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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. This forum has a time limit on being able to edit posts. I don't remember what it is offhand...an hour maybe? Anyway, on the topic ... agree that the sleeping/memorizing is an annoying mechanic for a number of reasons and I wouldn't cry if it wasn't used. I'm pretty used to "mana/energy" concepts and I'd be fine with that kind of system, as long as it wasn't super-easy to refill your mana all the time. I do not, however, like cooldowns. They can be ok for certain types of games, if they're not too long, but if they're very long cooldowns what often happens is you end up almost never using them, because you're always thinking "might need it around the next corner." And then the next corner. And the next. So .. Short cooldowns (a minute or less), fine. Very long ones ... no.
  2. I'm beginning to realize just how often "I don't care" about details like these. I just want a solid, fun, immersive rpg with rich dialogue and memorable characters to romp around in.
  3. I was on those. I think. It had a dark background...so long ago can't remember if it was Interplay or not, or what my nickname was. But definitely for BG1. If I thought about it hard enough I might remember some of the names of the folk there. But I didn't go the "newer" boards once they changed from the old threaded one. (Edit: or maybe I did, but didn't stay long...sheesh can't remember)
  4. 1.5 days until BL2. Project Eternity has been great to obsess over as a distraction, but it's not coming to my PC any time soon, so I want those bazillion guns. Still trying to convince hubby to start out with the Commando/Axton, so I can stare at that handsome pixel .... face, yeah, that's it ... when we play.
  5. Quality and replay value over single playthru time, for me. Altho, if the quality/experience of the first playthru leaves me completely blown away so at the end I'm practically left open-mouthed drooling, then I tend to be a little less demanding about replay value. Also, I tend to be slow, so whatever "most" people end up thinking it takes, time-wise, I'll likely end up doubling or maybe even tripling it.
  6. To me, it's not a tea party without a Mad Hatter. Thus, this game needs a Mad Hatter. He can pull Boo's out of his hat.
  7. Don't generally care about oodles of books per se, but I do like non-story lore, statues with info-plagues, legends, decoration-lore (tapestries, rugs, designs on items that seem linked to said in-game legends), and so on. I also like the decoration aspects because sometimes I get tired of going into places/exploring where apparently every single dweller in each city (or whole world) buys their pottery and rugs from the same store.
  8. Beta testing as a reward tier (and in general) is always fun in my book. And Pop, your sig is constantly making me think you're writing these really long posts, for just this flash-instant of time between blinks. It's made me chuckle at myself a few times tonight.
  9. *reads post* Nope, those don't ring an immediate bell. ....yay! For once, I don't qualify for an "old" category. Seemingly, I'm a whole year too young. Y'old farts! edit: nvm...need sleep. heh
  10. I'm definitely a single-player when it comes to rpg's, so I don't care/want it myself. But as always, I certainly don't have an objection to it being there as an option, either as a high-level stretch goal for this round, or if that's not feasible in Project E, used as a sequel incentive or something.
  11. Going to add my voice to the "no" chorus. I doubt they'll have trouble filling in the battle-cry, exclamation, and occasional npc bits, and that's largely what I'm expecting/envisioning for this game. Don't get me wrong, I do love good voice acting in games and the voice acting can be extremely important in allowing me to connect with the characters as I sit there watching their lips flap over their teeth for long minutes. So I appreciate good VA work and what it can bring to the table. But for Project E., don't want the full voice treatment. There's enough of those already these days.
  12. Yes....more seriously, I'd agree with this. It's just the asking for "nothing but" that is...a tad...absurd.
  13. That's similar to how I felt when I first watched the video. I wouldn't mind a tiny bit more "baseline" information as well. I understand there may be a lot of reasons why they're being very vague, and I don't expect oodles and pages of plot/graphic etc. details that may not even be fully formulated yet - but it's still a bit frustrating. On the other hand, having the mystery to speculate on is kind of interesting in of itself, at times.
  14. If this works out for you and they decide to do it, then for the next part in this new series, if I say I'll pledge 50,000, can I get a game with nothing but cats? And I don't mean "cat-like humanoid race." I mean cats. House-cat sized cats, maybe some puma-sized cats thrown in for variety. They would, of course, be intelligent, but they'd only "speak" with their tail/paw movements, whiskers, and nose-sniffing greetings, no voices. I think this would be awesome.
  15. Rise of the Planet of the Apes. All I have to say is ... CGI (even with motion capture) is still not good enough.
  16. I like cynical, doomsayer, sarcastic-humored and tragic characters. Not necessarily all rolled into one. Or, in a pinch, any character whose battle cries don't drive me insane after hearing them 2338 times. +1
  17. I always liked the "dragons" in that one book series ... um ... the name escapes me ... by Anne McCaffery? Where they were intelligent, emotional, loyal/bonded. I'd much prefer intelligent dragons that have some importance to the story/plot than dragons that always seem to have to be an enemy to be fought. But eh....I also enjoy an occasional dragon steak for dinner.
  18. Good point, that dragons in games should be rare - unless, of course, it's a game about dragons, or there's a dragon playable race (MM8...). Anyway...I don't mind and kinda like seeing them in games, but I do want them to be more of a special event. Not just an enemy you encounter every time you cross a road. Perhaps it's a world where dragons used to be common but then they all disappeared/went extinct for some reason ... but they're still a big part of the lore/culture in terms of symbols, rituals, legends/prophecy, and so on.
  19. I'm indifferent, simply because I'm not into "reality" that much (fantasy games have all kinds of unreality to begin with, after all), as well as not wanting to micro-manage inventory more than necessary. However I wouldn't be opposed to it being an option you can turn on/off or something.
  20. I think 10 million is a pretty big reach. Things tend to get slow in the middle, then pick up towards the end. But 3-5 is well within the realm of possibility.
  21. Well, I'm going to think big here and go on the notion that these are enough to bring it to that 2.2 million mark, and then all these other things people want (more worldspace/quests, translations, etc) can be for the even higher stretch goals. eg, I'm hoping by the end of 32 days it'll be 4-5 million, with all kinds of things added along the way. Including that toolset.
  22. When I think random loot in this type of game, I'm thinking in terms that creatures and chests are not completely predictable in what pops out of them. Obviously there will be some "static" items (quest stuff, perhaps special items) but I don't want to know that every time I open this chest in that cave, I'll get 5 arrows, 25 gold, and a 2H axe. And it's fine/preferred to not have a mage dropping giant 2H swords as loot, but I don't want them to always drop the same spell scroll, robe, gems, and tiny dagger either.
  23. I think the people who really wanted a Linux/Mac version will be potentially pleased. And it's not just companions, but playable races. I like having more choices in both those things, actually...helps replay value for me. So I'm pretty happy.
  24. I'd definitely like some randomness to loot. And some random encounters on the road (either combat or mini-quests or even just humorous etc), where you might not encounter them all in one playthrough is always nice. In terms of resting ... if resting is an option ... I don't mind if there's a chance of being disrupted/attacked while resting out in the "open", but I don't want it to be a super high chance. I remember playing some games like that, where the result was almost every single time I rested in the woods, I'd be attacked. Then after I beat them away with my sticks, I'd try resting again, and I'd be attacked again. And so on. It just became ridiculous. Don't want that. (edit) I remember, pre-patches, BG1 had this one spot with knolls that was truly horrible in this regard. It must have been a glitch because in later versions I think it was vastly lessened.
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