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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I believe Twitch highlighted their stream on the front page, which likely brought in a lot of viewers who had no idea what the stream was even about....eg, all they saw was a party.
  2. I completely missed this in yesterday's Kickstarter excitement. So glad to see you, Walsh, even if it's for a brief visit. Place just isn't the same without you! Sounds like the new work is driving you hard. Hope it's worth it and you're enjoying it in some fashion nonetheless. You can always buy a toupee. Hugs!
  3. No reverse remorse, but if I could have paid for the 10K reward over a couple of years (without the huge CC interest rates...), I would have done it. lol Not that I have any clue how to play PnP games, but I would have been fine with letting the team castigate me for my nebbishness in that area. Or just letting me watch them play while I sip a rum and coke and bask in their coolness.
  4. From my personal perspective, I would largely agree with this. Romance stories don't improve a game for me. They might for someone else, however. I prefer relationships of player character/NPC's to be more subtle and subject to interpretation/my own imagination rather than spelled out. However, I don't mind if they're a part of the game ... as long as it's optional and I can choose to ignore the fact an NPC may have a crush on that NPC or whatever. eg, it's not essential to complete relationship quests to finish the main plot of the game and/or there are other alternative paths to take.
  5. Not going to agree with this sentiment and don't see it leading to good results. The question of what types of relationships you may want with NPC's can still be discussed in the other thread.
  6. Listening to some fave 80's tunes while I get ready to endure some governmental offices and other errands. The past couple days of Obsidian streams have left me rushing to catch up on real-life stuff for the rest of the week. But it was worth it.
  7. Of course not. I was merely trying to offer some discussion suggestions in the opening post, based on what I've seen other threads.
  8. The purpose of this thread is to provide a central place for all the romantics (and unromantics) out there to be able to continue discussions and debate the possibility of there being romances (or other complex relationships) in Project Eternity. Some potential example points of discussion (but not limited to): ---what type of dynamic, complex character relationships are important to your gaming experience, if any? ---if you enjoy romances in games, what type of plots do you enjoy or dislike (tragic, happy ending, marriage/family)? ---what romance or relationship arcs from other games did you personally enjoy that can serve as examples? ---do you have any particular, preferred game mechanics for romance/relationships that you'd like to see included (optional questlines, dialogue, cutscenes)? ---what, even, is romance (to you)? I'd like to remind members that while differing opinions and viewpoints are expected and welcome, trolling with purposeful intent to derail is not looked upon with favor. Try to play nice in the sandbox.
  9. Post limit reached. Since this appears to remain a popular topic, and in an effort to keep it a bit centralized, a new thread for this discussion will be created.
  10. The Kickstarter may be over, but the Obsidian Order of Eternity lives on in Part 5. From the previous thread: Hello everybody, among the fine folks in the kickstarter comments we discussed a possibility to help Obsidian increase the funding of the game a little bit. We actually talked about an idea that showed up earlier on Kickstarter during the funding of the adventure game Leisure Suite Larry and became a tradition for adventure kickstarters (Want the whole story? Check this). We think this a great idea and we know, Obsidian fans are some of the most passionate gamers in the world. So we decided to start THE OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY. How do I become a member? Actually, it's quite simple: Upgrade your pledge by 8 $ and you're in. Yes, it's really that simple. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to choose a specific tier. The Obsidian Order is open to everyone as long as s/he adds this small fee of 8 $. If you've done so simply expand your Kickstarter-Username with "- Obsidian Order" and start commenting on Kickstarter. Proudly demonstrate your membership to this very special order of the most devoted Obsidian fans and help spreading the word about our movement among all backers of Project Eternity! Why exactly 8 $? Because 8 stands for Eternity. What do you get in return? The feeling of being a special fan amongst some already extraordinary people. Yes, it's a matter of fandom, passion and love. There is no physical or digital reward in it. Don't feel impelled to do so, this is just our way to demonstrate our love for that kind of CRPGs. Some additional words Backers of the 10.000 $ tier who are technically inable to increase their pledge are honorary members from the beginning, because they've already beaten the system. You guys really got it. So, no reason to feel sad, Notch. So now, who stands with us? Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order http://northharbour....der-of-eternity
  11. I've found up until about clvl8-12, most of the time I'd find pistols, any class, from chests or drops. Occasionally a sniper, AR, or SMG, but mostly pistols. Based on comments in forums, I think for some reason the game just favors them until higher levels. ... eg, you're pretty unlikely to get a rocket launcher early on. My Zero didn't get a single non-quest-reward sniper rifle until past clvl9. That said, it is somewhat random so you may have a game/chr. where you'll find less pistols and more of the other things, even in the starter area. And even at higher clvls, pistols seem to be fairly common, while other things tend to go in sporadic spurts (lately all hubby and I get are rocket launchers, seems like).
  12. If it was within their time, budget and capability to include it, I'd have no objection. That said, I kinda doubt it will be. One can always record your game session and then edit out all the pause/commanding of the battles. More user-work and not quite the same I know, but better than nothing.
  13. I am going to be crunching video for a long long time ..... Forums under a bit o' strain again I see. Almost 1200 users online right now. Congrats Obsidian. It was a glorious Kickstarter.
  14. Headphones would blow my eardrums. Speakers it's less painful. Lucky for me it's only 6pm.
  15. I wish I could, and I've been tempted, but I just can't justify it. $500 has to be my tops. Darn house mortgage. If I had 10K that's what I would have been doing.
  16. Every time they group-sing the mic breaks. Darnit. I wanted a vid of the whole thing. I'm not normally a party-person but that's definitely a much cooler office party then I've ever been a part of.
  17. I think the "degree rotation" isn't completely set in stone yet. One reason for that angle in the screenshot was for the perspective/inclusion of the giant statues/grand objects. They're still experimenting a bit I believe, so it might change in the future. Then again, it might not.
  18. 4 million...absolute awesome sauce. I bet they are all over the moon.
  19. I know this is meant in a spirit of fun, but .... don't really see this one being very productive.
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