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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'd be happy to have a race of rat people in a game....if there's also a race of cat people. They can be constantly at war with each other, and you have to pick sides, or help them make a truce, or be constantly keeping your cat person companion from eating your rat person companion... ....I'm not sure if I'm actually serious or not.
  2. I have this issue too. Most of the time I'm done reading before the voice is even half way through talking, so I sit there feeling impatient. Even regular dialogues this can come up for me. When they have the option, turning the dialogue subtitles off as much as possible helps because then I'm "forced" to listen instead of automatically reading because the text is there. I'm not against narrated stills/cinematics per se, btw. I just like to see them kept to a bare minimum, like most such things. Start of/intro to the game, maybe one for the ends of a couple big "act" sections, and end of the game.And as mentioned, can sometimes work/be needed for certain things like dream sequences etc. Altho, IIRC, I didn't even realize there were dream sequences in BG1 for a while because I kept force-marching without resting a lot of the time. Heh.
  3. I'm still of the opinion that Windows8 is going to be what shoves me into finally being a Linux user, once Win7 became no longer viable. There are some features about Win8 that sound ok/appealing, but for my old fashioned self, not enough to put up with the things that I think sound horrid. I still don't even love Win7. But I will definitely be interested in what people who use it for a while have to say.
  4. Late night last night I tried to watch the film Act of Valor. The first few minutes was ok, and then what I assume are the "real military dudes" started doing their acting chores. They weren't the worst or anything, but .... yeah, there's a reason why there are professional actors. I tried skipping forward through the movie a bit, and in every scene the wooden delivery of dialogue just made me wince. I had to turn it off. Maybe I'll try again someday. Well it's not watered down. That's good. That was my main complaint about Army of Darkness. I liked AoD as light comedy, but yeah...outside of giggling at Bruce Campbell, it wasn't my ideal for the series.
  5. That's my general viewpoint. Narration itself doesn't add much for me ... that's going to be dependent on whether I like the narrator's voice/intonation, and that's a hit and miss affair for most people. So if we're talking imagination here, I'd actually rather just have text and imagine a voice myself. Or really, sometimes, none at all if possible - I'd rather story/narrative be somehow integrated into the game itself in some way, rather than needing huge chunks of sudden exposition. eg, there's the too many cutscenes ="I'll just watch watch a movie" aspect (which I agree with) but there's also the "then I'll just read a book" aspect. It's a fine line at times.
  6. That would be rather hard on the armor. I'd have to spend too much gold getting the burn marks polished off all the time.
  7. CinemaBlend seems to have had a raging dislike against D3/Blizzard for a while now...I find their articles rather one-sided and thus a bit suspect, but not like I really know... My position about Blizzard the company is about the same as greylord. They're no longer interested in making the type of game that I liked from them. Doesn't make them the devil, but it does mean it's likely I won't be buying another game from them....unless they do an abrupt switch around. Which I doubt.
  8. Finished the 3rd Sherlock series. The last was the best one....the ending was pretty cool, altho personally I think they went a tiny bit overboard with making Moriarty a stereotyped modern psychotic type...could have reined that in just a bit while still making him not as stuffy as in the stories. Watson's stuff at the end almost made me sniffly. Almost. These two characters ... I just love their dynamic together. The series/actors capture that aspect of the stories pretty well I think. I remember one of the original written stories, where Watson gets grazed by a bullet and goes down, and Holmes runs to him in concerned fear.... "It was worth many wounds..." - Bromance at its finest.
  9. I don't mind a marker that indicates what general direction to go in, so I know whether to go south or north or whatever (and then may disappear when I get sorta closeish). What I mind is when games use markers on everything ... that is, your quest is to find an item, say, and the quest marker is on the item itself (and shows up on the map). Then you pick it up, the quest is now to find another item, and the marker moves to that item. Like in Borderlands. I personally like Borderlands, but the marker system (especially in 2) is completely silly, even for the type of game it is. In a RPG game of the type I expect P.E. will be, I can easily do without markers of any kind, as long as the quests are clearly written with a good directional hint, like "North in the Fields of Doom." I don't like it when quest logs are so ambiguous I'm not even sure what compass direction to start in.
  10. I like the website/creator, but it needs a lot more basic options. They can come out looking rather generic, at least for my personal tastes. I didn't try uploading my own pic tho, I'm sure that helps a lot. As long as we can use our own custom images if we want, I don't think we need an image generator built into the game when it's generally so easy these days to find/create your own image and import it.
  11. I've seen the floating skulls and arms still on fire and such before but I don't think I've ever seen that particular effect in NV before.
  12. Of course, when there are no new users, we're still retreading the old ground. Of course.
  13. First two episodes of 2nd season of "Sherlock:" pretty cool. Liked Hound better than the Adler one...so far think the 1st season was a little better. First two episodes of CBS series "Elementary:" it's ok. Watson being a woman didn't annoy me quite as much as I thought it might, but I'm still not really digging it. Feels more like a regular ol' US crime procedural except you have very loose Holmes and Watson chrs. eg, it doesn't feel like Sherlock, to me. Which oddly, makes me view it more leniently I guess. Probably won't watch it much tho.
  14. TV: Sandoval hits 3 HR's in Giants game Hubs: He ate 3 bowls of Wheaties today. Me: *groans, yet laughs* ....great game for us. I felt bad for the Tigers pitchers tho. I know they're going to give us a fight at some point, they're a good team.
  15. I'd rather not have any forced surnames. I don't usually bother with a surname at all. If there was a forced one, I'd have to start considering whether the first name I picked went well with the imposed surname and it'd take me twice as long to get past the naming stage.
  16. In action-loot-hunt games, I almost find it a must because I want to be able to continue to hunt for that random phat loot with my high level chrs. Typically in RPG's however, I don't care much one way or another. It sounds good in theory to continue playing, but since I tend to be the sort of player who tries to find every nook and cranny the first time through to begin with, there's usually nothing much left for me to do in that regard. And if I want to find out what would happen with other quest choices etc. I either play again or load an earlier save etc. But I don't mind if the option is there, as long as doing so doesn't invalidate the ending of the game in some paradoxical way or something.
  17. I usually read them, but most of the time it's in one ear out the other, so to speak. The influences of Sawyer (or any of the others) I remember in a very general way, but yes, I don't typically care enough to try to remember specific details - or I'm just easily distracted so I forget that I wanted to learn more about certain things they might mention. So interviews are like nice reminders...and occasionally I happen to be in a mood to actually do something like look up/research stuff that sounded interesting. Which means I might learn something/they might stick. Then again, maybe not. Some days I can barely remember my own name.
  18. Is it a full moon today? Things have been weird all over the internet for me. And no, I don't mean here. It's always weird here. Got more done this morning than I was thinking I might ... so might break and watch one of the Sherlock episodes early whilst having some lunch.
  19. That's creative. The only thing I remember doing in Sims1 was the drowning thing. heh.
  20. Actually, no, I don't always know these things. Just because I've been here on the forums for a long time doesn't mean I've spent lots of time reading every interview, article, tweet, blog, formspring of all the developers for all that time. And even when I do read some of them, I don't always remember...sometimes other things in life take precedence and such information gets pushed out of my non-photographic memory brain.
  21. really? other than the lockpick thing, we got virtually zippo from that interview. HA! Good Fun! Some of us enjoy interviews for reasons other than trying to glean some new micro-piece of update information.
  22. I'm not a fan of The Sims, but some twisted part of me still wants that Pets expansion. Yet I refuse to pay $40 for just that (plus $30 for base Sims3). I don't keep up with Steam sales, maybe it's gone on sale, but every time I've looked it's still $40. I think it's about time for me to grab Torchlight2.
  23. Oh trust me, that tune will change when you get older. I used to be the same way. People told me that sort of thing all the time, but my tune never changed. But then I've always been an odd duck.
  24. Ah, I get it now. Noticed that Netflix has 2nd season of BBC's Sherlock (don't know how long it's actually been available, haven't checked in ages). I know what I'm doing later.
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