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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It's time for that magical mystery tour known as the post limit.
  2. That is definitely cool, Gorgon. Occasionally us humans are all right. Finally bought/installed Dead Money and am now installing Torchlight2 while wondering how the heck I change my CC info on Steam's website. The "my account" section just gives me purchase history lists and a "delete current associated CC" option. That's not what I want.
  3. That's what temporary hair dye is for.
  4. I'm usually ok with stuff being highlighted when they're behind walls or whatever.
  5. Could still be plenty of handwritten scrolls lying around people's houses or a town historians library, for player's to read. In terms of world lore, still a nice way to put those extra bits in the game that some folk enjoy. I personally tend to ignore them unless they're part of a quest or something, but doesn't bother me if they're there.
  6. Heh, same here. I actually never finished the game. I loved what I played through...the atmosphere, the graphic/gameplay design. But after awhile I just couldn't take the constant tension anymore. I usually prefer games for relaxation or stress relief, not to increase my stress. So it's become another of those games that I mean to get back to "one day." During a bright sunny day, perhaps.
  7. And that's why big trees too near houses + windstorms always make me very nervous. Our last house had this very tall eucalyptus tree in the front - that occasionally liked to drop large branches on the lawn, once narrowly missing the driveway - and I constantly fretted about it. Current house, whole street is lined with maple trees. It's pretty but...well, at least they're not as tall. Today I'm again wishing I had a rainproof DSLR/lens setup. Oh sure I can put baggies over it all, but that's always a bit awkward. Or maybe an umbrella attachment to the camera, one wide enough to cover both the camera and photographer. Sure you'd look like a geeky goober, but it's for art, right? Edit: also, beef roast for dinner. Makes the house smell nice.
  8. Ok...I admit it. I lol'd. I can understand wanting an ability to control the camera. Even I've gotten rather used to that. But that's in the 3d games. And even in those, sometimes top-down perspective combined with camera swivel has its own bizarre issues. I still wouldn't mind a simple close-up function tho, for vanity sake. But I won't mind if it's not included, either.
  9. @Ieo - I'm fine with a bit of discussion on Chris' comments - it's part of the interview after all. But I'd rather not have it become "just another typical" heated back and forth on the topic. For that we can quote the relevant interview section in the other thread or something, perhaps.
  10. Agree with Cant. I'd write more, but ... I think I'll leave it at that. I love this update tho, largely because of how it's inspired the community to give a lot of nice input/ideas.
  11. Let's not turn this into a romance thread, k? It is a great interview tho...with some nice wit. Heh. I'm also a little disappointed that there won't be a way to play a pacifist route...but at least there will be "sneaky or social" solutions to some paths. And I liked his comments re:speech as a tool.
  12. I tend to like visual consistency. That is, if there are super-duper sized 1H swords, there better be super-duper sized magic staffs, bigger 2H swords, and even daggers should be ridiculously large. If you're going for a certain type of look in your game, it should be similar through either the whole game or the area of the game where such things occur. But that doesn't mean I care much about visual reality. Rainbow hued flowers and fluorescent purple horses and dogs? Not my personal thing, but whatever. A gun chamber and reloading animation doesn't match reality enough? Don't care, as long as within the game the mechanics of reloading (across the board for all gear) feels fair and works well for the way combat is designed. I mean, it's cool when a game bases its stuff in reality that you can point to, but it's not something I particularly look/wish for ... unless the game is an actual simulator of something, perhaps (Subway Train Simulator #29!). And I definitely don't want/care about truly realistic weight/hunger/thirst/everyone's-gotta-poo type reality in games.
  13. Just thought of something. Would Disney be willing to release a Blu-Ray of the original unaltered original Star Wars trilogy? Or does that control still remain with Lucas.
  14. What Paramount did with Star Trek felt similar, to me, too. I don't mean only the reboot movie, either. Just the concept that they ran that franchise into the ground to a point where even a lot of fans stopped caring. But that's often the nature of film/TV. Occasionally, years later, things align and something great comes out of the pile again. But not often, imo.
  15. I like Jason Bateman, so I tried watching the start of AR once. It was kinda cute, but there seems to be a type of media humor/style that I don't "get" anymore, these days. It's not that I think they're bad shows, but they don't make me laugh, either. :/
  16. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2012/10/30/disney-star-wars-lucasfilm/1669739/ Oh for heaven's sake. Let it go already. Not that I don't understand. Money to be made and all. But I'm going to remain huddled in my corner pretending only the first three movies exist. ...it is interesting about Lucas letting go of the reins, however. Reminds me of Roddenberry doing similar with ST:TNG. Creative consultant. Hm.
  17. Oh, no, it's not out yet. Apologies. That must have been a typo on my part. Either that or I was thinking "the 3rd episode of ..." and the brain to finger/typing translation process became garbled.
  18. Well, from my memory of Overlord, I found that type of system kinda boring. The progression was ok, but I still prefer "decorating" a house on my own. For instance, how I spent hours arranging tiny dino's and Nuka-Cola's in the Novac hotel room in FNV. That said, I'm not sure what the limits will be for P.E. in terms of movable/placeable objects. So having a progression-reward system might be ok. I probably wouldn't take advantage of it much myself, tho. Don't really care about curtains and rugs and paintings...mostly I'm into displaying collections of stuff I've found, like having a weapon rack.
  19. Cat, meet wall heater. (they sit by it even when not "on" because the pilot light still gives off some heat...) ...I got in the car today to do a CostCo run and was pleased that one, I'm right-handed, and two, the US has the stick shift on the right hand side. Else I probably wouldn't be driving anywhere.
  20. Saw the 1959 "Hound of the Baskervilles" film the other day. One of those films I saw ages ago but barely remembered. I often have difficulty with older movies because of the very different style of pacing/acting, but it was ok. Peter Cushing did fine as Sherlock and I did like Christopher Lee as Sir Henry.
  21. Heh. That's why I can't put it in my Top Ten. I do love Firefly, but I don't like putting series with only one season in the top, because it's just not quite long enough for me to feel like I can do that. Needs at least a couple seasons, preferably 3. For all I know, a 2nd season of Firefly would have been horrible and watered down the impact considerably. If BBC's Sherlock's 3rd season stays consistent with the previous two, it will probably end up on my Top Ten. Just not quite sure if I want to put it there yet.
  22. I'm not fond of easy, constant ability to respec, but I don't have any serious issue with it being available in some form. My main issue with respec is - if you use it - it does tend to lessen the desire to replay a game/build and try new characters if you can just respec your current one to check out all the options. You could do something like be able to respec only a couple times, maybe at certain points in the game (like a quest reward?) or something like that. That way people still have to be somewhat careful about their choices during a playthrough, but can feel safe in terms of not having an early "mistake" make them feel like they have to start over.
  23. That's because whatever killed them didn't completely ruin the biosphere to an unrecoverable point where such life as we're familiar with couldn't develop. I'd agree that it's unlikely human-caused global warming would reach a point of creating a whole new biosphere incapable of supporting cellular/biological life so far as we know it - we're far more likely to become extinct first, and then over a lot of time the biosphere would recover again, new life would create, new life would become dominant, and so on. But it's possible that greenhouse effect run amuck could turn Earth into something closer to Venus. Which as far as I know, is a pretty unlikely place for life (again, as we know of it) to develop. Could have weird alien ilfe tho, who knows.
  24. Finally tried the Mech class in BL2. The robot is cool I guess. Seems more effective than the turret in some ways. But every character just feels too much the same, especially in the beginning. In terms of the way the class feels during actual gunplay (vs. using their special skill), I feel like I'm playing the same character, only with a turret, or a phaselock, or a robot helper, etc. Like playing an ice mage vs. a cold mage vs. a fire mage. Different, but the same. Maybe that seems weird but...eh. Had enough of BL2. Is P.E. out yet?
  25. The planet may be here. Whether it'll be capable of sustaining what we call life (and I don't mean just human life) is another question .... and as far as I can tell, that's usually what they're talking about. Not whether the planet will still be a floating rock in space circling around a star. I'm still not entirely convinced that the global warming, to the extent it's going, is completely something humanity can control, however. By that I mean, I think we have increased its rate, but I'm not as sure whether it wouldn't be happening to some degree regardless ... that is, it might be some "natural" planetary cycle...we're just making it worse/happen faster. If that makes sense.
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