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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm referring to games that don't give me a sense of having much to do. This wasn't intended as a "they suck" type of insult, only that I usually (but not always) find those types of games not interactive/task-oriented enough to feel like I'm actually "playing" something. eg, the more I feel like I'm watching a game, the less involved I feel. I have watched pretty much the entire 1st episode of WD on YouTube, btw. I was initially uninterested but eh...for the price, I do like the artwork so why not. ...and now I've bought Saints Row3 complete package. Again, mostly because of the price and "maybe one day..." I still haven't played much of SR2.
  2. Love those pics, Diagoras. I'm not a huge study of armor but it is a subject of interest so I've been very much enjoying all the pics and the variety that people have been posting.
  3. I think this topic could use a little more posting about actual game-related pros and cons of having humanoid bestial races in P.E./games, and less assumptive commentary re: the possible psychology of a group of humans who may not have the same activity enjoyments as oneself. Hint, hint.
  4. I have a feeling that if asked this question 8-10 years ago, my answers might have been very different.
  5. That BG enhanced looks pretty nice, visually. It would be nice to not have to use mods to play BG in high resolution and all of that. But I don't like that I have to buy it only from their site. I'm not sure why, I just don't. Maybe I just get tired of having to register at yet another website/thingie. Wish it was on GoG. Maybe one day it will be.
  6. Well, I bought Walking Dead since it was on sale. I'm aware of the QTE's, which I normally wouldn't like, but since the game isn't really a "game" in the normal sense of the term, imo, I doubt I'll really care. I don't expect a lot from the game, just figured the narration might be cool. Besides, it's only $13. I've paid more for pizza. More troubling is the sound of that glitch. I haven't DL'd it tho...just bought it. Won't have time to play anything until Sunday maybe. Also bought Dead Island since it was $10 again. What the heck. Might get around to it one day.
  7. This morning hubs was watching some TV program while drinking his coffee, and said it was strange, but he had a sudden craving. When asked what it was, my non-sweets eating spouse said "Apple pie." To which I replied that maybe it was because the station he was watching kept rolling a tiny pie icon accross the screen for its logo, being it was Thanksgiving. Hubs was "really? I didn't notice," -- he looked for it and saw it after next commercial and went "oh." I lol'd. One friend and one family visited, too much turkey eaten, one movie seen, a whole lot of smiles and hugs, one almost-nap in the van, now home. Sleep, then doing it again with different people. And hubby got his pie. With ice cream.
  8. I've never had the impression that such elves are actually "frail" - just slender and agile. You don't need to be Conan to be fair in physical combat, even if you won't ever be a serious tank. I have not seen (playable) Elves like Dobby from Potter in D&D cRPG's that I've played (not that I've played a great deal of them), so I'm not sure what you're referring to about my post, exactly. When I'm thinking of physically weak, I mean pretty much useless in physical combat, period. Child-like size for one thing, generally just not strong musculature for another. eg, like Dobby in the picture.
  9. Been there, have the t-shirt. It's not that I auto-like all crafting (Skyrim's did not interest me much) but sometimes the design of the crafting options hits the right mental trigger. Other times it's not actually the crafting itself, either, but more the process of hunting/finding the things you need to craft. In a way, a compliment to exploration perhaps.
  10. For me holidays are usually just another day, but this year it's shaping up to be pretty busy. Few friends haven't seen in a while, and the families are no longer in "one" location. In fact, I should be sleeping right now but ... I woke up, and of course now I can't go back to sleep. :/ Happy Holiday.
  11. *thinks a long time....* To be honest, I don't think it's so much that I love RPG's as much as I love certain aspects of gameplay. These attractions can be found in more than one genre, altho they will often be found more regularly or more "deeply" in one genre over another. --Exploration that has a "there might be something useful/cool over there, so I must go look!" compulsion (FPS rarely has enough of this for me, but strategy/adventure games might have it) --obsessive task-orientation: alchemy, crafting, design, loot, flexibility and growth (learning efficiency or multiple ways to "win") If I'm lucky, there will also be: --non-PC characters that I can grow to love, or just amuse me (I rarely care about my own player-character itself, except in terms of how choices made affect other characters) It's obviously more emotionally immersive to become concerned/attached to a fully formed RPG NPC with a nice background/story and its own personality, but I've been known to become very attached to RTS units, aRPG "pets" and drone companions (Majesty's monks, Stronghold's warriors and archers, Dungeon Keeper's imps and vampires, Torchlight's pets, etc)...in those cases, it's usually because of amusement, but it's an attachment nonetheless, that keeps me playing and tends to have me using those units almost to exclusion. RPG's just have the potential to have these things with a higher level intensity.
  12. I figured, in such cases, that it's more that my patience is too short nowadays - but your version makes me feel like less of an old fart, so I'll go with it instead.
  13. I am impressed. No, seriously. I've done some sewing in my day...and my mom liked to sew simple clothes (her best friend was an awesome seamstress, too). But going to the trouble of shortening socks? These days I can't even be bothered to hem my pants - and almost all pants are 6-8 inches too long, since I'm very short. I keep telling myself I need to shorten them, but I just keep rolling them up instead. Good thing I don't work in a professional office.
  14. I enjoy Tolkien-type elves just fine. But it would be kinda cool if for once in a game they were more like...oh, I dunno, maybe like this: ...I'm not, btw, a Potter fan. Dobby's actually a little too "child like" for my tastes (the huge eyes). I just like the idea that Dobby is a "house elf." eg elves could be short, a little weird looking rather than some kind of humanoid ideal, physically weak, magical, and perhaps even timid/shy until circumstances finally push them towards action.
  15. It's strange, because I've read plenty of sci-fi books with humanoid but not-human races, and I like them there just fine. Don't know if anyone's read Alan Dean Foster's Icerigger trilogy, but I loved the cat-like race in it (the Tran). Their iceskate-like feet and bat-like "wings" under their arms for catching the wind on a frozen planet. And how they had a "summer" variant that would come about during that planet's warm cycles every hundreds or thousands of years or something. Anyway, when there were "cat people" in the ES series, I thought I'd enjoy playing one. But it turned out to be not that great. Oh, they're cute/cat-like enough I suppose, without being "too cute", but somehow seeing such a race wasn't quite the same as reading about them. It's not that I disliked them, but I really didn't care. I'd rather have a human-like intelligence, telepathically-communicating jaguar that looks like a jaguar, for a companion/race instead. I don't mind humanoid beast-races in games, and I still like them in novels, but it's just not very enticing to play one in a video game. Speaking for myself only, of course. In a sci-fi RPG, I'd love to have a non-carbon-based race to play. To use Foster's books again, something like the silicon-based "photovores" on the planet Prizm. Totally non-human, with varied shapes and appearances depending on their "job/purpose," rather than one single body style, but intelligent and society-driven.
  16. Relaxed most of the day, with many cat nose-kisses to make me smile. Maybe find another film to watch a bit later, then going to bed early to be rested for Thanksgiving weekend ... it's going to be a busy one for me this year.
  17. Of course. It's to drive people out to buy more popcorn!
  18. If you like to play offline, Steams "don't update" checkbox doesn't work. At least, it never has for me. As soon as you switch to online mode to do anything, Steam starts downloading every single update for every game even if you have "don't update" checked. If it's a big update and you're quick, you can go to the DL screen and pause/stop them before they DL and install, but that's iffy and annoying. However, you CAN copy the entire game install of a Steam game to another place, so if you want to play a specific version of the game, go into offline mode and copy back that old version. Of course, this can be a ton of HDD space eventually, if you wanted to keep a copy of every single "version", say, and it means you have to play the game's older versions in offline mode, so it's not exactly something to do very often. (and it only works if you bought the game on Steam before any patches you don't like were put out)
  19. If we had that many gear slots, I'd get nowhere in terms of progressing in the game because I'd spend 30 minutes after every combat in the paper-doll screen.
  20. Yes, but doesn't matter, because...Liam Neeson is the awesome. And with the current path of his film career, I fully expect to see him in The Expendables:Next Generation, delivering the ultimate in deadpan one-liners, which would also be awesome. That one skit from Life's Too Short was an instant classic, imo.
  21. I tend to lean towards that view of seeing Paladins (in most games) as being a cross of Fighter/Cleric, and not being all that good at either role. They're handy if you only want to take up one party slot instead of 2 and don't mind their limitations, but other than that ... I don't tend to use them or like them because I don't find them very interesting or useful. I think Paladins (again, in games....) are less about their mechanical/skillset abilities and more about roleplaying. Some people like the idea of a more "noble" or "cause" oriented class. Honor, a "good" morality code, all of that. These roleplaying qualities are not, imo, limited to having an "I believe in a higher power/God" as the only defining motivator. Hence, if they aren't the defining aspect of P.E.'s Paladins, I'm fine with that. I probably still won't use them, tho, unless they bring a lot more to the table than per average for such a class.
  22. For me it was Dungeon Keeper1. He's had so many ideas etc. but most of them haven't turned out very well (imo) and I sorta stopped paying any attention to him. I'd love a new "god" game but for me, if it takes too much from things like Black & White, I'm likely to be disappointed.
  23. It is. But no point for me if there's no advantage from what I already have.
  24. Last thread ..Expendables 2. The first 5-10 minutes made me ruminate on how even "fun action" can be boring when swept in with zero initial context, but the last half made up for that with all the jokes and references. Not a better film than the 1st one, but I thought it was more fun.
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