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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think my friends are largely referring to the more varied loot and loot mechanics of TL2 vs D3, more than anything else.
  2. I was going to voice my displeasure (politely, of course! ) about the idea of cooldowns being used in P.E., but then I read this. As a substitute/way around the constant resting issue, I like it. What I dislike is, as others have said, the WoW or Diablo-like combat cooldown systems. But using an extremely slow cooldown (varied per spell) as a way to revive your available spells, instead of having to hit a "rest and memorize" button...that I could work with.
  3. I personally see "inspired by these classic IE games" to not actually necessarily mean "exactly like." Thus emotional expectations should be tempered with a bit of rational caution, imo. I don't want to see "cooldowns" (edit: don't like them even in action-games) but I don't have an automatic depression/anger problem with certain types of/levels of scaling. I don't like Morrowind's type of scaling at all, but FNV was fine/tolerable to a point I hardly noticed it as scaling, personally.
  4. I thought things like the brief callouts of BG like "Minsc and Boo stand ready" might be in there (altho I'm not sure about that, maybe it's been said somewhere that they weren't). I'd definitely like at least that level of vocals in the game. "Full voice acting" to me makes me think of modern rpg's ala Skyrim or FNV, where companions have long winded speeches and opinions and all npc-to-player-character dialogues are voiced and/or animated, vs. it just being done via a single "Heya!" then text-only boxes....and I have no personal need/desire to have that in P.E.
  5. Just reading that makes me feel a little messed up. And this is why pets are so important! .... to me, at least.
  6. There's that too. I've seen some "isometric" games with some pretty detailed costume changes, however - certainly noticeable if they're wearing skimpy or non-skimpy, for example - so I know it's at least in a realm of possibility. Whether that'll be the route P.E. takes isn't entirely known yet. And I certainly would rather they put time/energy into other aspects of the game than intricate clothing/armor models, if it came down to a choice of one or the other. Edit: and if it is largely about portraits, then the ability to use one's own portraits ala the older games solves everything, yes? One can use a pic that you want. 2nd edit: but my point about frilly nighties not giving AC etc. remains, even if you can barely tell you're wearing a sexy nightgown in-game.
  7. You have 125 GoG games? Don't get me wrong, I think that's awesome...but holy smokes. I think my shelf has about 15 on it. There's been some I've considered, but even at $5-10 a piece, I tend not to buy them until I'm actually ready to play one.
  8. Dropped my mouse's rollerball under the fridge. Yes my pc mouse still has a rubber ball in it. Went rooting around under there with a stick to fetch it out. All I have to say is ... ewwww. How in the world does so much gunk and dirty stuff get under there in just a few years? And my day was uneventful...just the way I like it.
  9. I've posted in other threads and I'll say it again here: for me it's about having options. These types of games allow one to don different armors/clothes and have it show up, to one degree or another, on the character. Therefore, I want options, and I want the options to feel fair. That is, if you want to wear a sexy chain mail top and thong that you found because you think it looks awesome, great, but it shouldn't give you the same AC protection in the game as full plate mail would. Or if you want to wear a frilly cloth nightie, then it shouldn't give you any AC at all, just charisma, luck, charm, something along those lines. I have nothing against "boob plate" or sexy female (or male) clothing being one of a number of options in games per se, even if I think it's too overboard much of the time. I'm not personally looking for the ultimate in reality, all the time. I mean, frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing more silly sexy male options. Most male armor in games is so all-encompassing I can't even see their face anymore, let alone the shape of their butt. But I don't want those to be the only options. Options and balance. A mixture of fantasy and reality, both.
  10. Yes, I like combat logs, as long as there's an option to minimize them during actual combat/gameplay to save on screen real estate, if you want. It'd be even cooler if you could send the log data to a text file to glance over later, like one of the pc-console commands could do in FNV.
  11. Baldur's Gate, Kotor2, FNV, Might & Magic 6-8 type games fit my tastes. I tend to like crpg's that have a lot of combat action/exploration, but are deeper/more involved in terms of quest, far-reaching arcs, memorable characters, and meticulous game/skill mechanics/combat strategy than the loot-hunting games ala Diablo will have.** I like freedom but I am also one of those players that can be easily overwhelmed with too many constant quest/chr. choices (quest overload, for example), so there's a fine line between freedom and wanting at least some sense of direction, for me. **Not that I don't like simple loot hunting action games too. I do, quite a lot.
  12. Honest Hearts is the only DLC I've managed to get around to. Dead Money didn't interest me. Do want to get to the others, they looked appealing...they're all on my HDD already, just haven't gone there. This thread is making me all nostalgic and stuff. Maybe in the mid-winter I'll try another run.
  13. Definitely looks like a novel-map and I like the style very much. Nice job!
  14. My only problem with The Postman was at the time, I was really tired of Costner's method of acting. He's one of those that is always just "Kevin Costner" in every movie. I can never think of him as the chr. he's playing, he's always "Kevin Costner acting." Which is fine (it's pretty much what Clint Eastwood does, too) but I probably would have liked Postman more if they'd cast another male in the lead. The story itself was interesting. Looper is one I'd really like to see. It's the sort of sci-fi film that seems right up my alley.
  15. I thought the summer temps were over with, but Nature likes to mess with my head. It's not super hot, and I don't think it's going to last long, but it's nice to live right by the bay, sometimes. Keeps it a bit cooler and cools off faster. I need to get out on the marsh flats again, take some pictures of shorebirds and things.
  16. Being near-sighted, at least with books, I always take the glasses off...they do make text a bit smaller and I dislike it. Right now tho I have the oddball issue where with my glasses on, I can see close-up fine (don't need bifocals...yet), but with my contacts in, I need reading glasses for fine print. It's kinda weird. But reading glasses don't work well with a pc monitor since it's not book-close from my face. The monitor is in the inbetween zone of close up and far away, for my vision, and trying to use reading glasses with the monitor gives me a headache.Actually, reading glasses just give me a headache... Like I said, it's not that the text is blurry. It's that it's too small for comfortable reading when two feet away.
  17. Just FYI, there are spoiler tags. I don't see them as a WYSIWYG editor icon choice, but if you manually type the typical [ spoiler ] code tags around the chosen paragraphs it should work.
  18. All I care about is that the game doesn't look dot-pixelated and grainy on higher resolution monitors. Anything after that is gravy.
  19. I like the way the enemies tend to spawn on top of you like that. Makes it more interesting. I do agree about the respawn rate however. It's way too fast for how large the areas are. Makes you feel rushed all the time vs. being able to explore nooks and crannies...even increasing the respawn timer by just another 10 minutes would be helpful. I don't think the timer is actually shorter than in the first game, it's just that the areas are bigger and the fights often end up longer since there's more enemy numbers to take care of. We finished the first playthrough at lvl 30. I found it hard to get criticals on the last boss and died a couple times trying to find a relatively "safeish" spot to work with. Wasn't too exciting, but was a much better endgame than the first Borderlands had. We started up playthrough2, reached Sanct, then quit. My SMG is still good for PT2, but I'm constantly close to being out of ammo, even with 1700 bullets and one of those bullet-absorb shields. I don't like how only the Gunzerker seems to have regen ammo, now...unless there are later high lvl mods/relics that give it to the other classes that I haven't seen yet(?). Ammo regen was OP'd before, but they could have toned it down instead of getting rid of it entirely for most classes.
  20. I think I'm still on FF 12. I avoid updating too often because every new version I tend to like a little bit less. But now that you said that, I checked and it looks like it had "zoom text only" on by default.....turned that off and it seems to work now. So...yay! I think this will work then. If you zoom it too huge you can still lose some stuff and it makes some graphics look terrible, but doesn't mess w/the formatting. I can see again! Thanks.
  21. Yeah, the zoom function does the same thing with messing up formatting. :/ I do use Firefox, so I'll do a search on that, thanks. ...it also helps me a little, personally, to override color formatting, since I find black text on grey easier on the eyes than white on dark. But that also has the negative of messing up a lot of formatting/appearance things. @Gfted - I thought that setting only really affected the desktop itself...shortcut icon/menu text etc. I'll check it. Edit: I guess if all else fails I can get super high magnifying reading glasses. (it's not just forums either...news sites, everything). 2nd edit: yup, the Display setting just makes menu texts (like your bookmarks list) bigger. Text within a website stays the same.
  22. So, I'm getting "old." Increasingly I find the tiny default font size on most forums to be somewhat hard to read - it's not that they're blurry, it's more that it's too small so I squint a lot as if this will magically make the letters bigger, and easily lose my spot in "walls of text." I know I can use browser settings to set default font sizes, but with all the formatted and script-heavy websites these days, this often means the formatting becomes all messed up and sometimes even unusable (buttons disappear, column spacing goes nuts, for example). Is there a way ... or a program ... to magnify the text without altering all the formatting?
  23. I'd like (some) quests that can't be completed in one fell swoop. That is, you don't just run a dungeon, find an item, bring it back, you're done. Instead you start the quest, do something, then you can't finish the questline until later in the mainplot for some reason. So...more layers/tiers to quests. Or something. Not all quests should be like this of course, but it'd be nice to have a few of them here and there at least.
  24. He's so yesterday. So many handsome 'toons, so little time! And...at first I couldn't bring myself to kill the lottery winner, but later I did it every time because he began to annoy me. Course, at some point I've killed just about everyone in the game for the lulz. Including Boone.
  25. I suppose I shouldn't say "never" - but with the ES series I think I finally realized that, unless they make drastic changes to the core gameplay (which I doubt) I can't let myself get sucked in by the hype again. Might still be games that I'll try when they go on sale for $15, tho.
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