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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Good thing I don't believe in hell, then. It's a saying not to be taken literally. Geez. Hence my winky icon.
  2. In my opinion, I don't think I've seen any forum where this wasn't true, so I don't see that as a very valid criticism .... depending on one's definition of "useful," of course. Is a long debate on a movie or armchair politicking useful? People like to gather together and discuss wants, likes, dislikes on stuff they're interested in. From the frivolous to the more serious. I see nothing wrong with that. And sometimes the constant exchanges of constructive disagreement is even how good ideas - or at least ideas that spark other inspiration - come about. But I would agree that developers shouldn't listen to fans to the point of giving up their own creative desires/ideas for a game. I think we need to give Obsidian more credit for being able to stay true to their own vision, while possibly still being inspired by others towards new ideas that they think fits into/with their vision.
  3. Tried testing a couple options (nothing to do with being a mod, just trying some things). Obviously, so far I've had no success. Anyway, thanks for the heads up.
  4. I can't say whether or not Obsidian is/would ever consider this for P.E., but I can say that I would not support it. 3D stuff is fine for an IMAX theater and stuff, but I don't want it in my video game. Not at today's tech anyway. And I really don't want them to spend the money on it when there's so much other stuff they could be spending their Kickstarter funds on.
  5. Getting really fed up with a certain retirement home policies.....
  6. Hm. Someone else was having a similar problem today. Starting to sound like an odd glitch. Did you try clearing the webbrowser cache/deleting the forum's cookies then reloading and trying again?
  7. Lunch, more errands, then maybe try to see if I can find a game that will hold my attention for more than 10 minutes. If not, I'll probably snuggle-torture the cats instead. Edit: arrrgh procrastination. Now I really gotta fly....
  8. These days a lot of forum software has chatroom type functionality built in (or easily added). Whether they'd actually implement/turn on such here on the forums is up for debate. I'd probably rather they create a different, dedicated place for livechat type conversing. Keep them separate.
  9. Due to some of the earlier confusion, first post edited to try to better convey the original purpose of the topic. Hope it's a little better/more clear. I don't always get things right the first time.
  10. I find 8 more than enough, really. Altho for me this does depend a little on when/how you would meet up with the various possibles - how soon you could pick/choose from the total 8. If I'm half-way through the whole game before I meet even half of them, I might feel that's a bit ... gameplay and choice-restrictive.
  11. Probably part of it. I wasn't exactly a "hardcore RPG" gamer at the time, or for most of my life before the more graphical cRPG's started popping up. Before Doom/BG1/Diablo1/Tombraider etc. my biggest experience with gaming came from Atari's Pac-Man and checkers/chess/RISK other strategy board games. I remember thinking "this is weird" and "I don't get it" a few times for the short period I tried PS:T.
  12. Agree with this whole bit. As many regulars here know from the past, I liked Boone a lot in FNV. And I know a lot of fans of that chr. that wished he had been romanceable in-game (I don't mean just being able to bump uglies, but actual plot romance). But I didn't, and would have been disappointed if he had been. To me that would have invalidated/compromised the whole character arc/background story that had been created, the very things which had me so attached in the first place. A romance in-game to me has to make sense and feel like some kind of natural progression of character over time, not be there for the sake of being there, or just consist of 3 dialogue lines.
  13. I'd be content with a system where for most conversational opportunities, you can switch characters to have their stats affect the convo, or something similar to that notion. It seems to me, in terms of the player-character being the "leader," that part of being a leader is knowing when to use your party member's strengths to further your/the group's advantage.
  14. I can appreciate the sentiment. I do like longer games, with "lots of things to do/explore/find", but I also want to feel like it has a bit of a purpose. I can become easily obsessed with alchemy, for example, but only if the mechanics are interesting and the long term results rewarding/useful (or funny, even). Not going to spend tons of time gathering purple flowers and black mushrooms just so I can make 100 "Grind Potions of I'll-Never-Use-This." But I've played many shorter games that felt "just right" too...all depends on quality of the game and how it's made/structured. And how high the replay value might be. High replay value can make a shorter game still be awesome. Low replay value can make a short game feel like a ripoff. So...quality and replay value, that's my vote.
  15. One of these days I really have to get around to playing more of PS:T. I own an old CD of it, just never got around to getting past the intro or something. I can't even realistically remember why at this point.
  16. I'd agree and would like to see this as well. Most 2h melee weapons in games so often feel .. superfluous.
  17. For the rest of my life I'm going to have visions of him having a brilliant story scenario pop into his head whilst he screams "Wooo" to himself over and over. But yeah....if he/they do decide to include some kind of romance line in P.E., I'd definitely expect something non-traditional with some ambiguous twist to it ... which could be interesting.
  18. I would like it to get darker and more creepy the further in you go, atmosphere wise. Maybe in the last few levels, some enemies you might not see anywhere else, because (with 15 levels) you could say that they're creatures that never see the light of day anymore, who have broken into the lower levels of the dungeon at some point. Or something like that. Definitely some books or lore in some form that tells us the story of the place, with things to find and do that might relate to it. Solving/unraveling the story-mystery of the place as you go. I'm not huge on puzzles, but a few scattered around here and there are always cool. Just....no timed/time limit ones, please. I know they can add tension and all of that, but no matter how well designed, I'll never like difficulty-by-timer events.
  19. Don't I wish. Especially if they could get some/all of the original actors to do some voice acting....I can always dream.
  20. Most excellently, imo. Campaign well done...to quote Farmer Hoggett ... "That'll do." Now I am left to tap my fingers in impatience over some long, long months....
  21. Falling back into the "bah, don't feel like playing any games" mood. Killing stuff occasionally with hubby is still ok, but totally unmotivated to play anything on my own. There's that part of my brain that would like to do a replay of FNV etc, or finish that game of BG1 I began a long time ago, or finally play KOTOR2 with that restoration mod...but the desire to invest the time commitment just isn't there. Perhaps I'm saving my apparently now-limited gaming-energy for the future Project Eternity.
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