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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I like threads like these...I'd post something but I don't follow actual recipies, I just start tossing things into a pan. I might be able to make them into something one could follow, but... The most common thing I cook these days is stir fried beef and sometimes fried rice, using various vegies depending on my mood. Freeze the beef and then partially de-thaw for easy thin-slicing. I use my own homemade teriyaki sauce as the base marinade, which is essentially just soy sauce with about 1 part sugar to maybe 3 parts soy sauce - 3/4 cup soy sauce, add sugar to reach 1 cup - and garlic to taste. I used to make a pretty good oven-baked beef stew too, with potatoes and onions carrots and mushrooms but I haven't done it in a long time.
  2. WavePad will split a file into two at a point you select - then you can keep on splitting those segments into two, etc.
  3. I'm sure people would rather be playing than posting...most of us don't have that option yet tho. :D
  4. I wish the first trilogy had been better at showing Lukes eventual power. By that I mean...when the first of the new films came out, here you had Jedi casually waving a hand and entire groups of droids would go flying, and deflecting what seems like dozens/hundreds of laser bolts practically at the same time etc. Luke never seemed quite that casually powerful - it always looked like a bit of an effort to him, face-straining and all. Not saying he was - story-wise - supposed to be/is weak; it's probably mostly the graphic limitations of the times that kept Luke from seeming as impressive. But still, it makes for inconsistency. Another reason I wish the 2nd trilogy hadn't been made, even if I did enjoy the action of those a lot.
  5. Same thing as the last post I made. Except the pajama bottoms are a different pattern. T-shirts the same - I woke up and put it on, and I just now noticed that apparently I dribbled some taco sauce on it last night.
  6. MI: 3. At least I think it was 3. The one where he's married and all that. Total action/explosion fun, but not much else.
  7. *scratches head* So this isn't supposed to have anything to do with StarWars or the Kotor games? We have an Off-Topic form for general discussions. Moving there.
  8. I like the one w/the Mickey hat and Staying Up Late. Cool idea, thanks for sharing the link.
  9. WavePad works pretty well for basic stuff like that, too. I use it. It's not super fancy for the unpaid version but it works.
  10. Well, my headphones are pretty good...decent bass for how small they are. But yeah...no floor-vibrating stuff. Course, I'm not sure my hubby's too eager for me to get some window-rattlings speakers. :D
  11. It does take reviewers a little time to play the game before reviewing it. Interesting early impressions bits there tho. I'm most intrigued by the "if you didn't like NWN1 then you won't like NWN2" - I wish the poster had said why. I don't care much about the faces personally - I mean, it is a bit annoying when they're ugly to you, but it doesn't kill a game for me. I'm also curious what exactly "proper length female hair" is supposed to be. ... That's rhetorical...don't answer. hah
  12. Yes, there's always a 'military' and 'peaceful' option. I don't like the combat in C4 either, it's even worse interface than in C3. Most peaceful missions do have some scheduled invasions every few years or so tho - but they're very light/easy to beat. You can also buy them off now, if you keep enough cash on hand all the time to do so. Republic campaign I built one fort in one early mission, skipped doing it the rest of the time. I think one or two Empire missions it won't be possible to skip but otherwise...
  13. "Do I live in the future?" We all live in the present. :D
  14. That reminds me...I still need to get some new PC speakers. I miss that bass boom during gaming.
  15. Hubby likes it too. :D Tho he hasn't had time to finish it...he got pretty close but a busy work period intruded.
  16. I've been on lots of roller coasters and not once did I mistake the rush for love. Like that other recent thread, this kind of thing might be useful as an anti-depressant of some kind, but a 'love potion'...depends on what it does, really. If it fakes people into falling in love and then they have keep taking the potion to stay in love, that's silly - I see no point to that. The intense quick fallin-in-love rush part may be initially largely chemical, but that isn't what keeps people together for 50 years. In my opinion anyway.
  17. Flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt. And socks. Gotta keep the footises warm.
  18. Kotor2 for me. Never finished Kotor1...got bored, hated the blue chick, hated the wookie (can't stand wookies in the Kotor series...). Lots of people love it tho.
  19. I'm trying to make a huge population city. It's not about being pretty, but getting the highest population possible before the game crashes your computer from all the CPU cycles the sprites take up and such. Someone else has 52K on this map (it's the largest map currently available) before lag shut him down. I'm currently at about 19K, and with most of the fancy graphics turned off, no lag yet. I'm hoping I'll get closer to 80K. Hehehe. For reference, the screenshots show only about 1/5 of the available map size. Or something. The other guy's was a lot more efficient than mine tho. And yes city-builders like to do things like this.
  20. Is Nikki the blonde stripper character? I like her husband - I'd like his power. Plus he seems cool. And yes, she's quite crazy.
  21. The King - a small and rather dark dramatic film with William Hurt and a bunch of other people I've never heard of. It's an odd movie, to say the least. There's some good things about it, but the characters are, to me, generally so unappealing for various reasons that you don't really care one way or another what happens to them, and I think you're supposed to (care). It has one of those ambiguous endings, too. Well, the very final seconds that is - the main climax is pretty obvious.
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