have a big enough fan base/other money/projects like Blizzard does, to make free-hosted servers work financially forever if people don't buy. Another couple years shall tell. As to the original question - if you don't care about graphics at all (and I mean at all) some people really like Maplestory. I haven't tried it tho, and I hear it takes literally forever to level past a certain point.
  17. I spent $20 (don't remember...) on a large metal mousepad by Allsop. Funny, I can't find it on-line - it looks like the charcoal grey Metal Art Pad - but mine has no "special textured surface" that I can see so I don't know? Anyway, I love it - it doesn't move at all, it has no plastic or cloth texture to wear down over time, won't crease/bubble since it's not bendable - it also stays clean somehow - I haven't had to clean it since I bought it. My mouse (still a tiny rollerball one) doesn't even get dirty or collect dirt/lint anymore. Before that, I used to like the $10 Accutrack plastic mousepad, also by Allsop.
  18. I haven't played Zeus, so I can't say. There's no monument building ala Pharoah or some of the other recent city builders - it's really a lot like Caesar3, except without the major "walker" issues (a 'pull system' is used instead) and a few mechanics/rule changes like seperated housing and such. I think TM wanted to make it feel close to the old game only updated, and it works - which is why I'm so hooked.
  19. Caesar4, city builder/strategy. I need to get out of the habit of abbreviating it on non-Casear4 forums. heh
  20. I can't get NWN2 until I at least finish my massive population Caesar map (reached 35K, had to start over cause of food distribution issues). One-game mind thing, y'know. Which is what I'm doing right now.
  21. Hero followers? Better than the old party-helpers because they're customizable - can you keep them from play session to session? I might like that, since I'm a loner even in on-line play... But I haven't really been playing any on-line games recently. I did reinstall WoW but haven't done much with it. I think right now the only on-line "action" I may see is competing with other city builders for scores and titles in C4.
  22. Nice viewpoint read, thanks. Lucky for me, I'm spoiler-proof.
  23. Or try another DVD drive, would that help? I've heard some drives are pickier than others with that stuff. Maybe I've heard wrong tho.
  24. lol, that was my favorite too. There's one 'building idle' animation that has a pleb breakdancing. It's hilarious.
  25. It's not a screenshot, but apparently Sierra just posted an ad/video on Youtube for Caesar4 called Plebs Gone Wild, and I find it funny. Really silly, but still amusing. :D P.S. - all those animations of people are actual building animations in the game. I like the guys who catch fire.
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