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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I've been pretty much doing the "Carlton Dance" the entire time whilst watching the Giants game.
  2. And the other other side ... just plain ol' "Kickstarter burnout." ...the notion of Kickstarter being bought out and then altered in some way by some huge corp. isn't a nice thought, either. GoogleKick! .... I hope none of the possible negatives happen to KS (or crowdfunding in general), or at least, don't happen for a good long while. I want to see where it'll go, and if it really can change things in some way, long term.
  3. Congrats! I think you have us "beat" by about half a year. Ah, romance. Sometimes it is so loverly.
  4. We had a Swiss exchange student once. He wanted some Swiss cheese, and my mother went to just about every expensive, import-type deli around here. He still said they weren't ... "swiss" enough. Sharp? Tangy? Whatever that distinct flavor is. Which has always made me curious exactly what the Swiss cheese he was used to tasted like.
  5. Hehe...those cat's with stuff on their heads type pics always make me laugh. The bunny ones too.
  6. I used to love Acrcomage in Might & Magic, even tho the computer felt like it "cheated". I'd play and play and play....and I find things like the slot machines in Borderlands 2 a very obsessive cash-sink, so yes, I can like mini-games, if they feel like an actual game. But I'm not really into non-gaming, physical skill challenges like car races or whatever. And FNV did have slots/gambling...while such may not really be a "mini-game" I suppose, it was still...something.
  7. Adam: breaker of hopes, dasher of dreams, and leader of Cats in Chain Mail Headgear.
  8. Really? I don't even notice. Well, I think I have noticed crickets during silent moments if I have the volume up loud enough, but that doesn't bother me. No hissing. But not wearing any headphones or using super-duper TV sound/speaker system either.
  9. Don't mind a certain level of fetch questing, as long as it's mixed up with other stuff (killing, multi-part story, whatever). It's a matter of balance plus time/difficulty vs. reward, to me. In terms of fetch quests specifically, my opinion tend to be something like this: "This boy is sick and I really need a certain flower that only grows in the Cave of Glowing Mushies a couple miles away, but I'm just a frail old doctor. Are you willing to try and get this flower for me so I can cure this child? I don't have much but I can give you some old gems" = ok by me. I can feel like a good samaritan and I might find cool stuff in that cave. "I'm hungry for a specific kind of omelet. Fetch me 30 GooeyHarpy eggs from their nesting site (very dangerous) and I'll give you some crappy leather boots you'll never wear." = not so ok. Go fetch them yourself if you're that hungry.
  10. Spock. ...more on topic - gameplay wise, I don't dislike mixed races in crpg's. TBH, all I truly look at is the abilities and bonuses, if any, and pick whoever has what I want/prefer. In some games, choosing a mixed race gives me some of the strengths of the two separate races, with little minuses. In other games, it felt like choosing a mixed race came with too many minuses for my tastes, that didn't make up for the mixture of strengths. So it just depends. In terms of story lore or culture....I tend to like it when the world (or at least parts of the world) reacts to "mixed breeds" in one way or another. Whether with favor or with prejudice...using it to reflect/start story arcs that may often be of relatable interest to us, the players. If there is no specific reaction/culture impact of them in the game, I often wonder why they're in the game in the first place, then.
  11. A topic that seems to come up frequently and inspires a lot of heartfelt debate. So we're going to continue to provide a central place for all the romantics (and unromantics) out there to discuss the possibility of romances (or any complex relationships) in Project Eternity (or RPG's in general). Have at it, forumites! And...try to play nice in the Sandbox. Part 1 Part 2 For those new to the forum/topic, here's a few example points of discussion (but not limited to): ---what type of dynamic, complex character relationships are important to your gaming experience, if any? ---if you enjoy romances in games, what type of plots do you enjoy or dislike (tragic, happy ending, marriage/family)? ---what romance or relationship arcs from other games did you personally enjoy that can serve as examples? ---do you have any particular, preferred game mechanics for romance/relationships that you'd like to see included (optional questlines, dialogue, cutscenes)? Most recent and debatable quote from an interview with Chris Avellone:
  12. I had to at that one. At any rate, however it gets there, the post limit has once again been reached. Since this still seems to be a constant "hot topic" ... we're going to continue with a Part3.
  13. Glad to be back home in boring suburbia. I do not like "big cities," especially in rainy weather. Reading forums, some photo edits, another shower, then some gaming I think. Oh and the 2nd episode of The Walking Dead was even more awesome. Rick is seriously BadAss now. No more wishy-washy. Good on him.
  14. Entertainment reference #2,345,900 Brick giving hubby a machismo complex
  15. Why am I up this early? Oh yeah...I have to go to the city. And it's raining, which will increase traffic. Great. Going to have to figure out what music I want to take with me....
  16. I'm going to say I don't care too much. I do like icon designs that are distinctive enough to be able to recognize at a glance (not all be similar) and not be too brightly colored (distracting) but other than that, not something I think about. BG1's icon style was fine, tho.
  17. I think their hopeful intention is to make "updates" once every week or couple weeks. So if those are all you're interested in, I'd say yes, just check the P.E. official page or the Announcement forum here a few times a month.
  18. Scoot-Scoot-Scutaro! Go Giants!
  19. Yes in that the ammo you can carry is so limited as to make it nothing but an occasional use weapon. No in that they tend to do a ton more damage and thus can be useful for bringing down health of some of the superduper badasses to the point you can actually kill them with your other weapons in a shortened amount of time. Both hubby and I carry one around, we just rarely equip them. And we certainly don't to have them pop out of every single chest. The game definitely picks up/is more interesting once you can leave that starting town/dungeon. Opens up to large world with fog of war, little towns, inns, and all of that. The exploration/discovery aspect of it beats the Diablo's (and most of the many clones) by several miles, imo. But yeah....I had issues with targeting occasionally too. The isometric they used felt a bit awkward, especially in smaller space, IIRC. BL1 is definitely faster leveling, especially post-25.
  20. If they use Twitch for that one, it'll be done by default, so to speak. And I agree....I like watching a little bit here and there, skimming through/dropping in but I don't have time to watch someone else play non-stop.
  21. This is great because I only recorded maybe a few hours of the Adam game myself, so now I can see the whole thing at my leisure. Adam is adorable whilst playing a game. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.
  22. Suffering from a bad case of "fell asleep on the couch neck-crick syndrome." Also, allergic rash from waking up with a cat licking my face.
  23. I prefer to think of these things as playstyle/personal preference rather than abuse. Abuse in this case is a rather subjective term. What's abuse to one person is silly fun, experimental fun, or possibly "I like this game but it's a little too difficult for me, but I still want to play/see it anyway" to others. Sure, often it's "cheesy" and certainly not "hardcore" but I really don't care what someone else wants to do with their game. Things like having/keeping the pc console available/usable, saving before a fight/pickpocketing, etc. ... leave it up to the player to decide whether they want to take advantage of such things or not. Things like limiting inventory/backpack space, having hunger or not, how many NPC's you can recruit at once, etc ... let the developers decide what they think works best for the design/concept of their game, but if difficulty options, pc-console commands, or mods means players can circumvent it if they wish, no big deal/have at it, I say.
  24. Occasional bike ride, hikes in wooded parks, aerobics/dancing, and some strength type stretching (some particular exercises to strengthen weak knees and upper back). Nothing very regimented. I try to maintain a minimum but ... yeah, I'm lazy. When I was younger I was more active so being in great shape was just a result of interest activity. As those interests gradually waned and a few injuries piled up, so did my fitness level decline. But I'm not totally decrepit yet.
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