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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Yes, I agree ... I don't support the OP's desire. As I said earlier, such should be left to the player, not game design. But the Save/Exit seemed to be getting used to support the anti-savescumming position (which to my understanding means no multiple saves or at least no or very limited ability to save/reload at will), and I don't think it works as an argument for that - at least not on its own. The other aspect is that if PE allows modding, which it sounds like it might to at least some degree, then being able to have multiple save files can become important as you try out different mods, want to test mods, and so on.
  2. As far as your first point goes, there are plenty of games with save points that allow you to "Save and Quit" regardless of where you are. I've seen the mechanic mostly in GBA and DS games. On the flip side, I've also seen plenty of games that allow you to "Save and Quit", yet when you reload the game, it places you back at the last/closest discovered save/check point, not where you actually were when you saved/quit. In those games, "save" just means saving your quest, inventory, and 'last checkpoint found' progress, not your actual location in the world. As long as Save/Exit = I'm back in exactly the same spot where I left the game, I'm fine with that. That's how it should be done when you exit a game anyway, imo. However, I still want multiple save slots because there are times when the power goes out or the game may crash or the savefile may otherwise get corrupted and I might lose all my progress. I don't need/want endless save slots, but at least 6-10.
  3. Agreed. In Risen2, there was a quest where you had to outdrink someone in the pub in order to get a map ... or something like that, I don't remember the quest details. But it was amusing/cool to have to sit down at a table and have drinking/going into the pub potentially mean something. Most of the time I feel like pubs are in the game simply because "it's a town, and towns have pubs!" Occasionally you might meet some npc's in there, but that's about it. Something more interesting would be nice.
  4. Class specific items are represented by the silhouette shape in the round circle that shows up on the item description side of the merchant menu. For some reason they remain "shadow portraits" until you actually encounter one or have them in your party or something (can't recall exactly) ... but at some point I think they fill in as a full portrait and are more easily discernible.
  5. I've never been into the rogue/thief class much either. Usually the only reason I have one is because the game is designed with 100's of evil traps that make it extra difficult to not drag a thief along. Don't care about the stealing aspect much, but not into the backstabbing/stealth type combat in many rpg's. It just doesn't suit my more straightforward playstyle most of the time. Sometimes I like it in more the full 3d games tho, where creeping along using terrain, cover, ducking/hiding, etc. play a much more dynamic role.
  6. I'm all over the place. Wasn't planning to go all the way down any tree for co-op. I have 7 in Restoration (with a mod) but the thing is hubby never stands still when fighting. He constantly jigs, jags, runs, jumps like lightning and thus nigh impossible to shoot-heal him enough where it would make much difference in combat, even if I could stick with him like synchronized glue. So occasionally I find a high spot to hide/fight and insta-Revive him when possible or we just face-roll in and run around like mad.
  7. Training a dog is one reason why, even tho I might enjoy having certain types of dogs, I probably won't ever get one. I keep thinking about it but ... watching hubby's sister's very hyper dog, I don't have the energy it would require, anymore. All I have to worry about with a cat is whether they scratch the furniture.
  8. A nice bonus for people like me who didn't get around to the WL2 KS. And I love that '83 Interplay picture. Hehe...the 80's. I still miss the 80's.
  9. PT2 of Borderlands 2, for hubs and I, gets a bit harder all the time, especially since we're still skipping most side quests. Still not finding much in the way of great gear. All we find is gear that in the end gets the job done but not exactly in a speedy manner most of the time (even the purples) unless there's a good strategy tactic available. According to the Challenge log, I've Revived hubby 144 times. Siren is still my fave class to play.
  10. I'm not sure I'm seeing how custom created party members would = lack of personification towards the player character. The game is still written for/around the player's character and I'd assume dialogue interactions would be wrapped around that. I don't think it'd be anything worse than having everyone in the game greeting you with "Hey Exile" or "Hey Wanderer" (vs. a name you may have typed in) which many many RPG's do, with or without full custom party creation. I can see the possibility that having a full custom party would mean losing out on some companion flavor quests or dialogues, but as others have mentioned, since doing it that way will be optional, I don't really see a problem.
  11. I love the enthusiasm PE has engendered. But yes, I think it's best to keep it to this one thread for now. Don't think there's enough here to merge so going to close this one.
  12. Which is why he is totally spoiled and gets what he wants, even if I have to buy new shirts. Cooking garlic chicken for sandwiches and soon off to adventure in Pandora with the spouse some more.
  13. Depends how you define "epic." To me these types of RPG's aren't about "the best, wild phat loot." There are other games for that. But having certain encounters or the end of a long dungeon have a better than average weapon vs. what you might find up to that point in the game/plot - or perhaps a unique stat or appearance of some kind - is always fun and a nice reward for exploration or battle. I do like crafting, but often the balance of such feels somewhat lackluster ... I spend oodles of time collecting and building up the skill or something and end up not being able to make much of anything that's better than what I can just find through combat/exploring, which makes me feel like I wasted my time. So in terms of crafting, just depends on the system. I wouldn't mind having a bit of both.
  14. Copied from previous thread: Hello everybody, among the fine folks in the kickstarter comments we discussed a possibility to help Obsidian increase the funding of the game a little bit. We actually talked about an idea that showed up earlier on Kickstarter during the funding of the adventure game Leisure Suite Larry and became a tradition for adventure kickstarters (Want the whole story? Check this). We think this a great idea and we know, Obsidian fans are some of the most passionate gamers in the world. So we decided to start THE OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY. How do I become a member? Actually, it's quite simple: Upgrade your pledge by 8 $ and you're in. Yes, it's really that simple. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to choose a specific tier. The Obsidian Order is open to everyone as long as s/he adds this small fee of 8 $. If you've done so simply expand your Kickstarter-Username with "- Obsidian Order" and start commenting on Kickstarter. Proudly demonstrate your membership to this very special order of the most devoted Obsidian fans and help spreading the word about our movement among all backers of Project Eternity! Why exactly 8 $? Because 8 stands for Eternity. What do you get in return? The feeling of being a special fan amongst some already extraordinary people. Yes, it's a matter of fandom, passion and love. There is no physical or digital reward in it. Don't feel impelled to do so, this is just our way to demonstrate our love for that kind of CRPGs. Some additional words Backers of the 10.000 $ tier who are technically inable to increase their pledge are honorary members from the beginning, because they've already beaten the system. You guys really got it. So, no reason to feel sad, Notch. So now, who stands with us? Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order http://northharbour....der-of-eternity
  15. Story + character inspired emotional decision making? Either that, or the term RPG has become something that's rather loosely defined in the past years.
  16. Borderlands 2 - hubs and I played co-op last night. PT2 can be pretty rough when you find hardly any gear upgrades. Did anyone else run into an odd design aspect of Rescue Roland where the final 'showdown' ends up in The Dust? The first time we did it, it was in that one initial area. When I did it solo, same thing. Hubs solo Siren, however, ended up in The Dust, and our PT2 of it last night ended up in Dust as well. This battle in Dust can be significantly harder, imo, than the first option. Timer based? Take too long (over 5 minutes maybe?) and the game takes it another step? Or just completely random?
  17. Between BG1 and BG2, I preferred BG1's map style. The only reason it was occasionally annoying originally (to me) was because of the disc-swapping. But that wouldn't be an issue today (heh) so I prefer having at least some "unimportant" areas....when every area has a story purpose (or something similar) then the "world" feels more confined and less real to me. That said, I don't necessarily need/want super-duper giant, open free-roaming ala Skyrim. But I like having the feeling that I'm traveling somewhere and having at least some travel-zones, or whatever you want to call them, appeals to me.
  18. No. I absolutely dislike the "save point" concept in games, even if you have multiple save slots for it instead of a single-save (urgh). Unless each save point is about 10 minutes apart, which to me says why have it in the first place then. I like being able to save anywhere, anytime. This is a single-player game and whether or not a player chooses to reload a game and lessen their "challenge" by doing so is up to them. From my perspective, this is one of those things where having the discipline to do or not do should remain tied to the player, not the game design.
  19. Glad it was just a "little fender bender" and all seems ok, Kor. The one time I tried having a cheap cellphone, the whole notion of tapping keys multiple times for different letters ... I understood it, but yea...not going to bother. If I ever get another cellphone, I'm getting one with a keyboard. Today I am ... still trying to decide what to do today.
  20. @Deraldin - that gif of Hawkeye ... yes, lol! Exactly.
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