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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I played Kotor2 without knowing anything about Kotor1. I managed just fine. There were a few references here and there that I'm sure I didn't "get", but didn't stop me from loving the game and characters in Kotor2. I never felt "lost" or anything like that. I still haven't finished Kotor1. heh.
  2. What I'm liking about Torchlight2 - dual wielding. Wands, pistols, claws. I've been largely investing in the "automatic" skills rather than the mana-costing ones, and just using the weapons as they are. For some reason, it's fun that way. Also, lots of Uniques already. No Legendaries, but it's still early. So...yeah...items and replay are much better than D3 so far. Map/dungeon design isn't bad, with secret rooms to find and some randomization. No enemy respawning, which I kinda miss yet kinda don't. Which isn't to say it's perfect, but for $20...it's a nice job. Fate was ok for what it was, Torchlight was kinda meh, and TL2 is where they get it right...at least for single player. Haven't tried MP and probably won't, since hubby isn't interested.
  3. This brings to mind "Howls Moving Castle" and the system of multiple "housefronts" in different areas, with the actual house being ... somewhere else. Or something to that effect. Altho a walking/teleporting whole house would work just as well. Which, if there's magic in the world, seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to put in the game.
  4. Nah, we get older than 21. The limit is actually 30. As in, "I turned 30 today! ... again!"
  5. CoD...yet another game series I've never played. I'm starting to sound like Ebert with his "movie based on a TV series that was unseen by me" mantra. I think that so many votes for CoD just shows Obsidian's supporters get the joke and are joining in.
  6. Just remember to wrap it in plastic before licking commences. Even if it came in a metal tin. Rust, y'know.
  7. I like being able to pretend I'm 21 again, instead of pretending that when I turn 50, it'll be the new 25. But yeah, more seriously, I don't like it when RPG's are too age specific in terms of your own character. If the game has specific, laid out story reason for the pc to be young (or old), that's fine, but in a game where you're creating your character, I'd prefer a storyline that isn't locked into being one age. "You witnessed an event in your home village and have ventured forth to find answers" doesn't have to specify what age you are.
  8. I know it's horrible for you, but sometimes a big bowl of Top Ramen (w/meat and stuff in it) on a cool morning just hits the spot. Winter comfort food. It's been a quiet week. Going to spend some time this afternoon catching up on TV. I always fall behind, even on series I like.
  9. but if everything is huge...how can you tell? Tell what? That they're large weapons? Because they're longer than your character is tall, of course.
  10. Manual pausing. I tried auto-pause and no matter the setting I always felt like the game was pausing when I didn't want it to, so I turned it all off. To this day I can't stand auto-pausing and still turn it off in all games, heh. I don't remember ever feeling a need to pause for traps. I just led the party by making each step forward very small.
  11. "You've left me an opening!" ... ah, Kotor2 memories. ...most of the time I eventually learn to tune out combat barking. But agree it is annoying if they overlap/cut each other off too often. Other than that, I'm kinda like GhostofA: bark for the start of combat, critical hits, low health is tolerable, even if it does get repetitive. Also, a menu option to turn only the barks off would be fine with me...because even if I think the barks are funny, at some point I'm going to wish they'd shut up, so....
  12. I have to be honest. If there's no running water, I'm fubar'd. Well, I live near a bay, but that's salt water. Mostly swampy, grassy salt water in terms of what's closeish to the homestead. I don't think what's in the water heater and toilet tank would last 6 months. If I thought I had a chance of making it (since they're slow zombies), I'd go for the local hills towards the coastline. Less population and would probably take the zombies a little while to get up there. Might be able to bounce from wooded cabin to wooded cabin, working our way to the coastal farms on the other side of the hills and survive that way.
  13. True...but I guess I'm picky and I still can't stand it, lol. Is there any way to turn just the voices off? I think I remember an option that at least minimized the non-important spoken things (like the level-up's). It'd be nice if I could turn off the dialogue ones too. Ah well...I can always just click away really fast...don't need to read the story.
  14. I'm not really picturing a mage in a full head to toe plated armor suit, but something more like a form of breastplate and head gear. More like the stereotypical Romans or Greeks or something maybe. eg, some protection against sudden-death by projectile but still allowing for fairly decent movement. The question to me seems more about whether or not spells require a long time to cast, or are they going to be more like The Force where they just have to directionally waggle their finger to instantly toss objects across a room. If you know what I mean. If it takes a fair time to cast almost any significant/combat spell, armored or not, they're going to be in the back, like any ranged fighter, with any armor just to keep them from being killed instantly before they can finish the spell. They can't be tanks and take the place of the "fighters" in that regard because (I'd guess) the time for spellcasting would still make them sitting ducks to strong melee attacks. Sure that extra AC might help them survive a couple more direct hits, but that's about it. If, however, spellcasting is almost instant, then that could be another story and you'd have to alter combat/armor etc. mechanics to account for such.
  15. The one big nitpick I have with TL2 is the voice acting. It's terrible. Every time a NPC starts talking I cringe - it's like listening to a zombie version of William Shatner - all his traits with none of his amusing over-emoting. Even the "You have gained a level" or whatever phrasing they use is awful.
  16. My word for it is "cheap." Challenge that requires movement/terrain/technique/party strategy? I like. "Challenge" that requires sudden saving/loading because of an unknown-beforehand insta-kill situation? No likey. Sure, on repeated playthru's you know it's there and can plan in advance for it, but I'm talking about the first time encountered. It's cheap.
  17. That Star Wars Call Me Maybe video must have taken a week to make. Or alternatively, about 48 hours + 35 Red Bulls.
  18. Mo's can be awesome, but not really seeing a P.E. connection, so moved to WoT.
  19. Here's another post he made on the topic: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61958-crossing-from-fun-to-frustrating-by-design/page__st__60#entry1264456 He says first that "stamina lost to health lost will likely be a variable ratio" and "not a shield for health," then he gives a Darklands example as an analogue.
  20. That's not how I understood it, do you have a source please? Sawyer gave examples of how when you take damage, you might lose 10 stamina and 1 or 2 health. Something like that. I don't have an exact quote for you offhand tho. eg, stamina is not actually a "shield."
  21. That's good to hear he's working again at the moment, thanks for the news.
  22. Yeah...I'm not easily "scared" by games/movies (gore, boo moments, "horror") but anything that produces that much sustained tension tends to get to me/wear me out before I can become more blase about it. System Shock2 is one of the few other games that have given me a similar level of constant suspense like that.
  23. Start of previous thread Last page of previous thread ...I played some hours of Torchlight2. After the usual easy areas, it starts to become fairly fun. So far it's not as "cartoony" as I thought it would be and I like it better than TL1, certainly. The dual-pistol character is right up my alley. And I'd forgotten how addicting the fishing can be in this series, at least early on. Getting spells, tomes, armor from fishing becomes a rather obsessive task now and then. ...and turning your pet into a Mimic is hilarious. A mouthy treasure chest idly hopping around.
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