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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm with Nefastus - I prefer companions level up at least somewhat even when they're not with you. Maybe not an exact level for your level, but maybe one below, say. I dunno. Anyway, I don't like grinding to make them useful either (I think that can discourage people from trying or going back to them), and my rationalization is that when they're not with you, they're actually doing odd jobs for other people when you're not looking. Have they mentioned how big the party can be, yet? I didn't notice that, but I tend to lose observational skills when distracted, these days.
  2. I have no issue with "bikini armors" as long as there are also plenty of non-bikini armors of equal value/protection etc. It's all about options for me. Romance ... not huge on them as a major active part of the game for the player-character, but I do like them as backstories for dialogue and some companion side quests or something like that. And I like dragons. Well, not the ones in Skyrim so much, but I can like dragons...especially if they're more than just enemy-fodder.
  3. Yay the forums work for me, again! And yeah, it's awesome how fast it's going on the first day. I've been dancing around in glee all afternoon.
  4. Look at those numbers going up. If only I had 10K to spare. I wanna game-party with the devs. Hm...have to figure out what I can pitch in...
  5. Sounds promising, I'd definitely love a new game along those lines. The video and overall lack of more detail/description of the game itself is a little disappointing, however. Just being honest.
  6. I didn't say I'd automatically buy it. Only that I'll wait for one before I'll even think about playing it again. There's a good chance I won't get it actually...it'd have to be a whole new game almost, because more gameplay mechanic band-aids won't make it more fun to replay, for me personally. But I'm willing to listen to their pitch if they ever release one.
  7. It's setup to appear only once per day for people. There's a cookie you can delete that manages this. (obsidian.net cookie, not forums.obsidian.net) Oh, OK, cheers. I got all excited over nothing, then. Heh, that got me too. early this morning. I have browser set to not allow perm. cookies, so it kept disappearing then reappearing for me last night. So there's still an hour or so to go, eh? Guess I'll find something else to do until then....
  8. I got to watch the first 20 minutes or so of Borderlands, before they yanked the videos off YT. Heh. Looks awesome. Must be some Gamestop employee who opened his copy a bit early, haha. First couple print reviews I heard about were over 9 (GamesMaster, GameInformer), and IGN just gave it a 9. Now, I don't rely much too much on reviews for my own personal perception, but it's nice to see that critic-wise, it may end up doing better than the first one. Maybe. Anyway, the gameplay I saw looked fun, and I'm encouraged by IGN saying that the car/driving parts of the game still weren't that big a part of the game. The driving stuff was my least fave part of BL1.
  9. It's the first RPG based around a perfume brand! You're washed ashore on a tropical beach and a beautiful woman comes up to you, says you smell great and she needs help to save her village from the Evil Watcher of Coconuts. And thus the adventure begins! P.S. The Special Special Edition will have a free bottle of the perfume, your choice of the Ladies or the Men's version! Plus .... ....wait, wat? That's not it? Darn. I thought I had it.
  10. That's .... a lot of over-the-head red arrow indicators. Makes me think of that "If Doom were made today" YT video.
  11. Yeah, I don't typically mind "cartoony" graphics, but TL tends to take it a bit overboard for me. If D3 had been good, I probably wouldn't be considering TL2 at all, to be honest. But I always want more loot-based action games to replay during the winter months so...I'll give it a shot. Especially if BL2 disappoints me a lot.
  12. The players 8 homage is a nice addition. Won't bring me back, however. I'll still be waiting for the actual expansion.
  13. I liked Fate (the precursor, I guess, to Torchlight) but I was only so-so about TL1. I did like its Diablo vibe, the "endless dungeon" concept for late-stage mucking around, and I like the pets (heh) but for some reason didn't like the dungeon design or the combat UI in TL1, even tho it wasn't too different from Fate. Felt awkward and clunky, I dunno. That said, with the disappointment of Diablo3, I'll probably give it a go. It sounds like they made improvements (don't care about the MP) and it's cheap. The only thing for me is that the character classes in TL2 don't initially appeal much, but that could change once I play them. However, since they didn't release it until much later than I first expected, it's going to be put on hold until after the first obsessive playing of Borderlands 2 has passed. Unlike some people, I can only obsess on one game at a time. I don't like switching back and forth every day or couple days - I lose too much focus. As to MP ... if it's client-side server based (vs. dedicated server), I might stick to LAN. But I dunno...client-side stuff has probably improved a lot these days. I didn't like it at all during the Diablo2 days, however. It would cause horrible lag between players at times (usually the host is fine but players who join would feel lagged), if connections weren't the same/distance great/pc differences etc. (edit) But if it's dedicated server service, then I'd imagine it's not much different than something like battle.net...very easy/simple to use)
  14. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country." *looks for a viewable trailer of the film Branded* Hm. Not a remake of They Live, but certainly has a similar vibe from the trailers. However the wiki page has one critic saying "everything you've heard about Branded was false advertising," complaining that the trailers made the film appear to be "a weird, surrealistic version of They Live" but that "unfortunately, instead of a fun monster movie, Branded is a truly dreary lecture on late-stage capitalism, in which logic basically goes out the window." So I'm not sure the trailers are representative of the film. I'll wait for cable.
  15. All this time... could it be... ??? No. Impossible! Inconceivable!
  16. I'm more captivated by the cats on his twitter page photo. That is an awesome white cat. But the clue is intriguing too. Oh how they love toying with us.
  17. Hm. I've given up on guessing and am just waiting for the reveal day, but that's interesting.
  18. Probably because the vast majority of game characters are male. The fact that can you usually create your own character in RPGs is one of the reasons why I love them. Pretty much this, most of the time. If the chr. with the skills I want to use is male. I won't bypass a male chr. to pick a female chr. just because it's a she. That said, most cRPG's these days let you M or F avatar, and in that case, I do tend to pick female. Not always, but much of the time. This is largely because I find them more pleasing to play dress-up with, even if they only have options for the stereotypical skimpy outfits. Most fantasy-rpg male avatars (and their over done, silly armor costumes) I find ... not so pleasing. I enjoyed DS3 for the type of game it was (light fantasy action romp), but it isn't on my list of games that I'm going to replay over and over. Would certainly fit. For some reason I'm starting to kinda lean towards the WoT theory, considering they were supposed to be a part of doing that, right? 2010 announcement? But I'm not in the know these days...perhaps there was news at some point that said it wasn't going to happen any time soon. Note I'm not familiar with the Wheel of Time novels, plot or world, but perhaps it could be a game based on that world, only that doesn't use much that's directly from the actual novels, if that makes sense. Which might be fine with me, since it would seem "new" to me as I'm unfamiliar with WoT to begin with. But as I've said repeatedly today, I'd still prefer a new IP.
  19. Of course! Why else do they do these countdown type thingies?
  20. If a severe headache and a green-spotted rash appear, then 4.5 days. Otherwise, you're fine. This week is going by so slowly ... a rarity considering normally time goes by faster and faster every month. I'm assuming it's because I'm waiting for BL2 and now, of course, this mystery ProjectX thingie. I don't like waiting.
  21. I can't remember if I already posted this before, but I was watching it again this morning. It makes me smile. I even made a forum avatar out of it.
  22. I do that too, but I'm picky and will only keep the very strong/sturdy boxes. I also hang on to way too many old foam mattress pads/blankets, because they're great for cutting up and putting in cat beds. Actually, half the boxes end up as cat toys/houses, too. I made a "cat tower" out of heavy boxes and a lot of packing tape, once.
  23. I must admit I'm a little weary of the "generic fantasy" setting of elves, dwarves, horses and medieval castles. But I'm also weary of sci-fi, dirty-grunge, punky mechanized tech type settings, too. Both games and films. So really, it just comes down to gameplay, characters, and dialogue for me, since all the background settings are just that ... background. It would be pleasant, however, if it's a wooded forest type setting, that there will be combat fodder that consists of something more interesting than wolves, bears, etc - eg, I wouldn't mind a gameworld that doesn't feel like, well, Earth with magic spells or giant robots with laser rifles.
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