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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Awesome pics of ice. Ice is fascinating. I'd love to explore some ice caves or something. With my camera, of course. Giant icicles always make me think of this Snoopy cartoon where he's trapped in a doghouse by an icicle of doom..
  2. I love scrat. 2nd DVD of CSI: NY. I like the "new" girl. I've also noticed that they've lightened it up from last season set-wise. It doesn't seem so dark and dungeon-like anymore, especially the morgue.
  3. The fact everyone on the planet seems to be playing NWN2 except me. I've got to get my laze arse to the store... :D
  4. Looks like a cross between a bit of Kotor and Oblivion. And most other 3d fantasy games. :D And yeah...it's often really hard to tell exactly what graphics are like just from screenshots. It always looks 300% better in-game, where things are animated.
  5. Cleaning the house after weeks of recent neglect. Not fun. Drinking too much Dew today, after a couple weeks of not drinking it. Much later tonight, more C4. Fun. :joy:
  6. Been watching the 2nd season of CSI: NY on DVD. Better than 1st season, still not as good as Vegas.
  7. That's why hubby doesn't like the home version I guess. And I'm w/meta on the hardware firewall. We have a really good one, although it's starting to age a bit. I haven't used an AV ever. The only problem I've ever had in 12+ years is one of those adware things that takes over your browser. Not that I think I'm 100% safe or immune, of course; stuff happens. But I don't do things that put me at much risk so...
  8. I believe the KSE editor can delete/add new feats and changes to characters, or change the number value of your computer skill from 2 to 16, say, so you could try different things, but I don't know how well it works, never tried it. It will not give you points and such back, however - you just edit your skills. Thus you need to know the progression of them or errors might result - ie, to get master speed you have to give yourself the first two as well.
  9. Interesting link, I'll forward it to hubby, he's always intrigued by new possibles for business. I'd be curious tho, if they used home versions or office/network versions when comparing to their product. They're often quite different things. Ah well, I'm no expert...hubby can research it himself. "
  10. I finally got around to checking out all the Spore info/videos. Since I already have C4 and NWN2 is now out, Spore is now tops on my list. That game looks AWESOME. All of my favorite kind of game-style things in one game with no end. Hope it doesn't end up like Black and White or Populous 2, where it demos better than it plays - and that enough people make enough content for the game to download to your own game, to keep it interesting/fun. From current appearances, definitely going to buy that one. Still a long wait tho.
  11. My husband likes Network Associates McAffee Antivirus - except he uses a corporate version. He's of the opinion that the ones packaged and sold for home users "suck." I have no idea about frame rates tho. I've heard about Norton and it's 'not really turned off' thing. Sounds annoying. You can't even get it to go away per session by ending the process in the taskmanager, or something? SB's taskbar volume control is kind of like that - I had to use that services.msc area to get it to stop loading.
  12. I like the dark haired models best...prettiest is subjective. They all look pretty ugly DS tho. Those veins and such. Not as bad as Atton and Di, but still...
  13. Yeah, it's not the general specs specifically...even my computer still lags at the steam a bit. There used to be all kinds of threads on such topics but they went the way of the dodo bird when the Tech forum was removed so I can't Search them. Just something about the way certain system configurations handle such effects vs. the way Kotor2 uses them, I guess.
  14. Afraid not. It's simply a performance related issue; cause unknown by tech-idiots like myself. It's lke the steam vents some people have problems with. What's your CPU/graphic card and all of that?
  15. The smilie list on the side of the reply window has suddenly grown humongous! Smiley party! :joy:
  16. I used to be interested in the idea of a Diablo3. After years have gone by tho, I no longer care. Even if it was 3D, and even if it held up to Blizzard's general rep for making fun hack n slash games, it would just be more of the same, only it would require a new computer to run it. And I agree that the first one was a better game - but it wasn't better for multi-player.
  17. I'm pretty taken with the The Hudson Valley Beast, myself. I'm not sure why, exactly, other than I love tigers.
  18. Before this gets pushed too far down the list...seems like there's enough moderate interest - from my point of view - to give this a go. I have the core program installed but I haven't gotten around to modifying it yet. Games/hobbies and home-life stuff has been sucking away my personal time too much as of late. So probably in another couple weeks. I'll make a new post when it's open.
  19. I don't pace or click, but I'm a foot/leg-shaker, finger-tapper, and a napkin shredder. Annoyance #1293 - people who walk around stores with cellphones glued to their ear and talking loud enough that people 2 aisles away can hear all about their personal problems.
  20. Actually, in this case, it would just be gross. :D
  21. I noticed I have a row of 3 tooth impressions on both sides of my tongue, near the front. It's kinda freaky. I tried to take a picture but they don't show up too well on camera. And right now I'm...uh...posting on this forum. Happy little poster am I.
  22. Mini-Tech FAQ Linky May or may not work, but worth a shot.
  23. I woke myself up this morning because I was biting the tip my tongue between my teeth in my sleep - and it's still numb now. Good thing we have pain receptors to wake us up, otherwise... :D So right now, I'm staring at my fairly red tongue tip in a handmirror and being glad it's still there.
  24. Cats are the only familiars I'd want to have. (w00t) -- Sorry, the following aren't NWN2 pics. -- -- Sandstorm and collesium boat fighting? --
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