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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Don't really care too much myself. Depends somewhat on the narrative and way the game is set up, like mentioned. But overall don't mind if it's included. If it's not, I'll often re-load save games just to quickly check stuff out if I want....then start a new game.
  2. The season opener of The Walking Dead was most excellent. Lots of zombies/action, made some chr./plot points & hints without tons of filler...good set up for what's to come I think. Hopefully it'll stay in gear and not turn into a snore-filled dead zone of a mid-season like last year.
  3. Today I've been unable to decide on a new forum avatar. Sometimes it takes me a while to find the one I'm going to stick with for months, making me feel like I have multiple personalities. Hm...wait a sec...maybe...nah! Other than that ... it's Friday, so that means game weekend with the spouse. *boomboomkersplat*
  4. I'd like a reward tier with a giant paper poster of the ewe wearing the conical mage hat.
  5. I don't use VATS either, so....I guess I shall attempt it with a lower level chr. Was thinking I could use old chrs. to at least run through the DLC's, even if I don't have the game-stamina for an entire replay.
  6. I do not want to farm coconuts (or anything else) over and over, personally. I'm not sure I'd even want quests where you get coconuts, turn it in, the guy says "well now I need 30 parrot feathers", so you do that, and turn it in, and then are told "now I need 50 hairs from the tails of gorillas." Those work fine for grinding MMO's/action-rpg's, but...yea, no. Even if a lot of quests in PE can boil down to fetch ones, I at least want them to not be exactly the same task. If they're long just because it's going to take me "forever" to march to the map location where something is located, that's ok. Or if they're long because there's a part1, then after some other plot/main story point is reached, you can access a part2, and so on, those can be interesting if the reason for it feels like something you did had an effect on something. But if it's like that seemingly unending "Braiinnnnns" quest in Borderlands1 1st zombie DLC ... no thank you.
  7. I'd help if I could, but the only thing I know about cheese is that sharp cheddar is never 'sharp' enough for my husband. He loves sharp cheddar and occasional other cheeses, but our buying practices tend towards the mundane...what's in the supermarket or local deli mostly.
  8. That one might actually get me to pull out my wallet instead of just think about doing so.
  9. I have forgotten ... is there a "recommended" clvl for the DLC's? My memory seems to believe you could do HH fairly early if you wanted but DM was more for lvl20's and above or some such? The others?
  10. For future reference: you need to remove the 's' from https. I think that denotes secure server (for YT at least) and the auto-embed doesn't like that.
  11. I've seen quite a few people comment that they'd missed it and really wanted to see it, so thank you for your efforts. Perhaps when it's done uploading, you could post a thread/link to it in the Project Eternity General forum?
  12. The topic is bound to come up again as new members swing by ... having a central thread for it, that people can point to, seems a logical path.
  13. Previous Thread The purpose of this thread is to provide a central place for all the romantics (and unromantics) out there to be able to continue discussions and debate the possibility of there being romances (or other complex relationships) in Project Eternity. Some potential example points of discussion (but not limited to): ---what type of dynamic, complex character relationships are important to your gaming experience, if any? ---if you enjoy romances in games, what type of plots do you enjoy or dislike (tragic, happy ending, marriage/family)? ---what romance or relationship arcs from other games did you personally enjoy that can serve as examples? ---do you have any particular, preferred game mechanics for romance/relationships that you'd like to see included (optional questlines, dialogue, cutscenes)? ---what, even, is romance (to you)? I'd like to remind members that while differing opinions and viewpoints are expected and welcome, trolling with purposeful intent to derail is not looked upon with favor. Try to play nice in the sandbox.
  14. It's funny, because on the one hand, being this peaceable, live and let live sort, I'm horrified and really don't like it when my party members do things like that ... the lack of control issue aspect ... but on the other hand, I respect/admire it that the game/story is making me decide between different character aims/stances. It definitely makes the characters feel a bit more like people rather than just pixels I move around by clicking my mouse. ...that said, most of the time I'd still reload so at least they wouldn't kill each other, because I'm a weenie.
  15. Heh...no, it's a family thing.
  16. Just to ask, did you try using the import from URL option to see if that worked? Or is that what you're doing already. I didn't try the direct upload on IE9. I also did the "Remove Photo" first, to make sure. And Cant, don't worry...I like trying to solve little problems. Even if I'm not successful.
  17. So just to be clear, I'm assuming that equals multiple browsers tried? Edit: NVM, you beat me, heh. Hm. Odd indeed.
  18. Would get my vote. I don't really care about having visible violence one way or another ... gory goo and exploding heads, limbs flying, whatever. Half the time I find the animations rather amusing. As long as it seems appropriate to the genre, plot, setting, situation, etc. But I get that not everyone wants to see all that, so a slider or on/off option at the least is always good.
  19. So...what browser are you all using/have you updated it any time recently? I haven't upgraded Firefox in a while and couldn't get it to work in Firefox 12 (or an even older FF ver. 6) but was able to do it with IE9. Something to try anyway.
  20. Good thing I'm already married, then ... I spent a lot of time with that game and Chutes & Ladders when I was wee kid. My much older brother let me win a lot, I think.
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