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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think the original question has been answered and this thread can be put to rest?
  2. I'm a lazy gamer. I don't think the wii is for me. And meta, yeah, it became repetitive early on. The supposed super henchmen were also pretty useless. I would have preferred if EG had had several "levels" instead of leaving you on one island for so long. I never did get to the 2nd island (there were only 2...)
  3. Tower Records is apparently closing it's doors all over the place, thus I bought a lot of cheap movies. Lords of Discipline...one of those films I rented ages ago because someone specific was in it, and I kinda liked it. Watching it now...eh, not so great. Not bad for a message/drama film but...meh.
  4. Evil Genius was kind of fun for a while, but it lacked something. All that individual tagging of enemies was a pain, too. One thing I did like tho, was how you could undo your digging if you wanted, and rebuild rooms/areas w/out having to start from complete scratch. Even if it was a cheesy option, the way the game was designed I can understand why they did it, and I appreciated it. Btw, there's a massive bug regarding gold/treasury in EG...I discovered it by accident and could make millions before building any other room. :D
  5. There's a Stargate game in the works? While a game based in Firefly's universe might be interesting, I think I'll just wait for Spore - hopefully the ultimate SP game w/MMORPG aspects.
  6. It is hard to get into such talky movies in general. Usually takes me 30 minutes or so. :D
  7. My usual nick at the time was taken here. So... ...Crimson - randomly picked color name, no meaning...and the blue color names were taken... ...Lady - used to try to ensure a name wouldn't be taken. And if you're wondering, I'm not really very Lady-like in RL - but LadyCrimson has a better ring than WomanCrimson or CrimsonWoman or something. ^_^ Now it's my main nick everywhere. Strange how that works sometimes.
  8. Too long ago, don't remember accurately. I think around 32 the first time through it, maybe a couple levels lower the 2nd time - I go slowly and try to do everything possible. I only finished the entire game twice - once light once dark - after that I just played up to the four planets or from save games.
  9. I don't think Dantoonie is any slower, if you go the DS path of getting the part rather than the more...uh...diplomatic way. I'd usually go there and IIRC I'd just run to the Temple to that door. Tho you did have to deal with a few bacties and such. No biggie.
  10. Ditto. Although for me, in terms of being a NPC I rarely used/had a use for, HK-47 would fall under that too...he had some funny lines, but he usually stayed on the ship anyway...
  11. Something from a broadway stage production could be amusing.
  12. Thirteen Days, about the Cuban missle crisis in the 60's. Almost nothing but talking, but still as interesting and good as I remember from seeing it in the theater. Except that I wish they'd chosen someone else besides Kevin Coster. He doesn't do badly, but imo he doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the cast/tone of the film, either. At least Coster's role is limited, with the large cast of characters in the film. The actors playing the Kennedy's are great. Even more interesting to watch were the documentary features on the DVD.
  13. Sorry, I've been away. Just curious, did you guys get an actual error message of some kind or was it just not loading? My webhost does daily backups every night (pacific time) and sometimes that causes intermittent but usually very brief slowdowns/delays etc.
  14. *bows* To all three. I was gettting the urls and typing while new posts were being made. :D
  15. Late on the wagon, but welcome to the both of you. I don't have them all, but did post most of the Exile heads from Kotor2 in a couple zip files, in this directory. Another good place to look for or ask would be here, in their Fan Art discussion area. Or, if you have the PC versions of the games, you can get the KSE editor and use it to put different "skins" on your party members and take your own screenshots, tho I'm not sure that's exactly what you're thinking of.
  16. Dantooine (Disciple/lightsaber), NarShaddaa (Atton) After that I usually went to Dxun and mixed it up from there.
  17. It's mostly backstory/history info, as mentioned, plus he has some humor bits that are fun to make happen. He makes a good ranged fighter but in terms of having him in your party, Atton makes a good ranged too, and I just used him. :D
  18. Actually, that'd be kinda cool... :D
  19. What's really sad is how they say "no one will know..." while at the same time making at least some of the model pictures viewable on their site to non-customers. .99 cents per "friend" - *snickers*
  20. I have upper spine problems...a lot of back advice doesn't apply to me, as it's usually geared for lower back pain. I'm most comfortable on my side or during a gymnastics-like hands over the head on the floor back-arch, but it's pretty hard to type that way. ^_^
  21. Ah...I see. So it might reduce panic attacks/obsessive-needless worry or such when something happens to bring the memory to the forefront? That could still be useful for many. I find myself wondering if it would help with those automatic reactions from memories we're not even aware of remembering, if that makes sense - like emotional imprints/patterns from traumas during the first couple years, say. Interesting.
  22. It makes me wonder what horrid song they're lip synching too...Barbie Girl comes to mind for some reason, but who knows...
  23. I believe you have to take Mira back to the spot on Nar Shadda where there was a 'force disturbance' or whatever it was, where Kriea started babbling to you...in that main square.
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