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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Cleaning out the D3 screenshot folder...
  2. @Cant - you can't, imo, really judge the difficulty of classes by Normal. Even in that public beta when I had no clue I lol'd at the Normal difficulty. D3's Normal is like some other games SuperEasy. And Brown's right ... they all have strong and weak points, and how "difficult" they are to play is, of course, also dependent on playstyle, skillset, and gearset, with the latter becoming more and more difficult to maintain/acquire enough of as the difficulties pass by. Also, a million gold is nothing in this game. This is just considering through Hell difficulty. Inferno is a new ballgame and everyone can have big trouble there at some point or another. As to no more Diablo's ... well, on the one hand, I'm sure D3 made Blizzard/Activision tons of money, so another may someday be made for that reason alone, story be damned. On the other hand, the long-term reception of D3 may make them think a lot harder about doing it.
  3. My resists aren't high enough to forgo that other Mantra. I tried it with only 580 resists but that meant the explosions killed me in one hit (50-60k dmg instead of 30-40k), if I didn't avoid one in time. I used to use 7strike like that, early on, as another invulnerability method. Haven't thought of it in a long time. Despite all my MF'ing, I'm still not "rich." I buy 200K pieces of armor now and then but mostly .... since the patch I've been using what I find. Finally found some ok weapons (not great, but better than what I had) + some good jewelry. Need more....
  4. Since the 1.0.3 patch? Or do you mean just the regular enrage that happens after around 5 minutes? If I'd had 5 minutes I could've killed him super easily. I swear it was silver of health left every time. I tried Fists of Thunder too, didn't help. I dunno, if you did it with only 14k, hats off. Lots of crit chance and damage? I only had 17% chance and 137crit damage. And I guess it's 3 minutes, not 2.5, that he does the new "explosions enrage" thing. Is that the big fat slug larder guy? He's always been cake and pie for my Monk compared to the main Act bosses, despite his poison clouds, but they did change him in the patch. But at least they give you 4 minutes.... I don't know if I'm going to go there any time soon. The way MF works now I'm not sure it's worth the pita to get to Diablo/Inferno.
  5. Oh god, my teen boyfriend at the time, who was into "kungfu movies" made me see that. It's hilarious. So 80's cheese. I have fond memories, but haven't seen it in ages. Still remember that scene tho. I'm still watching Falling Skies. I think the 2nd season is better than the first, by a little. It's really more a character/survival show, not an alien-action show. And after a while, y'kinda start liking the characters. Especially the son Ben angle. It's still full of plot holes of course. Breaking Bad final season is soon. I can't wait. Really curious what they come up to close the series.
  6. @Morgoth - lol! .... that gif is hilarious anyway, but in Monk context even more so. So I reached a point where Act2/Inferno was almost cake and pie. Have 19-22Kdps, 55-60K life, 700+resists, 900LoH, attack speed, etc. A few Elites would give me trouble as always, but generally speaking, no major problems. Decided I'd finally try Belial. Everything to him (including his 1st persona) was easy peasy. Then the main battle, I couldn't kill him faster than that new 2.5 minute enrage timer they patched in. At some point around that time he does his "explosions" attack repeatedly ... that is, he'll stop doing it, then almost immediately do it again - plus they seemed worse than normal and harder to avoid. So I died at that mark. Over and over. 10-12 times. I'd get him to just a sliver of health but couldn't do it faster to beat that "timer". So frustrating! Tried many different gear setups. Then I bought a new weapon for another 2K dps. Tried again. No dice either. Thought to myself, should have done it before the patch. But then I remembered the Monk's minion. Maybe her added dmg. to mine? I put Mystic Ally on the R-mouse button (so I didn't have to give up other needed skill slots) and tried a final time. And finally....I could give Belial a big FU. It was a near thing. I know someone who did it pre-patch with only 11K-dps. I wonder if that's even possible now....I don't think you'd be able to kill him fast enough with that anymore.
  7. Our old bikes that I mentioned in the "what you did today" thread. Guess which one is mine. I've had that 10-speed since I was 11 or 12, so a few decades (yes I stopped growing early...). I just can't let go of it...
  8. It's amusing to see my old, tiny 10speed bike sitting right next to my hubby's gigantic old bike (he bought a used one recently, fixing it up). Mine has something like 20-21" tires with the top frame bar being maybe only 27" off the ground, and his has 27" tires, but a much larger/higher frame than typical for that size. He really wanted 29" tires but they don't seem to make those too often. Hubs took my bike apart and carried just the main frame into a bike shop (he needed help getting a bolt loose) and they looked at it, looked at him, and then apparently said "this frame is really small, this isn't for you, is it?" (edit: mine's 27-28" off ground, not 29-30, changed it)
  9. Pretty much. My personal problem is I have no other game I'm at all interested in at the moment. Waiting for Torchlight2. So uninstalling D3 hasn't happened yet. I've loaded my Monk with MF gear and just keep running Act1/Inferno over and over. The items may be the suck 98% of the time but it's still something to do when bored. Blizzard's Anonymous R Us. It's even worse when you don't have to worry about a 9-5 type job. Btw, I'm told an actual expansion may be more like 2-3 years off. They'll probably spend the first year patching in PvP and all that other stuff people thought would already be done by now. Harhar.
  10. Monk's rock. I know someone else who thinks that, altho they were comparing it to their wizard/witch doctor. I haven't really noticed a huge difference between classes myself. I think it's primarily about how long it takes you to kill large groups at once, because the globes have a chance to drop at certain points. Something like, (monster) half health, then 1/4 health...don't remember the math. The rate/probabilities are different for Normal, Blue, Rare, etc. So easier they are to kill, the less likely they'll drop globes. And if one is avoiding a lot of Elites, you'll see them less often perhaps. Sometimes I get a lot, sometimes I don't see many at all. Something like this (don't know if all the hotfixes/patch might have altered this by now a bit tho)
  11. Tree of Life. I don't see the big deal about this film. It's very pretty, and yes it's "lyrical" and "spiritual." But watching 20 minutes of CGI "space" kaleidoscope/images set to new age music is a bit much to take. The real-actor portion of the movie, which is mostly in the middle, was better, with good actors and visual editing (there's not much dialogue) but overall...not my sort of thing. My mother might like it a lot tho...except she'd probably get bored by that first long "space" sequence and turn it off before they got to the part she'd actually appreciate. Edit: I do get that the film is trying to be high visual motion art with a spiritual "message" or whatever, perhaps, but ... eh...yeah, just not for me.
  12. Oh no, nothing like that. There are just those certain games where self-discipline (or lack of) becomes an issue. You have no idea how long it took me to break the WoW treadmill, even long after I was sick of the game. I think it's more they overestimated how long crap drop rates, uninteresting items, and gold farming would keep people interested.
  13. It's amazing how, no matter how awesome/relaxing/great the vacation is/was, there's still...no place like home. Which doesn't mean I haven't wanted to stay longer in some places than I had the time for. But I'm always so glad to return home to "my" space, too. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Does anyone know if, when you uninstall the game, your characters are kept "alive" on their servers for a while/forever, ala WoW, or if they're deleted upon uninstall? After thinking starting "from scratch" in HC mode+fear of dying might be entertaining/a non-boring change of pace at this point, and discovering it wasn't, I'm ready to stop playing. But I don't want to lose the chrs. yet...not until I see the 1st expansion. So... ? Edit: looks like you can uninstall without losing them (not surprising) but still leaves me wondering if their storage time is infinite...
  15. At that apparent rate, they will soon run out of streetlight poles to carry out capital punishment. Leaders better start campaigning for some new construction funds, pronto.
  16. Except for that first pink car (I'm not into hot pink), I don't see an issue with those cars in that OP article. At least looks wise. Never saw the point in owning a car that's like a race car when you can't (legally) drive it like a race car (except on a track). I'm very much not a "shoes" woman, but I would totally drive this car. Also, this decal shall henceforth be put on any vehicle I ever own, for the rest of my life.
  17. Not funny so much as ... just awesome. They did a great job "recreating" the original music video but using the SW lyrics/theme.
  18. @greylord - what they've done, essentially - imo - is to remove what little "rpg" element the Diablo games had and turned it into a 3rd person action game only. Now, I'd be the first person to say calling the Diablo's RPG's is a pretty big stretch, but the key for me there is that at least it had some sense of *me* having control of my character's progression and development, via stats and skill choices. I had the pleasure of feeling like *I* controlled how the chr. developed, to some degree at least. There are still skill choices in D2 (the runes) but it's nowhere near the same kind of choice/control/decision feeling as before. It's very distanced. Thus instead of wanting to replay the game dozens of times, for months or years (farming gear for all those characters too) you play it 1-3 times, try all the rune options in a day or three, and then get bored because there's nothing else to motivate/do. So instead of a long-life, "action-rpg" hack slash romp game, you get a short-life action game...basically like 98% of other action titles out there that have little replay value even if they're great fun the first time through. GameSpy had an opinion article on the topic here: Opinion: Diablo 3 Isn't an Action RPG
  19. I "messed up" plenty of characters in D1 and D2 and kept going. They all did fine and beat Hell difficult etc. People often exaggerate the extent misplacing a few stat points "gimps" their character, so I consider using that excuse almost as lame as ppl with uber min/maxing obsessions. That said, I do understand that not everyone has time/enjoys replaying to rebuild repeatedly. At my current age/place in time, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to....but I do still like having the choice/motivation to do so, if I wish.
  20. Oh, I like Cage too. His over-acting is priceless and I'll often watch a film just because he's in it. But Wicker Man was too much even for me. And yes, Cage had some income or property tax issues. But I think his bigger problem is that he apparently has a multimillion property/home buying obsession (15 houses/castles), as well as other mega-pricey habits. Lots of lawsuits were flung around as a result. Whether this still applies, I don't know. Could be paid off at this time and now he's just slumming/used to the easy packchecks.
  21. Oh god. The Wicker Man remake is one of the worst. Cage at his finest. The original is a better film....if a bit more dull...tho I still wouldn't say it's great.
  22. It doesn't change anything re:stats tho. People still do exactly the same thing. One stat+VIT. Except now you get it all from your items. Actually, it's even worse, because now you don't even have to use stats to wear gear, so the emphasis is even more on 2-3 "stats" than it ever was before. eg, everyone still builds their stats exactly the same way. Basically, people who never liked to "redo/replay" the game to try out different skills are going to like D3's method better. People who did like to replay the game to try new things are going to dislike it, because it kills any motivation to replay the game and thus you're left with a MMO-like endgame of....nothing.
  23. Hubs has been trying to repair/fix up an old 10speed bike he got from someone, and maybe fix up my very ancient 10speed as well. We bought a couple hybrid mountain/street bikes 15 years ago or so, but neither of us really liked them that much in the long run. Not to mention, quality new bicycles have become really expensive these days. The old 10-speeds from the late 70's/early 80's (skinny tires, low curved hand grip/bars) are still my favorite casual/street biking bicycle. All the new fangled weird bicycle designs turns me off for some reason and definitely not into "off road/mountain" bike designs. They often aren't comfortable either. Anyway...maybe we can get these old ones in working order and like bicycling again. Might be nice.
  24. To be fair, D2 had this problem to a degree as well. A sorc orb+shield was always going to beat using a 2H staff, for example. But at least using a 2H staff was a decently viable option if one wanted to play that way. I think most complaints are going to be about how Inferno's difficulty/how they make it difficult creates a situation where players feel they must do this, must have that, in order to survive...thus killing diversity/strategy. And I don't understand why they put "random attributes" on Legendaries. Their drop rate is abysmal to begin with, and then when one does drop, 95% of the time the random roll on the item will suck...even to the point you can't give it away on the AH. Really sucks the life out of farming for kewl loot. ie, a Legendary staff for the Monk should not spawn with strength and intelligence....not the way the game is geared to main-stat+VIT at the moment. D2 had it right, imo...Uniques with static stats, but those stats could come in a range (the excitement of actually finding a "perfect" unique). All the stats should have had larger bonuses, giving all classes more incentive to use gear that has those stats. eg, STR increased block percentage by a bit, when you have a shield equipped, or something, so stacking it higher, trading a little dps/health for it, would be theoretically helpful. Or something. The patch - and a lot of extra MF - did make farming a bit more "fun," but at the moment I'm mostly killing time until I can try Torchlight2.
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