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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I just had to post to add: I really like the drawing of the dungeon. Something about it appeals to me. The way each layer becomes more organic and less structured. It's a fancy layered dungeon cake and I feel eager to find out what's on the bottom.
  2. I definitely think outrageous price hikes for downloaded/digital software versions feels fishy - even if there are occasional extra costs, I'm not convinced they're major enough to warrant more than a few (US) bucks or something (not that I'm an expert in such matters). Everything else ... more potential reasonable justifications at times, but still smells like fish most of the time. So yeah...glad someone's trying to get the companies to answer financing questions in these matters.
  3. Having a little glowing ball that once might have been another living person following you around or something doesn't feel like a pet, tho. I'd rather have something like a funky little golem that you could say your character (or some mentor/parent of the character) created and animated as a child and it's been with you ever since. A sort of weird teddy bear. Edit: or the mongoose. Yes, I think I'd even prefer the mongoose over a cat...
  4. I like some randomization in action-rpg's where the main purpose of the game is to kill kill kill and loot loot loot...and then reload, do it again, and loot some more. In those cases it adds a little bit of variety to the same old loot hunt routine, if the game is designed around such. But for a more story-oriented rpg, I don't believe randomization fits, and it detracts from the sense of a more intricately defined scenario of moving through a world with your actions having an effect on the world. Having Frodo need to travel to Mt. Doom but having Mt. Doom always show up in a different location on the map would be ... well ... I wouldn't like it.
  5. I like "medieval" and such as a basic world backdrop but I'd like it if more of the details were more ... original. Or at least have different names. Do we always have to have "mugs of ale," stone castles, Kings and Queens and the like. It would be interesting to me if the world felt more like a parallel development of a medieval-like culture (eg, just being low-tech period) rather than something that mirrored Earth's period over-much. Something that felt like something lo-tech societies on other oxygen-breathing planets might come up with, but not what we came up with. ... and that didn't feel overly sci-fi, either. Alas, I lack serious imagination in this area so I don't have many suggestions myself.
  6. Interesting and informative, as usual. And the mod support that you're working on is welcome news. Probably going to have to re-read/re-watch a few times to absorb it all. But right now it's midnight and all I can think about is wanting a set of those giant pencils for my desk.
  7. BG1's starter stuff did get old ... as it does in many games. I think if you want the rewards/extra boost at the start, you should still have to do those things. So my feeling is, as long as it's similar in P.E., where you can shorten the time by skipping all the little bits, I'm fine. Don't need a skip+get rewards option, imo.
  8. Start of previous thread End of previous thread I wish I had that kind of willpower when dealing with any game. I think it's more that he gets that's frustrated and gives up. Just had a vending machine pop up with an orange shield. Too bad it was a low level one...
  9. Hubs reached the Rescue Roland robot boss fight with his solo Siren around lvl10 or 11 and died, and died, and died, died...then turned off the game and went to bed. Still trying to play Axton and Zero myself ... a level at a time ... still not quite as interested solo/replay.
  10. The Little RPG That Could. edit: didn't see the one right above me. lol
  11. Is that all? I remember that Baldur's Gate song, now that I hear it again. Right up my alley. I don't think I've played too many of those games on your list, so going to be fun going through all the links a bit at a time. Snake Rattle n Roll, baby.
  12. I'm fine with/rather like a static camera with isometric. But being able to zoom in a bit so we can vanity-cam our characters or get fun screenshots etc. is always a bonus.
  13. I could never declaw a cat, I'd feel too horrible. I just keep them trim with a clipper. Works well enough...when I remember to actually do it, at least. **ponders the mild claw marks on her abdomen...**
  14. I think my fave so far is 'Ice.' In Borderlands1, I also liked the Krom's Canyon music.
  15. Currently often listening to the Borderlands 2 tracks. Either in-game or outside of it. Past ones I've enjoyed were Majesty, Nox, KOtor2, Stronghold series...but almost all games that I've played a lot, I'll end up with at least one or two songs off their track that I love. eg, I can't remember most of the music from Dungeon Siege1, but I'll always remember that Main Theme.
  16. I like the new logo, except for one thing: I preferred it when the word lettering had less contrast to the rest of the logo. eg, less bright yellow.
  17. For some reason, this put the image of Vader wearing a purple stars/moons/clovers robe and hat into my head. Thanks a lot.
  18. What I see about 50 times a day, or, why I have holes in all my t-shirts now: ** **On hind legs, his head is about 2' 7" high...include his paws and he can reach 3 feet. I'm slightly less than 5 feet tall.
  19. If it was a fish...maybe he was interrupted during dinner. That doesn't really fit my personal idea of a Thief. Unless he's a Mage (then keeper of secrets would make sense to me regardless). I'm still not entirely sure, based on images alone.
  20. Same feeling here. I like morale/reputation check systems, however ... where things you do (or don't do) may accrue points for companions and if they get too high companions start complaining and/or leaving. I'd rather they stick with stuff like that vs. having a potential of them running away every battle.
  21. I looked at the game website. Like the fact you're not playing as a human, but still kinda looks like "b" to me. But if the humor is enough and combat is at least fun, I might like it.
  22. I'm not sure I'd agree that those games were "Fail" - or that the "rushed game" syndrome is either exclusive of Obsidian or entirely the fault of Obsidian itself. There's publisher side of the process for those games to factor in as well. Which to me seems to be the main point of this Kickstarter. More freedom.
  23. I don't mind fighter abilities/skills that enhance their melee and/or melee CC abilities, like knockback or short bursts of increased attack speed and such. And yes, it does sort of remind of something like The Force, where not everyone could/would utilize it, and those who can have varying degrees of skill with it. So I guess I like (or at least don't mind) a thin layer of cheese ... just not too thick. Except on a pizza.
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