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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. That's how it feels to be shaping up for me, too. Altho, I think Grim Dawn may be done in 2013 somewhere? It's been nice having some decent phat-loot action type games to try...but outside of that, not too much sparking my interest. Then again, there will probably be a game or two that I'm not currently aware of, that when I finally learn about, I'll go "must try that!" So who knows.
  2. Those aren't dunce caps ... they're Conical Towers of Sharpened Doom! ....but I, too, would enjoy magic-users that do not (have to) dress in the average fantasy archetype of robes, cloth hats and slippers. Based on the bit of information in the updates that we have, I'm going to guess that we're going to get it.
  3. Hey, I like Candyland. And it's not that easy living here, either. Those color-swirl lollipop men can be very onery. And you don't know what difficult is until you've been hugged by a giant sugar taffy bear. Hard? Try getting all of that taffy out of your hair afterwards...now that's hard. ...difficulty modes exist because different playstyles and gaming desires exist. There should be no shame associated with any of them.
  4. I could be wrong, but the Obsidian Order titles have nothing to do with official Kickstarter pledge tier rewards...they're something different/independent, which started due to some enthusiastic fan support activity. So if you mean the VIP titles for pledge tiers, those would not be handed out until some point after the Kickstarter pledge period is closed/done, the funds actually collected, and the information of who pledged what (in order to assess/deliver tier rewards) becomes etched in stone/complete, so to speak.
  5. If I pledge any more I might end up in divorce court, so...nothing.
  6. I never finished it. I did like the half or so I played. That said, the combat was too clunky for my liking, even later on. Just couldn't really get it into it because of that. But I liked the world and exploration.
  7. It's great when a sequel turns out better than the original ... or at least equal to, but different. How's the MP matchup/game side? Items?
  8. Not important, don't want too much of it in the game, but some romantic context/flavor in quests or certain npc's is fine with me. In terms of the main character (you), if it's included I'd definitely want it to be optional ... if I don't want to romance anyone as the pc, I shouldn't have to in order to achieve any main goal of the game.
  9. Tried to watch the 2nd episode of Revolution. After about 20 minutes I walked away. That lead female chr. just made me want to strangle her every time she opened her mouth, so....yeah. Done with that. When is Walking Dead back on?
  10. Glad to hear that. Sometimes one just gets weird stuff like that happening and the doc's never really find anything. Here's to her hopefully going home!
  11. Pretty much this. Also...omg cute cat overload! :wub:
  12. Midget riding a Goliath made me Lilith/Sirens need to pull up their pants.
  13. A few soft tacos for late lunch, then time to go whup some more Borderlands2 with hubby. I'm going to make a gamer out of that man yet....
  14. Friendly fire is great....as long as the combat arenas/areas aren't designed to be so small and closed in that I feel as if there's no choice but to either not use AoE type stuff or run a very high (not just a little) risk of losing by default via killing my own party members. I've played games where friendly fire added a lot to the gameplay/strategy and games where it added nothing but constant, cheap-feeling frustration.
  15. I definitely enjoy enemies/combat where you may have to try to prioritize targets in order to be successful. Ones in the back with strong defensives who summon a lot of creatures (or fairly rapidly raise/heal fallen comrades), where it's rather imperative to take out the mage first, or other enemies with strong curse abilities....something. I'd also like at least some enemies to be difficult to take out with ranged attacks (very high Dodge or shields or whatever) so there are at least some fights/encounters where ranged attacks won't end up being some kind of constant be-all-end-all (because you can nibble ranged-attack from so far away that melee chrs. rarely get close enough to use melee).
  16. I'd like an underground hidey-hole type house, with a hidden entrance, because I don't want anyone stealing my stuff. ...but I suppose a fortress would do in a pinch.
  17. Exactly. There's a lot of stuff in reviews about the better story but ... I've hardly paid attention. Something about some dude wanting to kill you so you, y'know, have to go search him out. I don't really need to know any more. But I guess at least it's there for people who did want more.
  18. Hubs and I did some side quests to try to level up for the next story mission and ... they were really boring. I'm not feeling the side quests at all. There's a ton of them and we've only tried a few, so maybe some are better (one did take us to a new area, the corrosive caverns or something) but ... they just feel lackluster. I think I felt the same way about the first game too, which is why I skipped most of them on repeat plays. Kinda disappointing. I think the issue is twofold: one, a lot of the side missions take you back to places you've already been (and sometimes are very short fetches), and two, the main quest line's are now so long, involved, frantic, challenging and fun (at least with hubby, haha) that the side quests feel dull by comparison. Going back to places you've been isn't just about the order you do things in, either, since current sides in town weren't available until you finished the last story-mission. Ah well, just need another level and we'll go for the next main quest.
  19. Hmm. Remove the black outline in Borderlands 2 (note: I had to alter the .ini file in the actual Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2 folder for it to work) With lines 1 Without lines 1 With lines 2 Without lines 2 (edit: stupid auto-url stuff...fixed I think)
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