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I'm always happy to get new feature requests Just from a first quick look, I think a lot can luckily be reused from the Conversation flowchart models (even moreso than Quests/AI Trees) Oh, and if I implement Chatters, the only remaining stuff from the design folders will be .aibehaviorbundle files2 points
We'd have to be 13 states, so 26 new Senators and maybe 50 new Representatives ?1 point
I just ran into the same issue. I turned invisible to sneak in and kill the skeleton priest and something pulled me out of invisibility and started combat, I didn't realize it was a cut scene, and then Yatzli wouldn't dispel the illusion. Luckily I had saved right before the fight so I just reloaded, let the skeletons approach me before killing them, and then the cutscene played out and Yatzli could dispel properly. So reloading an older save works, but I hope they fix the bug soon for those who either can't or don't want to lose progress to reload.1 point
Apropos of nothing, if Canada were made into the 51st state, its population is the same as California's and could prevent us from having a Republican president for a long while. Please come save us, Canada.1 point
And for Nalpazca this is fundamental. We can remove all effects after combat BUT drugs and unguents, yes, you can little cheese something, but not breaking game effects like blade cascade, BBD and so on... You can prolong indefinitely drugs and unguents, but they last long time and, if anything, you'd spare some consumable you can take before combat... or am I missing anything?1 point
"Character builds, Strategies [...]" Waiting to even look at unique items until I get higher quality gear sounds like a strategy to make the game easier to me. At least it's a strategy this info will lead to. In the PoE and Deadfire forums this would be the subforum where I would look for stuff like this. The report on the "loot uniques" mechanic immediately leads to behavior how to play the game in order to make the character better. Essentially it's the same as discussions about random loot tables, Strand of Favor, Attack Speed, Lash mechanic, PEN vs. AR etc. in PoE and Deadfire. In addition to that it also helps that this subforum permits spoilers. Discussing these thing in the General subforum (which is supposed to be spoiler free) is therefore not ideal for users who don't want to be spoilered. If it helps I would've no objections to rename the subforum to "Character Builds, Strategies and Mechanics - as well as a lil' bit of the Unreal Engine".1 point
Thanks, I have them both already and love them, thats why I'm looking to see if I can make more of them.1 point
The thing is that I'm completly unable to direct it to a new install, or anywhere. The first time I opened I had the option to direct it to poe folder, everytime after it skips that part and goes right into the extracting thing. I tried remove it from pc and start over but it didn't work. I do not think my files are corrupted either, but I'd gladly check with another copy if it would let me.1 point
The supply issues are largely not fixable, at least by AMD. That's a fab space issue, and fundamentally a problem with TSMC not really having any competitors. You cannot step up production on the fly because there's no excess capacity and you have to plan the allocations out many months- up to a year- ahead of time and hope you get things right. The real illustration of that is how many 9800x3d sales AMD are leaving on the table with their constant lack of availability, and that is far higher margin than mid range consumer GPUs and thus far higher priority. nVidia has the same problem consumer side. Perhaps even worse, since AMD has a wider range of products to be flexible with and a better relationship with TSMC. Only a limited amount AMD can do about the prices too. When they were selling their own branded reference cards from their website they were MSRP even when retail was higher, but they certainly cannot force 3rd party vendors or card partners to adhere to even MSRP long term (practically, outside of the launch window). They're the #2 maker by a wide margin, they simply don't have the leverage.1 point
This was my rationale. Both PoE games tended to talk a lot about mechanics in the character builds forum to get the most out of a character build. That may not be the case in Avowed, though.1 point
Avowed Damage Reduction on PoE Wiki says DR comes first then damage threshold is subtracted. Though some wiriting on that wiki are incorrect (linear attributes scaling while in game attributes have diminished returns). Damage Reduction is "premium" feature which increases only on higher quality tiers while damage threshold increases with every upgrade. Someone wrote on reddit that DR is capped at 95%.1 point
Finished Elden Ring. Never thought that would happen, tbh. Some of those endgame bosses were some real bs though and I'm not sure if I would be able to suffer through that again. Kinda sad that the tree keeps burning after the end. Hoped it would stop. Game world looked more pretty before that happened, imo. Went a little deeper into the DLC now. Haven't done much yet except getting my ass kicked by that giant fire thing.1 point
1 point
While I wait for my first reply to be approved (thus is the plight of the initiate -- and thanks for the hard work, mods), I did some testing on Stelgaer's Pride. "Common" Breastplate equipped got near unique chest but not close enough to trigger interaction prompt went back to camp and upgraded to "Fine" breastplate went back to chest and opened to find "Fine" Stelgaer's Pride (reverted to save) "Common" Breastplate equipped got near unique chest, brushed up against it, but did not trigger interaction prompt went back to camp and upgraded to "Fine" breastplate went back to chest and opened to find "Fine" Stelgaer's Pride (reverted to save) "Common" Breastplate equipped got near unique chest, triggered interaction prompt but did not open the chest went back to camp and upgraded to "Fine" breastplate went back to chest and opened to find "Common" Stelgaer's Pride I believe this is hard evidence that the chest contents are rolled when the prompt is displayed, whether or not the prompt is a preview of what's inside.1 point
eh, historically in other games the "builds" section of the forums was about diving into the mechanics of the game, not just builds, so i think that's what's happening here.1 point
Yeah, that's correct. And while clearing all (timed) effects after combat is an idea I generally welcome, doing that might not be 100% practical - because of unguents (and also drugs) which you can consume out of combat and are also intended to be useable outside of combat (for helping with skill/attribute checks).1 point
Meaning they also can't write a good story? Seriously, Triumph's writing got worse with each game. It peaked in badness with Planetfall though, so I think they are a bit embarrassed that AoW4 has returned to AoW3 levels of writing. AoW4 is shaping up to becoming a good game. It is a shame it needed so many DLC for it though. edit: The News: KCD2 releases on GOG on 28th March.1 point
Turns out on Steam you can select either the current Beta branch which is supposed to fix that, or choose the Legacy branch to go back to the 2017 version. No luck for us GOG second-class citizens though, unless Obsidian makes these branches available on GOG Galaxy. Anyway, hope this helps so you can jump back in with a new character. I'm also a sufferer of collector OCD, so I too have just been unwilling to play until I get these items back.1 point
Well, I won't expect anything then I reported the bugs in the official patch thread, both here and on Steam, I hope Obsidian sees it as with some bugs reported in this last patch and at least put solution to the bugs I could consider more serious, the DoT related ones at least.1 point
Hello denizens and trolls, Checkout the new forum: Avowed Characters Builds, Strategies & the Unity Engine (Spoiler Warning!). Thanks to a certain community for the reminder! ;)1 point
Considering Avowed follows Deadfire but does not address the wheel situation, this would not make sense, imo. I think they are simply going yo add one or two regions (as there is place on the map) as dlc, and maybe increase the max character level. Personally, I'd like for more creatures of the fauna and flora variety to be added, as the Living Lands are not living up to their name.1 point