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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm pretty sure there's one standing near the entrance to that dungeon in Gilded Vale (the first town), so I'd say in more populated areas there'd be ... more? Also, this:
  2. I haven't found the no-kill-XP thing to be an issue at all, the way they designed things. Don't miss it at all...and I'm someone who is definitely very used to the concept of kill=XP.
  3. Link to that poll: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70458-backer-reward-shipment-poll/
  4. There was a poll about delaying the shipping of "everything" for potentially weeks, or shipping physical goods but not the game disc until later - the latter won out I believe. I assume it's that, although with the staggered way things are shipping, I'm not sure exactly how it's playing out in actuality or if plans changed at the last minute etc.
  5. I don't understand it either, but to each their own, as they say. If it immerses some that much to walk slowly through a game, more power to them. And as I said before, a walk toggle is not something that's going to impact anyone who doesn't want to walk. Technically speaking, it may require different/more animation work and thus could be why it wasn't added in (time and maybe cost factors to add it late in development, if they hadn't planned on it from early on). Myself not liking to walk, I think it's largely real-time consideration (and impatience) - games like these can take enough hours as it is to experience fully/multiple times without my adding to it by taking 10+ minutes to walk from one end of town to another.
  6. I'm getting the impression from reading some other solo-play threads that soloing on anything but Easy will be nigh impossible in most cases. Supremely min/maxed, well-considered and perfected builds may get through Normal. But who knows...I'm sure at some point someone will claim they solo'd the hardest/expert/ToI etc.
  7. Good points. So I take it the game has too many counters for two melee fighters to just "tough it out," with food/potion buff use etc? eg, two high level Monks. I haven't tried a Cipher yet but I hear good things about them. I'll start a test Easy game just to check out their playstyle a bit. Definitely not into the wizards in PoE so far... especially at low levels. They might get better later but don't have the patience to find out right now.
  8. Not that this applies to the OP but just to say, Easy allows 6 camping supplies. So 2-4-6.
  9. Exactly. I know I like a soundtrack when I've played many hours and have yet to turn the music OFF to either play my own music or listen to silence instead. I mean, sure, there's some pieces in the game that I may like more than others, but so far for me, everything has fit in very nicely with the game and I've enjoyed it very much both as atmosphere lifting and background listening.
  10. Could you cite a source for that? I'm not sure I believe it. CPU's produce electrical current heat when doing stuff and if you go from doing no stuff to something that makes it do a lot of stuff, heat is produced/can spike. I've had CPU temp spike up rapidly in the space of several seconds when doing certain tasks even in a cold air conditioned room with the PC case covers half off and a pretty dust free machine. Like in this explanation: http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/281dty/what_exactly_causes_a_cpu_to_heat_up_more_during/ Regardless, the OP is using a laptop and there's not a whole lot of room in those for more fans or air circulation. So I'd guess it depends on CPU use, heavy GPU use adding to the overall temp inside making everything hotter (often the case with gaming, probably), the "cooling" design of the laptop, quality and condition of the heatsink/paste, and of course, as mentioned, dust. I've seen external extra-fan attachments or whatnot for laptops but have no idea if they work or not.
  11. Most people talk about trying to go the game solo etc. I'm not interested in doing that right now, but I'd be interested in what pair of classes you think would fare well (in Normal or Hard, haven't decided yet) as a duo-team. Two fighters? Druid/Barbarian? etc? I'm finding the levels of micromanagement of 5-6 a bit annoying as time goes on - not as patient as I used to be I guess - and am thinking I'd like to attempt it with a much smaller party. 2 is what I want, but 3 would be workable if anyone thinks 2 is "impossible." Thoughts?
  12. Can't remember if I mentioned it already but the Terminator trailer makes me go "ugh." That's not a sequel, that's a total reboot negating the 1st movie and thus the 2nd movie and that 3rd one which I sometimes pretend doesn't exist anyway. Well...I guess if it worked for the ST movies....who knows. But it doesn't give me good feels initially. Not just reboot feeling but other stuff too. Actress replacing Hamilton seems all right ... Jai as Reese will never fit in my mind, even if he can play guitar ... but a Terminator with white hair is kind of amusing. Good ol' aging programs.
  13. Ah. I could swear it seemed like swapping them worked that way, but I must have misinterpreted something. I do that a lot when sleepy and haven't gone to bed when I should. Like now. Keep telling myself "I'm going to bed now" but here I am checking in again....
  14. Eventually you'll have multiple grimores that you can swap in between fights (or during a fight, with some delay) to extend spell use on your mage before having to rest. I haven't gotten too terribly far either, so I can't really comment on how awesomely damaging (or not) wizard spells may be, but I haven't been super impressed with the ones up to lvl 5. Not that that is terribly surprising or anything, low level spells. And I have played some games with some friendly fire aspects that I didn't mind/didn't bother me. Just not liking it in PoE at the moment.
  15. But did you actually go to the tree and talk to one of the hung corpses? ...anyway, if you have done all of that, then I'd say glitch and you may want to bring it up in the Tech Support forum.
  16. Did you have the dream-y scene convo bit with the old woman hung in the tree? If so and Eder still isn't joining, then I'd say something is amiss. Resting/sleeping is supposed to trigger that scene and afterwards Eder says something different as you walk past him, and clicking on him starts up his convo.
  17. They are definitely overpowered in a lot of games (ranged classes often are), especially in the past. So like I said, I do understand FF and/or other methods to try to mitigate such issues. But while I love real-time pause, it doesn't mean I want to spend every fight/scenario pausing every 2 seconds to position and reposition and position some more. Along with the always present pathing AI issues, it becomes dreary for some of us.
  18. This forum isn't intended only for people have already purchased one of Obsidian's games. Something like you suggest would block out anyone who wishes to register and ask a question/s before they purchase.
  19. Kind of feeling the same. I had a slight sadface reaction after the tutorial but nothing since then. But at least my companions are making me chuckle. I think the writing/story is fine/servicable, but nothing is really hitting me on an emotional level yet. But I haven't gotten to Defiance Bay yet either. I think I'm close but I keep getting distracted.
  20. Previous thread The Walking Dead season finale. Well, that didn't go quite as I was expecting, but that isn't a bad thing. And I absolutely loved the very ending because of ...
  21. Length, new thread. Time to turn the page, a fresh start, a new beginning and numerous other cliched phrases.
  22. Yeah, I can/do understand why some may like it and find it engaging. It just doesn't fit my playstyle very well is all. I guess it starts to become a little too much pause/chr. commanding micromanagement for my tastes.
  23. The initial post approval period has nothing to do with being a back/paying customer etc. It's a forum spam prevention measure that applies to all newly registered forum members. We had - as many forums have/had - a really bad spam-bot problem some time back (despite other antispam measures in place) and it was part of the solution. It's not perfect but it does keep the spambots from taking over.
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