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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Agreed. I don't really get this "traitor" thing. Don't know the people involved, of course ... but if the guy's being an arse and wouldn't stop even if she asked him to, and then she is made to feel like a pariah so she felt she had to quit/could no longer work there because of it, that's not something to be proud of and protect.
  2. I must say, standing out in a cool winter wind when you have a high fever is the awesome. ... er, at least, it feels good on the face. Heheh. Sleep, TV, sleep, wondering if I should buy a small turkey this year for hubs and myself, more TV. Big mug of hot milk chocolate. Now back to sleep.
  3. Oh...sabatons. I don't think I've seen such with that kind of extremely long toe before. Usually they seem more like short claws, not foot long rod spikes.
  4. I read the manuals (when there's one that consists of more than telling me what hotkeys do what...) ... but I don't mind tutorials. IF they're not too long. And if they're the intro of the game, it's nice if you can largely skip them on replays ... either with a "I don't need this, Skip, yes/no" choice or by making it so the player can just dash right to the "point" and ignore all those little side tutorial things. I can't think of a single game tutorial that actually gave me any sense of "learning" how to play that just playing the game doesn't do by itself, if you know what I mean...but some people like them, if they add a little to lore/story background. The set-up, as it were. Completely separate tutorials ... eh, I've seen those in some RTS games. I don't think they're any better and it would feel weird in a RPG. You can make in-game tutorials skippable in some fashion...seems good enough to me.
  5. I think P.E. needs a light-armor shopkeeper NPC named Sophos The Wise, where every few days, the first time you enter his shop, he's wearing a different, awesome piece of gear. One time a hat, another time a mask, another time a shirt. And if you comment to him how much you admire his fashion sense, he'll offer to give them to you - for "very reasonable price" of course. Collect the whole set! Also, that pic of the armor with the very long "toes." What in the world are the long toes for? I mean, I can see kicking your enemies in the shins or something, but it would be hard to run/fight with those on, I'd think. And running the risk of impaling something too deeply and getting "stuck?"
  6. Arrow's last episode is moving him towards the "less vengeful hero" mode a tiny bit. Also caught some random old episode of The Love Boat. I remember liking that show a fair bit back when (in my defense, I was 10 and had a crush on Gopher). Now it's just a laugh-fest of bad hair, bad clothes, bad jokes, bad everything. There's some great TV from the 70's/early 80's that holds up today ... but that isn't one of them.
  7. I have a feeling that building stuff in Stronghold - laying out straight lines of walls and plonking down pre-built towers/gatehouses - is quite a bit simpler than being an architect. But even that simplicity was kinda failing me earlier. There are a lot of in-editor tricks for making "eye-candy" maps, where one can make some fairly elaborate terrain/castles for looks vs. play functionality, if one feels like taking a lot of extra time. That's not what I was trying today, however. I know I'm not capable of dealing with that right now. Heh.
  8. I've seen snowy environments in games that were awesome, which means I'll love them. I've also seen snowy environments in games that were terrible. It all depends on how well they deal with all that white. If it's too featureless/textureless, it's like wandering around a blank sheet of paper with the occasional rock and tree. Bleh.
  9. Most US chain pizza places are the suck. At least on the West Coast, no clue about other parts of the US. Domino's, Pizza Hut, Mountain Mikes, etc. All icky, imo. Back in the early '80's, our local Round Table's were decent for a franchise chain - not great, mind you, but decent - but they've gone downhill over the years and varies wildly by location. I still like their red sauce tho.
  10. It's post limit time again. If someone wants to start a Part3, feel free.
  11. I think it's my brain protesting all the paperwork and legalese I've been forcing into it recently. ...saw a post elsewhere about Hostess troubles. I was never into Twinkies or Hostess Cupcakes or any of that, so if they do close up shop and no one buys their brands and keeps those sweets alive, I won't miss them specifically, but I'll miss the company name being part of the culture. Something I grew up with and all that. No more Twinkie jokes ... guess it'll have to be Lil' Debbie jokes instead.
  12. Even when one is ill, eventually lying in bed gets old. So I thought maybe I could build a castle in the Stronghold editor. Not much thought required, it's just building, not playing. But then I discovered that high fevers = some pretty weird castle building on my part. It's like what Picasso might have made, if he designed a castle. Maybe I'll look at it later and think it's genius, but I doubt it.
  13. I don't mind that the setting of the dungeons (sewer, caves, dungeons, giant towers/homes) might be similar...it's the design and whether or not they all visually "look the same" that makes them interesting or boring. Entering a dungeon tower/giant mansion that had a bizarre design, both in appearance and navigation would be cool. Like the Winchester Mystery House type weird....something that looks like whoever designed it was following no logical plan but isn't just a Halloween-house.
  14. I just like the spicy meats (Itl. sausage, linguica, pepperoni etc), mushrooms, jalepeno type pizzas. Artichoke hearts and olives are always good. Hubs isn't into "weird" stuff on his pizza and neither of us like anything but red (tomato) pizza sauces, so it's rare we do anything but the ol' fashioned US type toppings. I do like sliced tomatoes, green peppers and onions but hubs doesn't like those either, so....
  15. I think those with flu's gave it to me. .....mostly a high fever. Spending most of my time in bed, half passed out. At least there's no weird rash or swelling this time. Hope it's just a plain ol' flu.
  16. Northern forests that are somewhat dense, kind of dark and mossy, with patches of tall grass. Shaded and cooler forests, with the sun peeking through the treetops. With lakes and creeks and stuff. On the other side, Arizona type desert I like - those giant rock formations, lakes surrounded by dry cliffs, scrub and cacti. Nothing but sand dunes for miles and miles, not so much. I find jungles and swamps/bogs generally boring in games, but there's always exceptions. Rainstorms/stormy weather make all environments better.
  17. Largely agree with the OP ... a lot of the gaming trends - at least in big name titles - I haven't been very fond of. But I don't think such games should be eliminated or something. Some people like games to be more movie like, or whatever. Just wish there was more variety, more often, instead of the endless parade of clones per trend period - like I always do, in just about everything...not just gaming.
  18. If it's a game-world time clock, then I'd agree ... that might be useful/appropriate, at least if there are any quests that require one to do anything around certain hour ("meet me at Sleepy Kitty Inn at midnight").
  19. GoG updated my Stronghold games with the HD versions + "Extreme" version for Crusader. So I checked it out briefly. It's very nice to play in full screen 1920x1080 and have it look great. Very very nice. Not that it looked horrid playing the old versions, but yeah ... it's sweet. Can't wait to have some time to play Crusader and get those 1000's of units rocking. Man I used to spend hours designing freemaps and castles in Stronghold, and playing the Skirmish maps. Good times, good times.
  20. Seems someone is trying to phish us using our mortgage company's name. Urgent phone calls then an email to hubby's cell. Refinance to 3%, call this number, give us your SS#. Hahah....like I'm going to fall for that. Still drowning in paperwork, but found a couple hours to check out the "HD" version of the old Stronghold games from GoG. Higher res. support for those games ... very nice.
  21. Given the seeming tech level of the game, I'd say pragmatic. That's assuming magic can't spell food, shelter, and a world economy for everyone out of thin air, of course.
  22. Was watching Open Range again. Robert Duvall is always awesome, and I was thinking that Costner really does do Westerns/gunslingers pretty well. I miss Westerns. I think the reboot was a better Spider-Man (in the costume) but .. meh, maybe the next one I'll like better, since the origin stuff is done with. Something I remember not liking about the Rami films was making the spiderwebs organic...I definitely recall they were mechanical devices and that rubbed me the wrong way a bit. So neither was perfect for me or anything. Pros and cons in both. ....I'm sounding like a Spiderman nerd. I'm really not. Really.
  23. Hehe, forgot about that. Liquid cooling for me is still something I think about once in a while, but don't live where it's hot enough that an AC unit doesn't keep the temps down enough. And when it's warm, the AC's always on, cause never mind the computer, *I* like it cold. But I suppose no fans helps keep dust out? That alone might be nice. Farking hate having to blow all the dust out a few times a year. And I'd definitely love to have a sliding-out motherboard piece, or just more hand wiggle room in general. I don't think I'd ever have a need for more than 3-4 drive bays, tho. lol.
  24. Hubby loves his beer, so I do know where some of you are coming from, just not via my own personal preferences. But I will say that Kahlua in hot chocolate milk can be quite good.
  25. Over $400 and it doesn't even include any of the basic case fans in the package? ...not that it doesn't look nice.
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