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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Memory test? I don't even have to take that one to know my score. Automatic fail. Edit: Well I tried it, but every time I try to take the last part, when I'm done choosing the 48, the site just takes me back to the "take this test" page, with no results given.
  2. Some of us don't care about getting over 30FPS. As to electricity - I probably consume more with the lamps I have on 12-24 hours a day. But yeah...the P4 is definitely a more sluggish performer in games in tests. Still work/ed fine for us average joes who aren't tuned to really notice much difference in-game between "benchmarks." I'm eager to try the new stuff by now, tho.
  3. lol...that's great. I tried twice and so far only .2 for me.
  4. I agree...the marked stretching of the links over the chest is graphically distracting, at least in those screenshots. I've seen female 'lycra-chain armor' without nearly as much stretch - could've done better there, definitely.
  5. Indeed it does. Re: BE - the premise was interesting and the actor did ok...and it had some cool moments...but in the end it was a pretty ordinary "what if" motion picture. I was kinda of disappointed with it, really. But it was a movie classic compared to BE2.
  6. That was always my thought, as well. Not great, not bad, just average/adequate. In terms of games anyway. Unless he meant bad in relation to NWN2?
  7. Perhaps somewhat unbalanced if you're into power gaming...but I never needed either 18 in CON or INT to win the game. Which isn't to say that the game isn't unbalanced in certain areas - combat being one of them, imo - I just don't think the stats are that horrifically so.
  8. Heh, yeah, the turkey itself isn't the big hassle - well, except for thawing it out if you buy a frozen, and in much of the US, it's hard to not buy a frozen - but the whole dinner thing...I like one dish-meals/stir fries vs. lots of side dishes. When I'm the cook anyway. Never tried to cook a ham from scratch. I think most people here buy it precooked and just heat it up with a bit of sauce coated over it.
  9. I made a turkey a couple times. The first one turned out great, the 2nd ok, and after that, I deemed it too much hassle for just 2 people. But it was kinda fun. And certainly tasty, especially the sandwiches the next day. This year I bought a pre-cooked deli chicken. hahahah
  10. Still bucking the trend w/non-NWN2 pics... 1 - citizens catch on fire, they run to the nearest fountain 2 - what happens when you build a hi-pop city and need to suck up unemployed workers 3 - just another desert storm scenery pic. Traders and cartpushers apparently need no protection from blasting sand clouds.
  11. I believe even my husband drew the line at renting that one.
  12. When you use an editor it's always a good idea to copy the savegame you're editing to another location before you edit. That way if something goes wrong you can at least copy the original save back and either try to edit it again or play w/out doing so.
  13. I got it...should work now. Apparently a given image size restriction also applies to the media files for non-Admins - thus the 900kb was applying to the sounds for the usergroup but not for me - I thought there was no size restriction for them. <_< I increased the apparently user-universal upload limit to 10MB. Is that big enough? Edit: Apparently not, lol. ReEdit: Increased to 16MB, updated the first post.
  14. The my music was my fault...forgot to allow permission. Size restriction...hmmm....odd.
  15. Pop, you can directly upload music - there just isn't a seperate "upload music" button. Just use the Image upload Browse button and do it from there - all uploads work from that field. Should work. Let me know if it doesn't...if it doesn't, it's probably a server permission thing, and I can fix that. Edit: I checked the directory permissions, they're all fine. My non-Admin test account can upload music files. If it's not an upload field mix-up and anyone else is having this problem/gets an error when they try, let me know what the error says?
  16. *scratches head* You should be able to upload music. Your game mp3's play just fine for me. Edit: Looked at them - I get what you mean, you didn't do a direct upload. Let me check..
  17. Butterfly Effect2. Another of hubby's "I'll rent anything" finds. Terrible. Run away, run away as fast as you can.
  18. Holidays. Yes I'm a Grinch.
  19. ....cool. I always thought he deserved more time in the ST movies. ....16 million in Neilson? Things are lookin' good for this series. I can't stand it when they cancel series that have decent fan-bases because of an outdated Neilson system. :angry:
  20. Perhaps some are waiting for others to upload, first. I'll add a few things of mine, soon. I've been busy today with trying to beat holiday madness at stores, so hubby won't starve tomorrow.
  21. "Fun" itself could be said to be an addiction, since in general the human race seems rather obsessed with the adrenline and psychological "rush" (or comfort...) that fun creates in our minds and bodies. Of course, what is fun to one person isn't fun to another... There's the possibility that some people are wired in such a way to be more easily addicted to certain chemicals/substances - by wired I mean through chemcial imbalances or other physical qualties that differ from what is currently percieved as the physical norm for human physiology. Sometimes the visible things (downword spiral from what's considered a "healthy productive" life) could perhaps be seen more as symptoms of the hard-wired aspect of addiction rather than the other way around - and after many years, one thing feeds off another and it becomes hard to distinguish the symptom from the root cause of the problem, if that makes sense. It's hard to say for sure sometimes, chicken and egg scenario perhaps, to coin a phrase. In terms of legalizing them - while I think they should be governmentally legal on the basis that it's illogical for this to be legal while that is not legal (the attempt of government to protect people from themselves is often so), realistically the legal route would only be effective in terms of stopping "drug crimes/wars" if prices were kept very cheap. It would do no good to make them legal and then end up having them be largely controlled by greedy companies or government itself who charge an arm and a leg/tax them at high rates so many still couldn't afford them. You'd then still have a black market. Giving them away for free...that might help in some ways, as already noted, and would avoid the affordability issue, but then it depends a lot on the quality of the stuff being given away. If it doesn't match what users think they/know can get, there still might be an eventual black market for higher quality stuff, if you know what I mean. Still, in theory it's possible in the long run many of the 'drug-war' things would be lessened from what is current. The only way to tell would be to try it. When fear keeps us from trying things, we'll never know/learn...thus I'd be for trying it...at least in measured trials and such, then widening the scope gradually if those seem successful.
  22. I'm not sure how FTP access would help you upload music from other sites, if you don't have the songs on your HD to upload? I added an "Our Music" category under Creativity.
  23. Certainly sounds like they're saying Kotor isn't in the graveyard forever. Who knows if that'll actually turn into a game...But it's a nice article for us who hope for one, thanks for sharing!
  24. As if cats (or any other pets) don't have their own little...uh..quirks... I know what you mean tho.
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