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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Ants....especially when it rains and they decide to literally swarm all over the garage door and floor area around it. Seriously...I can barely see the wood underneath. It's like a bad Kingdom of the Spiders/Ants movie, only without William Shatner hired to scream fetchingly in the foreground. I usually don't mind bugs much, and I'm not huge on pesticides overall but I'm pulling out the big stuff for this one....
  2. I find the term 'baby solo' disturbing for some reason. :D Is 'baby solo' from a comic or something? Never heard of it.
  3. One big pet peeve of mine: False logic. Whether from others or myself.
  4. Good link to read, thanks. Hopefully you'll find it to be accurate when/if you exchange it.
  5. Suddenly swamped by the hopefully accurate realization that Calax's avatar is the face of some costumed guy and not a warped version of some space worm.
  6. Hmm...I'd assume you have tons of cooling in your pc, and it's still doing it? Oh well...early versions are like that sometimes. I'm still excited tho - the thought of being able to play at such high resolutions with relative ease is my kind of heaven.
  7. While I do believe that many might enjoy more...romance...in the next Kotor game, be it more gals or guys - - we have a current thread for Kotor3 suggestions & discussion.
  8. It was not completable pre-patch; I don't remember whether the patch claims to fix this one or not, and I never cared enough to test it out. I think the Restoration Project team has a mod/fix for it too, on their page.
  9. The editing could use some work (not that I'm an big expert on video editing...), tis true, but it's not that bad. Also, YouTube's streaming process can be pretty notorious when it comes to de-synching videos - such might not be the author's fault. I dunno...it's not polished, but it doesn't always have to be a professional looking piece to be fun. And I like the music, it works just fine. About half of the most popular WoW and AMV videos are actually pretty...well...crappy, but if they're fun, they're popular. So I say...keep on working on it. If you like doing it, that is. I barely have the patience to make even inane and stupidly silly 30 second videos, let alone a whole "project", myself. :D
  10. Hahaha! I love the kitty snow sniper in that huge .gif.... :D
  11. In terms of the original article, what I find most "scary" is this comment by someone under the article: This person flew to Japan just buy the thing, because he couldn't wait several months. I mean...I love games and stuff...but not only did he pay for the expensive console, but for the expensive plane ticket. Hardcore game console fan or not...people are nuts. :crazy:
  12. Being frustrated by Caesar4's buggy and complicated toolkit/editor.
  13. What's freaky about a cat in ball? My cat eyes one didn't look good at 90x90 for some inexplicable reason, even when I shrunk it from 200x200 to 90x90 first & it looked fine on my pc
  14. I totally missed it earlier, but Sand, that bunny looks like my childhood pet Peter. :D Lion/Kenya link - catchy, yet frightening.
  15. I'm sure they'll drop fairly quickly as others come out.
  16. ...maybe around New Year. It's getting harder and harder to wait before building a new system. I'm becoming very impatient.
  17. I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think that's a specific song or anything, if you know what I mean - just one for the movie based on a certain style of singing. Thus no real offical name or whatnot. Not even on the soundtracks, which are all about Horner's instrumentals. And far as I can tell from voice tones, it's the actors doing the singing - although it's possible some were dubbed in later by better imitations.
  18. I'm not reading all that tech-drool-speak. *skims to the end* Well that answers one curiousity I was having - you can test the card but not the DX10 part, yet. Nonetheless... I want that card. :D
  19. And only $659! :D {edit - sorry, 659, not 649. Typo. :D )
  20. A row of 3 or 4 across and 4 or 5 down is pretty common, with the rest revealed via the "show all" link. It doesn't bother me personally, either on 1280 or 1024, but it is a bit...busy.
  21. At certain times, yes. It's alright when you're inside and can close the door, but driving on a sheet of it can be fun to downright scary. Well, I did mean aesthetically. I usually try to stay away from cold weather in general, myself, as I think I've already established. In pictures tho - quite beautiful.
  22. A good age. ^_^ And congrats, sounds like a hopefully fun new experience for you? My brother loves teaching (he teaches 16-18 y.o's) - and I think he'd agree that it does "force you to pick up on all the minutae that you normally don't use." Either that, or you learn how to give amusing and sincere variations of the phrases "Good question!" and "I'm not entirely sure."
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