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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Having one of those mild but irritating wake-up type insomnia periods past couple weeks, where I exist on something like a couple 2 hour naps per day because I keep waking up. Maybe it's the gummy-vitamins. *rubs bags under eyes*
  2. Yup. It has a 13 sec. cooldown and lasts about 4 seconds or something. Often useful but doesn't work on quest bosses or certain boss-like creatures (it damages their health instead) and it can be hard to target what you want when there's a crowd/from a distance. It'll do other stuff/have other effects later but at the moment...not much yet.
  3. Drivin' in mah car, turn on the radio... Checking that map again. And again. And again. PhysX sometimes = I can't see sh**. United we stand! United we fall!
  4. Here's hoping that it's nothing serious, Hurlshot. Let us know how it goes.
  5. Darn, can't edit my post already. I was going to say that we were actually lvl14 for Wilhelm. Lvl'd to 15 mid-fight. I'm going to be really curious when I do it solo later what the difference having one other person in the game makes.
  6. Lvl 16, against Wilhelm boss. Holy crap. Took us like 12 minutes, going in blind. We were FFYL'ing all over the place and died at least a few times times each. Guess we need some gear upgrades. But boy was that fun...the sad thing is it'll never be that fun again, because you won't ever be "blind" again. Sometimes it takes us a while to "get" how to kill something, for example, that adds to the nuttiness. These fights just get crazier and better, the enemies more interesting. But now we're under-leveled (next story quest is rated lvl19 in the log) so we gotta do some side quests....and find better weapons. Wheeeee.
  7. I didn't think Steam-offline+LAN would count as a server in that regard (tho technically, I know the host is the server). I shall have to investigate this more, it'd be nice to know for sure. I did read one forum post with someone complaining that he was doing a big story mission, found a FT point near the end and used it to go back to town before the big fight ... and then discovered the FT wasn't given on the Travel pole in town...so he had to go all the way back. That would suck....dunno if it was a glitch or what.
  8. Is that confirmed? I've been wondering about the save/exit system in BL2. In the first game it would only load/start you at the nearest/last Travel save point. But hubs and I saved/exited at just a "death respawn" save robot thingie and the game loaded us right at that spot again. But perhaps some of the story missions have stricter requirements about that then the general areas.
  9. I can't even keep up with all the updates anymore. Not going to nitpick at this sort of stage so I'll just say conceptually I like a lot of the ideas in this one. But then I'm kind of a fan-girl and would likely say I like the ideas and concepts in every update.
  10. ...I have a crush on Axton, altho I think this time it's more because my husband is playing him. Plus, y'know, Boone never actually rescued my bleeding, fallen arse, either. I guess I like the insane military archetype....
  11. We were level 13, and they were lvl13. But yeah...unless you're loaded with ammo upgrades, it'd be tough solo I'd imagine. We used one of our Golden Keys and lucked out with some really high capacity shields for lvl13, plus I bought a Team health regen mod, which definitely helped out a lot. We'll use our other Key when we're level 30 or 35, to hopefully help with playthru2. I'm hearing playthru 2.5 is murder. heh. Been trying to tree Maya as a healer/phaselock (not going for high dmg/all the way down any tree), but won't be good until maybe lvl20-25. Phaselock is pretty useful/cool tho. Well... Not touching it then. I don't remember Rage having performance issues. But in terms of it being a not-great game...agree on that. I didn't even finish it, and hubs, a notoriously slow solo gamer, finished it in no time (he said "eh, it was ok, not going to replay it").
  12. Oh. Someone else mentioned something like that. Since I only LAN w/hubby, I don't get to know these things I guess, since we're always same level/use same chrs for LAN> We played for 5-6 hours today, doing side missions and then rescued Roland. That was a very nice round of missions - layer after layer to get to the final goal..seems like they go on and on sometimes, lol. We got to the very end and that big fight, sheesh. Not so much hard (our gear is ok to fairly good for clvl) but a long firefight. We both ran out of bullets on most of our guns (even with a couple ammo upgrades we had). At the end I was like "F*** is it finally over?" and hubs was like "yea no sh**" and we giggled. Thank you Gearbox for a LAN game hubby likes to play. I love love the music in the game during combat. It's bombastically perfect.
  13. In my (somewhat limited) experience: --Skills that are dependent on you using them to level can be fine in some games, but it does require more work/thought to get all the ones you want to the point you want, if you want, say, multiple weapon skills to be high. --Skills where you use points or find a trainer to buy "the next level" don't require micro-management. I'm not sure either method is dumbed down or whatever ... they're just different. Either can work well, again, depending on the design of the game. That all said, I personally tend to prefer the latter. Or a kind of mixture, where certain aspects of skills level up with more use, but you can still buy upgrades for them - either directly (to bypass having to level them yourself to a point) or indirectly (you're buying improvements to what the skill can do, rather than the base skill itself).
  14. No, that's what I meant by the region level scaling. If you haven't been to an area before (loading screen), even if the quest log says it's lvl8, chances are if you go there the enemies will be close to your level. I went back and did Symbiosis (a Lvl 5 in quest-log) at lvl 10 and they were all ... lvl 9-10. But hubs did it solo at lvl 5-6 and they were his level. But I'd assume there's a limit to that ... eg if I did Symbiosis at lvl20 they'd probably still be 9-12 or something. (edit:) but as I said, not really sure how it works, exactly. Just that there is a bit of scaling somehow.
  15. Physically, I live in Northern California, US. My mind however ... that's another story.
  16. In the first game, if the host was further along quest-wise than you, you couldn't do the quests (to get credit for them). I don't know if it still works that way. If it's just about clvl vs. difficulty ... yeah, probably the game scales enemies with the host. From what I can tell the game doesn't have any level scaling per se but it does have that "region range" stuff I think. So if you wanted to do a quest rated Level 5, if you enter a new area for the 1st time at clvl5 enemies might be 5-7, but if you went at lvl8, they might be 7-10. Don't know what actual range limits are for each region tho. BL1 had issues with ppl getting horribly over-leveled if they did all the quests...doesn't seem as much of an issue anymore. You'd have to do a lot of extra farm-fighting to end up 3-4 levels over what you're encountering I think.
  17. Borderlands has a warped/nutty sense of humor....I don't know if I'd call it 'cute' tho. But if one likes true shooters a lot (I don't), BL may not be enough like those to appeal. On Torchlight: someone I know found a weapon that auto-upgrades itself with monster kill experience or something. That sounds kind of interesting. I should probably get it soon just to have it on the HDD.
  18. Please be a toolkit. Please be a toolkit. Please be a toolkit. ...altho, I'd be happy with that being one of the new stretch goals, too. More incentive for some still on the fence to nudge that final finance number higher.
  19. I think for this kind of game, I like level caps, although I don't see any reason for a super high cap (like 100). Doesn't matter to me much if it's a low cap or a higher cap, as long as the gameplay feels balanced around whatever it is. For some reason I like increments of 5, so I'd be happy with anywhere between 10-20.
  20. Nooo....timed mission in BL2. At least it's optional. Still...death to timed missions.
  21. Yeah, depending on what they're going to do with the engine, small stuff like that is possible, but I don't think you'll be climbing up walls or swimming through a lake. "Isometric" has become such a generic term to the public, now, vs. what I think it is technically...depends on what Obsidian wants it to mean.
  22. I think based on what little I can glean, even if you could implement such things, most of it would probably look and feel kinda ... awkward. So I'm going to guess no. There was horse-riding in the 3/4 top down Sacred but it was, imo, horrible.
  23. I love me some criticals. I couldn't figure out where to hit Flynt to get one, tho. Obviously it wasn't his head.
  24. Co-op was so fun with hubby, I have to share our old-fart efforts. It's spoilery of course (the first low-level "boss" fight). I now don't want to play my solo chr. so hubs and I can see more game for 1st time, together. Hubs is going to be pestered, by me, constantly, the next couple weeks.
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