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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Ditto. Altho, I've had games with in-game, real-time clocks, turned them on ... and still found myself going "crap, the sun is coming up...." - because most of the time, I just forget they're there/don't look in the corner to notice those little numbers.
  2. As some others have said, the occasional side-quest that has a sense of urgency, I don't mind ... as long as it's not just a ticking clock in the corner. Something along the lines of "my boy is sick and I need the antidote from this guy in [ insert town name here ] within a few days or he'll die" is tolerable. Gives me time to finish whatever other thing I might've been in the middle of first, say, before doing it. Plus I can always skip that quest if I don't want to deal with it. But I don't like stuff like "deliver these three packages to all corners of the city in 120 seconds, ready, set, go!" or "do this within an hour or the bomb strapped to your neck will kill you and you'll have to reload" ... especially if I'm forced to do it in order to progress the main quest/plot. So, occasional optional side quests, at the least it's tolerable. As a main plot device? No, no, no, no, no.
  3. Long day of paperwork, research, filing, more paperwork. I hate paperwork and avoid it as much as possible but sometimes, y'gotta do it. My brain hurts. I'm essentially a non-fan of drinking who only drinks very occasionally, so I can relate, heh. But when I was younger and, y'know, parties - I've done my small share. But even with more casual/light drinking, I'd say .... no, you're not missing anything. Unless you actually like the taste of alcohol. Some people do...I don't. I prefer chocolate as a vice.
  4. The comics I read as a kid, I don't remember him being unlikable tho. Smart alec, sure, somewhat arrogantly detestable, no. He was relatable in the comics because what kid hasn't had similar frustrations at some point or another. In the film, while his situations might be sympathetic, he was not. eg, the translation to the screen wasn't a good one. Or maybe the actor's abilty to portray "angst" just didn't do it for me.
  5. When Liam Neeson showed up in that movie with that glowing, shiny armor, I LOL'd. ...I tend to like duller metal-colored metal armor myself. Not super polished, with some dents and dings that show it's been used. And while I'm sure it's considered boring and predictable or something, I liked the way Aragorn did armor in the later parts of the LotR movies. Chainmail with tunic, sometimes with pieces of plate on the shoulders/arms etc. I like stuff that mixes up pieces, rather than being a complete matching set.
  6. What? *looks* I'm not sure which video of mine you're thinking of, but I don't think that's a frame from any of mine. I don't use the gold UI color. It does feel like I've seen that shot before, but not sure where.
  7. Disaster movies is a theme that comes up at least once every couple decades seems like. Speaking of superhero, I caved and watched that Spiderman reboot. I liked Martin Sheen, Dennis Leary...and I suppose it was less campy than the Rami films. But I found the character of Peter Parker in this one to be wholly unlikable for almost the entire movie (eg, too long). What a brat. The darker mood was fine (if a bit over-done...it's Spiderman, not Batman). Overall, I found the reboot to be, perhaps, a better movie....but it was less entertaining. If that makes sense.
  8. Black and colors close to black show white dust better, of course. But since I don't work in a chalk factory, not usually a problem for me, haha. But stuff like wine, soda, coffee....no worries. That video....haha, that's cute. When I see men in black w/masks I always think of Cary Elwes. Or maybe Zorro.
  9. Hm. Well, it wouldn't be objectionable if the option was there, it's not like you'd have to rename them if you didn't wish to. But I don't think I'd be interested either .. I like companions/NPC's to seem like individual people as much as possible. Which means I shouldn't be renaming them willy-nilly. Unless you had a scene where you're sitting around a campfire with everyone and have a convo that gives one of them a teasing nickname. That might make it feel ok.
  10. Agree with all this. Especially the Borderlands2 part, haha. I like having effects every time I cast a spell or fire a gun and so on, but it doesn't have to be all-encompassing or overly flashy. Just a nice visual indicator that I did something. I don't need a giant nuclear cloud that fills half the screen, and I definitely don't need the whole screen itself to shake, shimmy, be covered in blood spatters like I sprayed ketchup all over my glasses, or have a weird colored, textured filter over the whole screen.
  11. I definitely like villains that on the one hand, you want to strangle with your bare hands because under any smooth veneer they're sick and depraved and stand for things you're totally against, but on the other, you can sorta sympathize with them for some reason, so it's hard to mindlessly hate them. It's not just about forceful charisma of presence, but any potential backstory, how they became what they are, their reasons, maybe not all their goals/desires/results are actually "bad", etc.
  12. Probably just a visual thing. It's stark and dramatic when filming stuff in mood lighting, so also by long association. But yeah....I personally like black (and grey, and dark blue), wear it a lot, but if black means evil, I must be more evil than the devil himself. Outside of that, while I like color in nature, for general clothes I usually like neutral or darker colors. I'm that boring. Plus it shows dirt less.
  13. Haha, got the battery, put it in. The parking lights kept flashing, cycling...it's an alarm thing. Tried to reset it using the alarm remote. No go. Had to look it up again but apparently I need to use the auto lock/unlock remote to let it know I have control of the keys. Said key remote just had the battery die this week, so I have to go get one to reset the stupid alarm and stop those blinking lights. Seems like a pretty silly system. What if you've lost those key remotes? Oh, there's supposed to be a reset/LED switch thing somewhere in the lower dash too, but I swear it's not there. Can't find it. Manuals say "may be moved during installation and not in the place indicated."
  14. It came as a package feature when I bought the car. Don't know what Subaru was doing at the time regarding who made/put them in for them. The only bonus of having it is the insurance company gives a discount! haha. But yeah...I could do without it. Not like I need/want to run out at 3am every time a cat jumps on the hood.
  15. P.E. isn't Dragon Age. Or New Vegas. We won't be watching our actual characters/companions "talking" like in those games. The characters will be small figures marching around on an isometric viewpoint screen, maybe without even any zoom. There will be no full voice work of dialogues. Even in Diablo3, where you could zoom in to see the faces, they didn't bother animating the actual faces, just had them waving their arms in the air to express excitement. The point in this thread isn't whether it's actually possible with today's tech to make character model faces emote to some degree, it's about how to give an impression of emoting within the limitations of the visual format P.E., specifically, seems likely to be using. Which, come to think of it, if they are using some kind of 3d modeling for the characters (vs 2d sprites), perhaps they could use some body motion like arm waving to express emotion, at least in some scenarios. Dunno tho.
  16. Jump start, drive it around on the freeway for half an hour or more. Which is mostly fine during summer but then the colder temps of winter start to equal I'd have to do that every day. When we lived closer to where you are, Hurl, I still didn't drive every day, but I had to come up the Penisula semi-frequently and generally drive significantly more miles per outing. Now it's rare that I drive more than 5-8 miles a week for stuff. I'm also still of the (unsubstantiated) opinion that the car's alarm system puts not inconsequential drain on the battery (even when not "on"). Or maybe it's developed a minor electrical problem that's causing it to drain more than it used to. One day I need to get someone to disconnect it to see. That's something I don't know how to do on this car.
  17. I can make fun of stuff like Twilight or not understand the appeal of Potter on a personal level, but hey....not everyone was into Star Trek. Things hit people differently, so I have no problem with there being a variety for all minds. But it does become a little annoying in entertainment, when because of $$$ there are periods when it starts to feel like companies focus entirely too much on one theme/thing for too long. ....like superhero movies. Are we done with those yet?
  18. But we don't really know what is in "accordance" with the continent at this time. I doubt every town/city/region on the continent has the same dress fashion, let alone weather. California, for example, is a large state with many different climates (desert, high mountain, sea level, everything inbetween). P.E.'s continent doesn't necessarily only have one climate model, which can influence dress, for example. Edit: besides, in-game, aren't we supposed to be able to dress people the way we want (armored mages, right)? So I'm sure if you want to, you can make Forton wear some plate armor instead of flimsy cotton pants and no shirt, to some degree, if you want.
  19. I could walk to the store, but they are a bit heavy for me to just lug one back and forth for two miles (some hand/wrist/knee arthritis, blah blah). Maybe I'll buy myself a little red wagon with a long pull handle for next time this occurs. The main issue is I just don't drive enough the past several years to keep a battery charged up/"healthy", I guess...so they wear out faster and stop holding a charge for more than a day or two, within 12-14 months. Or, er, something. I don't know. It's become rather annoying, tho.
  20. Path of Exile has more detailed graphics - or at least gives an illusion of such or something - in some respects, than D3. Aren't those both more "3d" than P.E. is likely to be, tho? I'm not always sure about these things... At any rate, D3 is kinda weird for me visually, because Act1 looks so terrible but later stuff often looked a lot better.
  21. Actually, I said "walk into" a store. There are probably 3 or 4 local automotive retail stores less than 3 miles from our house. He's also plenty familiar with basic auto mechanic stuff if it doesn't involve the new-fangled computer mumbo jumbo. eg, he once rebuilt the whole engine to a Mercury Capri.....he's just getting lazy in his "old" age and is starting to have this sort of attitude about a lot of things, and it's occasionally irritating since I see it as wasting money. Couples, y'know. Actually, all he needs to do is drive me to go buy it. I know how to install it.
  22. Makes sense. I guess I tend to think of "battlemages" when I start leaning towards melee. Would use some short-range attack spells but nothing very ranged, defensive spells, summoned weapons, very speed oriented. Very little healing augmentation magic wise. Even if they can wear physical armor to protect against physical harm/bullets, I might think it's appropriate for a mage to still have something like a "fire armor" that does some fire damage to melee attackers or something like that. Depends, like you said.
  23. What I remember most about MW was stacking pillows, learning sneak the cheesy way, bouncing around everywhere like a rubber ball to try to get acrobatics up, spending way, way too much time on alchemy and enchanting, getting annoyed at the level scaling, and using the editor to build huge, fancy underground "houses" with NPC's and tons of storage space. It was an obsessive-compulsive tinkering gaming dream, once. What I don't remember is the story/plot. Did it have one? ...I do remember the faction choosing, but I don't think I ever got around to choosing one to progress the main plot terribly far ... tho I do seem to recall getting a mage house as a reward or something. eg, I never finished the game, despite spending a lot of time in it. As to what happened to Beth....who knows. On the very surface, Oblivion and Skyrim still remind me of MW. But the OCD compulsion aspect wasn't there, and I got bored with both in a matter of hours/days.
  24. It's probably been about 4-5 months since I last checked out Path of Exile. Thought I'd update it and take a peek again, for a brief moment. After taking what seemed forever to "allocate space", it finally started downloading. Nearly 3GB. Sheesh. At least their servers are fast...going faster than Steam usually does. Still, trying it out might have to wait until tomorrow at this point. PoE, while some fun initially, still has never felt like "my" game. Can't put a complete finger on why, seems like I should like it. Maybe the humongous tree thingie feels too exhausting to deal with. Maybe their specific top-down angle and rather dreary color scheme annoys me a little (and the first Act is/was still kinda boring...). But they keep making improvements/changes, so I keep hoping one of these days I'll update it, fire it up, and suddenly be entranced.
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