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Finished the run with ranger/monk doing skyward kick. Accuracy can reach 210+ so that's not a problem at all. The problem is Dorudugan will spend more than half of the time flying that Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment misses a lot, then the knock up effect can be too short that it still does one thing or two. Wasn't 100% autopilot but still a solid strategy that you can dial up the speed to max.2 points
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-forces-destroy-large-russian-landing-ship-military-says-2024-02-14/#:~:text=KYIV%2C Feb 14 (Reuters),on Wednesday%2C Kyiv's military said. Another Russian ship hit badly in the Black Sea, it makes you wonder about the future of this type of asymmetrical warfare and the usage of drones. They very effective in this type of war2 points
Tomb Raider... that brings back memories Fallout may have been the game that made me cave in a buy a PC (I bought the full game after trying the demo and it wouldn't run on my PC emulator). But Tomb Raider was the game that made me buy my first dedicated 3D graphics card/accelerator https://www.pixelrefresh.com/3dfx-orchid-righteous-voodoo-1-where-3d-acceleration-truly-began/ Bye bye oversized chunky pixels (and Lara's giant chest triangles) and hello smooth flowing graphics. I still remember the rather loud click when the relay on the card enabled and disabled it I spent an obscene amount of hours playing that game, exploring every nook and cranny, searching for the limits of the map and every secret I could find (the internet back then was not the internet of today)2 points
It doesn't seem to benefit from multi-hit, with blunderbuss or Sun and Moon I can only reduce 30s. Why is blunderbuss recommended for it? Am I missing something? It has weird interaction with Refreshing Defense. With a few hits from a single-hit weapon, I increased it from ~100s to 600s. Doesn't seem to be exponential though. It also can't remove the actual HoT of Unbending.1 point
Just reporting in: super fun build. Took some time to get used to the first few levels. Got overconfident in some early shipboarding, ran into a boat full of Goldpact Knights, and overestimated that one. Got taken down around level seven and was fighting level 8/9 Goldpacts. Two consecutive wipes as a martial character is new, I'll say that. But the build works extremely well with a druid in the party. +4 slash (Not felled by axe) & +5 pierce AR (woodskin) to open combat. My team was just very outnumbered, and it became a battle of attrition. Trying again! Thought about swapping the barbarian class out with the arcane trickster for Ryngrim's visage, but I think I'll stay the course and give it another try.1 point
Yeah, I very fond of first 4 TR games. I did play through through all 6 original TR (the last two horrible ones for the first time) and while I enjoyed it, I don’t feel the need to return to them. Once I found nothing that would satisfy my TR needs, but oddly enough Dark Souls filled that void - with its exploration, oversized environments, intimidating bigger than you enemies. And I would rather replay Dark Souls than go back to TRs at this point.1 point
I mean the high tier spells, for example when I used Gaze of Adragon against Dorudugan the flanking frequently dropped and the cycle broke several times . It didn't really matter since 9s is not too long, but I imagine if a similar cycle requires tier 7-9 spells it can be tricky.1 point
1 point
Sigh. This is terrible friend. And a reason, why I have completely stopped to play any sports game long time ago, despite enjoying some of them in the past. Anyway. Got some time to play around with DSR yesterday again, and was able to get 3 more bosses and a Chaos Weapon Trophy of the list. Demon Firesage was easy peasy, I just have "decided" to give him some chance, by invoking my typical clumsiness into the play, and got owned few times, losing 80k souls at him Centipede was easy as well, but again, my clumsiness came into the play, and after getting him to 25%, I have rolled inside the lava for a nice party of BBQ The last boss was again Bed of Chaos... And I really hope this one was the last fight against this boss ever! My ass was kicked around the whole arena by its attacks, that I really got frustrated with it. There is no way to learn anything from this encounter over the time to git gud. It just smack you randomly with random skills and if you do not cheese him, depending on the dice rolls, it will either kill you in 5 seconds or you kill it. There is practically no middle-ground in between these two states. Or at least, I have never experienced it. Now I have to reconsider, if I should go to Catacombs or to DLC, to save Sif before fighting him again, for a bonus cutscene .1 point
sorry for double post, but there used to be enchantment points in poe1 and i feel like i read je sawyer talking somewhere on twitter about having a point-based system for stuff in deadfire. but if there were, i'm not sure we have any visibility into it, a purely internal system. i guess it has to be judgment call. that's a pretty tall order to be done across all the items in the game, and some of it is going to feel real bad (kitchen stove's thunderous report seems way too good but any one who nerfs that is probably going to have a mod that sees almost 0 downloads).1 point
you know, i'm not sure even OBS really had a philosophy or design principle. because there are some stuff that is just way too good as a per-encounter ability (kitchen stove with that massively good thunderous report, modwyr with bottom's up). *shrug* edit: my completely random speculation is that items they designed earlier on were more likely to use per-encounter, but they eventually leaned a lot harder on per-rest because it's easier to avoid blowing out encounter balance if things are once/rest.1 point
Looking these over, and I agree on Resounding Call and Glacierbane. Last Word I always thought worked fine for an engagement tank, but looking at it again, I think it's lacking. Specifically, effects that only work on lower levelled enemies are contradictory design at best. They do nothing in the case you most need them, and out-levelling content to make them work more often undermines the whole project of paying close attention to the items you're using. The smallest adjustment would be to add a lesser effect that works on same and higher level enemies. The best case, though, is to just change it to an effect that works on everything. Using Last Word as a test case (Lower level enemies cannot use active abilities for 2/3.0 sec on Critical Hit), I think it's probably fine to just make this work on everyone. Writ of War and Writ of Sorcery exist now. Even if it did work on everyone, 2.0/3.0 seconds is very short. Prone is a stronger effect, and prone on crit exists for a few items. I'm thinking upgrade it to 3.0/5.0 seconds. The other enchantments could use a pass, too (Steadfast for 6s on kill is pretty weak - should be at least 8s, if not 10s). Can someone remind me how duration of item proc abilities scale in terms of duration? Is that "classless" power level? Universal power level?1 point
1 point
I's love you You's love Jar To-geth-er we's-a reach the stars! Ins our big round ship Travel far me-sa and you Won't you say You's love me too!1 point
It was a good novel, I finished it, got to see the credits twice - was a bit funny. Was expecting more based on some screeching about it being woke and anti capitalist. A cyberpunk adventure where corporations are scumbags. The shock. The horror. Really liked the setting on an abandoned space station and the world building was enjoyable. Now not sure what to play, maybe will go on to finish Wing Commander 2 fully, need to do the expansions. I have the talkie version of WC2 off GOG and good Lord....1 point
It's got something to do with battery sizes.1 point
Bought NBA 2K24 from a shady key reseller so now I'm re-installing Steam and downloading the game.1 point
"this is a video about how vegetarians ruined sex for everybody." more than an hour, but the history o' american vegetarians is a bit more weird and complex than we were aware. HA! Good Fun!1 point
I disagree with all my heart. One of those in front and five glass cannons in the back. I "sacrifice" even more on my fighters. And I disagree with you completely. Creating a tank whose only purpose is to suck the enemy into attacking him uselessly to "protect" the glass cannons behind him is total cheese in my book. All you're doing is turning the AI against itself. Any "realistic" enemies would quickly realize that trying to attack the unhittable tank was pointless and just turn to go after the other party members. Frankly, it's not that hard to create a tough to hit tank who can also deal respectable damage as well. For crying out loud, Eder fully armored up with a 1H weapon and a shield and various other buffing items can be a very difficult to hit tank while still making most enemies who dare to engage him pay for doing so. And he's a lot more "realistic" in my book than some excessively min-maxed, next to no offense, aggro magnet tank whose only purpose is to abuse the AI.1 point
Yeah I think I played one of the recent NBA 2K games, and had a similar experience. It's a shame because I really enjoyed a few from the previous decade. At least I still have MLB The Show. We really need a decent hockey game on the PC. I've started playing Saint's Row, the new one. They really flubbed the marketing on this game. I was a big fan of SR2-4, but this one didn't appeal to me in the trailers. Imagine my surprise to find it is a very good game. I do miss my British accent option though.0 points