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Kapten Teo

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Everything posted by Kapten Teo

  1. I didn't notice this until right now, after several playthroughs already. Now I cannot unsee it, of course.
  2. Yes! This happens to me, sometimes; textures seem delayed and dialogue doesn't trigger right away. It's usually a 5-10 second delay. I've yet to discern a real pattern for when this occurs, but I think it's more common for me when I've been playing for several hours already, or when I am running through settlements very fast and load and reload areas repeatedly and quickly, while also tabbing out and back in a lot. I don't know what this might suggest, but it could be some form of memory leak, I suppose.
  3. Ever since the announcement trailer dropped, I had been very interested in this game. It looked engrossing, beautiful, and fun to play all at once; knowing that it was being developed by Obsidian only added to my excitement. I naturally avoided most news about the game from then on, wanting to go in as unprepared as possible once the game was actually out. I started playing a couple of days after release, and I was instantly smitten by the style, the presentation, the world itself as it was being revealed, and the excellent character interactions. I played as often as I could and for hours on end. I fell in love with the world of Halcyon, and I adored its inhabitants. Even the less scrupulous ones, because of how well they are written. Interacting with the world and its people – in whichever way – was pure delight from beginning to end. It's rare that any game makes me so happy to play. As is often the case with RPG's, it's impossible for me to stop myself from doing multiple playthroughs. As I near the end of the first one, I already have some ideas on a new character to create and a different playstyle to go for. Tonight I wrapped up my third playthrough, and while I am tempted to go for a fourth one, I felt that I should stop by here and add this appreciation post. The Outer Worlds may be streamlined and not offer the deepest experience in terms of role-playing or strategy, but it is truly remarkable and wonderful in its execution. It feels very polished both in terms of gameplay and in terms of writing; for what Obsidian most likely set out to do, they truly nailed it. Thank you for creating such a great game. I really hope this isn't the end of our adventures in Halcyon. Whether it be in through expansions or sequels, I definitely want to be able to return here many times more.
  4. Your companions gain a perk every five levels, so level 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. At level 19, they should therefore have 3 perk points in total.
  5. Three instances is an "overcorrection" in your mind? "Almost to the point of parody"? Good lord! Also, you mention that you should have been informed of the existence of homosexuality in this game's universe, before you purchased the game; that they should've made that clear in the promotional material. By that logic, the same should go for heterosexuality - maybe I should be upset by the fact that the developers didn't make it clear before purchase that there would be heterosexual people in the game!
  6. 30-40 hours is a good amount, if you ask me. Games that take much longer usually have padded out content with needless busywork or grinding - think MMO's and how a game like Dragon Age 3 suffered from it.
  7. This is hilarious. Three instances of non-cis sexual preferences in a 30-40-hour game is too much! Must be a crazy political agenda.
  8. You're supposed to use them more strategically, as support weapons. Quoting Devilangel58's post for truth.
  9. Hi! I've noticed that the shoulder pads on the Standard Troop Armor (Gold at least, not sure about standard) disappear. They don't seem to do so immediately, as they showed when I first bought the armor and equipped it, but today when I load into the game, they're gone.
  10. [Verbose story first, brief summary at the end.] Hi! I've been playing this game since it was released, and I instantly fell in love with it. I started noticing after a while, however, that the game was too quiet. I didn't hear any kind of ambient sound while exploring, and it was especially noticeable in cities, which made them feel very empty. All I would hear was the music and bark conversations - without those, it was dead silent. I was preparing to ask around on the forums if anyone else had noticed it as well, when I read about others reporting other sound issues, among them a lack of surround sound. This got me thinking, and I started experimenting with my audio settings in Windows and in my headphones (no results), and then in the game itself. Lo and behold, when I turned the audio slider for Effects back up to 100% from 50% (I always lower this setting in games where there are lots of shooty-bang-bang noises), Byzantine suddenly burst into life with various sounds coming from everywhere and I could also hear the river flowing! I even noticed that the vending machines make noises, and that there out in the wilds were various creature sounds and what not filling the air. I now play with Effects set to 100% and it has made a huge difference in how I experience the worlds and settlements in the game. In short: The sound levels in the game appear overly sensitive. If I turn the Effects slider in the audio settings down below 90%, pretty much everything in the ambient sound department becomes completely inaudible to me. I hear nothing but the music and the voice barks - everything else is dead silent. It is possible that this might be related to other audio issues that players have reported, such as the missing surround sound, but I've no way to determine that myself.
  11. This happened to me, as well. I started and finished the questline as normal with my first character, and when I loaded the save for my second character, the journal states that I've already done all the quests pertaining to the DLC. The initial dialogue triggers if I travel to Harbinger's Watch, but when I then go to speak to Vatnir, the conversation doesn't trigger, and any progress stops there. First character played Beast of Winter from beginning to end with no issues. Second character can't progress past the first meeting with Vatnir, because the journal states that all the Beast of Winter quests are already completed. Update: Removing the save files of Character 1 from the save folder, before loading the save game for Character 2, prevented this issue from happening. I was then able to start the quest line with Character 2 and save anew, before restoring the save files for Character 1. This appears to have fixed the issue for me at least, so anyone having the same problem might want to try doing the same. Update 2: Restoring the Character 1 save files made the quest get stuck when searching for Vatnir after the Messenger attack. Went back to an earlier save after removing the Character 1 save files and loading an earlier save fixes it once again. It seems I must play without the first characters save files present in the save folder. Save files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kfr6d0S1ioH4nCvUZohqTJhFuvyvpv2U
  12. This happened to me, as well. I started and finished the questline as normal with my first character, and when I loaded the save for my second character, the journal states that I've already done all the quests pertaining to the DLC. The initial dialogue triggers if I travel to Harbinger's Watch, but when I then go to speak to Vatnir, the conversation doesn't trigger, and any progress stops there. First character played Beast of Winter from beginning to end with no issues. Second character can't progress past the first meeting with Vatnir, because the journal states that all the Beast of Winter quests are already completed. Update: Removing the save files of Character 1 from the save folder, before loading the save game for Character 2, prevented this issue from happening. I was then able to start the quest line with Character 2 and save anew, before restoring the save files for Character 1. This appears to have fixed the issue for me at least, so anyone having the same problem might want to try doing the same. Update 2: Restoring the Character 1 save files made the quest get stuck when searching for Vatnir after the Messenger attack. Went back to an earlier save after removing the Character 1 save files and loading an earlier save fixes it once again. It seems I must play without the first characters save files present in the save folder. Save files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kfr6d0S1ioH4nCvUZohqTJhFuvyvpv2U
  13. Yes, same here (but the other way around). It seems those choices are flipped for this piece of dialogue. During the beginning of the game, you still get the correct boon and what not, but in this specific conversation, you get the wrong text line.
  14. This is an odd one. I am wearing the Patinated Plate, with the Constant Rebound Effect, which is supposed to apply a stun on the attacker. However, when the effect triggers, it applies a different debuff on the wearer instead. Below is an image of the item description as it appears in game, and a list of current effects on the wearer, taken during combat and after the effect has triggered (bottom).
  15. I be spooked. Pale Elf Paladin, did Berath's bidding in PoE1, but helped Wael with the scroll quest. I peered under the hood, and saw Handsome Eliam under there, and got the message that he had been killed. I checked after and it was not fake news - he really was gone from the ship.
  16. I hope this gets resolved soon. The first story DLC is not too far away, and before I buy it or the season pass, I'd like to know which platform to stick to. I'd be willing to switch to Steam if the GOG version keeps having problems like this.
  17. I agree. A truly fantastic character.
  18. You encouraged her to follow her heart rather than perform her duty. That means she'll be discgraced by the faction she served. She's not angry and upset with you for long in PoE2 - just give it a while. She actually admits later that she doesn't blame you. :/
  19. I noticed that the party wide effect of the Beakhead pet got stuck on my characters even after I removed it. It's been like this for a while now, and reequpping/unequipping Beakhead makes no difference. Neither does resting or anything else that might "reset" active effects. Beakhead's party wide bonus to Sleight of Hand is always there, both among the buff icons and the actual skill (mousing over it says +1 from party wide effect). Save game: Link to Dropbox
  20. I noticed that if you hand in A Sinking Feeling, you can no longer ask her to negotiate for peace in that particular dialog. This is why I thought you couldn't finish both that quest and Family Pride in a peaceful manner. I noticed however that you could exit the conversation and talk to her again, and the option for negotiation is back. This is despite her saying after A Sinking Feeling that the time for peace "most decidedly is over" (paraphrased). So this might be a bug or oversight, but either way, if you just come prepared with the peace negotation approval from Valera, you can finish both quests peacefully.
  21. Aye, but what I'm describing seems to happen not only for repair, but the other resources as well (including wages), and I've also seened it happen while at sea. The most recent occurance was simply reloading a quick save whilst indoors at Fort Deadlight. I got the message spam about daily wages and sure enough, over a 1000 copper was missing. I reloaded the same save, and I didn't get the message spam, and my coin was still there.
  22. So I started noticing that sometimes, resources used for the ship (be they daily wages, repair, medicine etc.), sometimes would be spamed from top to bottom on the screen. For example the message -1 Repair would be duplicated until it filled up the whole side of the screen. At first, I thought this was just a visual glitch, but it turns out the resources are actually being taken for each one of those messages. I noticed it now when it happened with daily wages. Instead of simply removing 36 coin from my coffers, I noticed I had lost over 1000. I confirmed this by reloading a save from only a minute earlier. I'll have to confirm that the resources are taken also from repair and medicine and the like, and I'll try to grab a screenshot next time it happens, but is there anyone else who've noticed the same issue?
  23. Funny how the Obsidian flag makes everyone attack you on sight.
  24. Yes, I'm also curious about this. I'm not expecting some grand change in the overall story of the game, but I'm definitely interested in hearing how this choice is acknowledged.
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