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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. And over population. And I don't mean whether we can technically feed/house every person or not ... just seems to me that billions isn't exactly an ideal balance of humanity for this planet's current ecosystems/biosphere, especially when combined with our current tech.
  2. Ah....hm. These are always tough, since while I still love a lot of the shows I grew up with, they may not exactly fall on a "favorites" listing anymore. Top of my head, no order, maybe... --Star Trek:OS ... it's Kirk, man. And Spock. That is all. --Breaking Bad ... Cranston is the awesome --CSI:Vegas ... the Grissom years, especially seasons 1-5. --Family Ties ... Alex P. Keaton is legendary. Michael Gross as Mr. Keaton was great too. --Nip/Tuck (first few seasons) ... it may be soap opera, but it was dark and twisted soap opera. --Married with Children ... Ed O' Neil is the awesome. --Twilight Zone ... still the best for this type of series.
  3. Not today, but last night ... I was doing housework and my left wrist joint (the "outer" side) popped. Had to massage it back into place. Kinda like what happened with my thumb/index/middle fingers on both hands a few years ago. I can't do even mild stuff with the hand - like pulling sheets making a bed, picking stuff up - without it constantly popping again, but when it's still, it's fine (not swollen/painful when not in stress-motion). Fun. If it's anything like the fingers, it'll be pretty bad for a few/several months of not stressing it, then heal up to a point where it's generally fine, only slightly stiffer with a bit of nerve numbness. At least I can still type.
  4. This probably isn't exactly what the OP was asking about, but I could do without the villain performing the "evil laugh". Y'know, the "You've fallen into my trap, I'm going to destroy the world, HahaMwahaha" thing....which is then sometimes accompanied by the "I could kill you directly but instead I'm going to leave the room while my over-elaborate method of execution gives you a chance to escape." I mean, it can be funny/appropriate sometimes, but .... I could do without it.
  5. I have no clue on the technical possibilities, but I do like being able to smash some objects in the name of hunting for treasure, or quest objectives. It's fun. But too much destruction or item manipulation in a game can just get in the way/be annoying. Example: in the old top-down view game Nox, every freakin' chair, table, thing in a room could be moved by pushing on it with your character. In theory this was kinda cool, but in effect what often happened was your character would get stuck on constant moving objects as you tried to fight or make your way through narrow rooms/corridors/tunnels. I don't want to have to push past/destroy every meaningless object in a room just to get by. But, of course, at least some crates must be smashable. It's just not a real game without some breakable crates.
  6. Going to try to finish this blasted 2nd playthru of BL2 with hubby today, before the baseball game comes on. Btw, does Bonehead2 show up every time? We never saw him in PT1...maybe he shows up only in PT2? Random? We just missed him?
  7. I'm hoping that Steam's desire to start supporting Linux will mean I won't feel as constrained re: gaming in the future/before Win7 isn't viable anymore. At least for the newer games. I'll always have some old rig set up with XP or Win7 to play older games, for as long as I can maintain a machine that will run those older O/S. I know you can play some games on Linux now, but it's still not where I'd want it to be. Someone elsewhere posted this Tom's Hardware assessment of gaming performance of Win7 vs. Win8, in case anyone hasn't seen it yet/is interested in that aspect. Doesn't appear to be any real difference. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/windows-8-gaming-performance,3331.html
  8. The Giant's only need to win one more game. Crossing my fingers! Also...occasionally I ignore the allergies, because there's nothing like a warm kitty on a cool morning.
  9. Thread pruned. I'm a little tired of the repetitive picture spam, especially when they're potentially mocking other members. If you're bored of a topic and have nothing constructive to contribute, you are always free to ignore the thread a while. Just a thought.
  10. Snacks/drinks in hand, check. A few people to hang out with, check. Baseball cap ready. Check. Journey's Don't Stop Believin' ready to play at a moment's notice. Check. I'm off for some World Series party-time.
  11. I have a feeling that Obsidian will be able to stretch out and do a heck of a lot more with 4million than I ever could.
  12. Mixture of both. Common items as loot, dropping from the majority of the enemies/fights I have no issue with. I mean, you kill a bunch of bandits who were trying to waylay you, you're probably going to rifle the bodies and see if they have anything useful. Cash/stuff to sell, spell scrolls, arrows, basic gear. Not that one has to take the spoils of war so to speak, but it makes sense to me that the possibility is there (edit: but not EVERY enemy in the lot has to have it...good enough if it's somewhat random if they have any "loot"). But it shouldn't be that every enemy has a potential to drop some uber/lore related item. I prefer to find the more interesting items via certain quests, tougher enemy encounters, chests/areas that aren't easy to get to, etc.
  13. I don't mind a Lore/Skill ability for this, altho I tend to get irritated when only a mage can learn it or something (essentially "forcing" one to have a mage in the party). But to me it makes sense that there are going to be magiks that no one in your party may be able to ID offhand, so a representation of needing some skill/knowledge in order to do it isn't something I'm against. Just...no constant "scrolls of ID" that one has to carry around all the time. And I'd be fine with being able to equip an item regardless of it's ID state, unknown penalties/risk included.
  14. Hubby. We still haven't finished the PT2 run of the game. Getting pretty close now tho. But we have discussed (repeatedly) how BL2 doesn't have enough replay value...that's still our main disappointment. Weapons/drop rates are a part of it. The more heavily scripted main questline another part. Dunno. I wish you could take the improved combat of BL2 and put it into BL1.
  15. Baldur's Gate did this. For example the weird artefacts and robes of the Archmagi in High Hedge. It's been a very long time since I've played much of BG. Details like that I tend to forget. I wouldn't mind this type of option. But they'd have to be careful that degradation isn't paced too fast re:cost or potential length of adventuring far away from any town/merchant. I personally don't want to have to constantly go "back to town" because my armor is about to break after a few big battles. That'd be too Diablo-ish. Still, it is a bit more realistic to have some kind of wear and tear + repair on gear so I wouldn't mind having some level of it. Crafting as a type of money sink, as others mentioned, sounds good to me too.
  16. *looks at the last section of the poll* Null vote. Don't mind some sexy, don't mind some implied sex, if it was all optional. But no, it's not my preference to have/play a highly sexualized game. Obviously, if a game is largely intended to be some kind of nudity/sexual game showcase from the beginning, that's something different, but in terms of P.E. or any other more "typical," more general-market fantasy cRPG, I'd rather leave it up to mods/modders to add that kind of stuff in for people who want it.
  17. Ate Chinese food. I still laugh at hubby's inability to eat rice with a fork. Learned he'll have the week around Xmas off after all, which is always nice. Played games until we were almost falling asleep. Hubby's already asleep and snoring, think I'll go join him. To sleep, that is. I don't snore. Sometimes I snuffle a little, but I don't snore. Definitely not. Nope. Never.
  18. We have a sort of catch-all long running Music thread series, for what you're listening to/faves, cool tunes you've randomly found while surfing YT, even music you may have performed yourself. So I think it might be best to continue the general music posts centered there.
  19. Money sinks like games of chance with a .02 chance of an awesome item. *irritated mumbles about Borderlands 2 slot machines....* Bribery options for information you need for quests or whatever are always good. Expensive bribes, not just 20gp. Having items in mid-to-late stage stores that are occasionally very good, but also very expensive. The sort where you'd save up almost the entire game to be able to get them. I guess they'd have to be static in the store to have a chance of buying it, tho...not sure how that would work, if it would at all. Costs a lot of money to join some factions? ...mm...that's all I have. I is sleepy.
  20. I like a journal that feels like as much like a journal as possible, but it has to be organized well enough for me to fairly easily find the information I want. I don't like paging and skimming and reading for 10+ minutes when all I want is to re-read a quest dialogue from some NPC I met 3 hours ago.
  21. All narration/cutscene/cinematics longer than a few seconds should be skippable after you've seen them once, imo. I can't imagine it's that difficult for the game to keep track if they've played once already and then add in the "skip" button, or whatever.
  22. I had fun with flying in Morrowind until I used/mixed too many potions and ended up flying outside of the boundaries of the game in about .5 second or something. Before they had caps on such things. I don't remember. It was funny tho. But agree with the others that I'm not sure if it has a place in a top down, large-party isometric type game. At least not a visual one.
  23. Still trying to wake up. Might have to increase my caffeine for the day this time. *yawn* During my one major attempt at novel writing, ages ago, I had a similar problem. I had plot outline, chapter outline, historical timeline, even drew a rough map and so on, but I kept changing how the first chapter went, which would affect other things a bit of course. It drove me crazy.
  24. I started trying the turn off subtitles approach because I thought maybe I was missing some potential emotional immersion via vocal tones, as well as my being tired of feeling impatient all the time - plus in some games rapid-fire hitting Enter causes truncated, bizarre cutoffs that also become disruptive to me. This assumes that the voice doesn't annoy you or something...I've had games where the main voices annoyed me so much I'd do everything to skip/silence them instead. I did like some of the extra immersion of letting the voices speak, and I can be a huge fan of voice-acting if I like the VO/characterization, but even then some impatience would creep in. As always ... "just depends."
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