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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/24 in all areas

  1. It was definitely built around VC, so no, you do not suck
    1 point
  2. I's love you You's love Jar To-geth-er we's-a reach the stars! Ins our big round ship Travel far me-sa and you Won't you say You's love me too!
    1 point
  3. for me i almost always play with rymrgand's challenge, so there's a real cost to rest-spamming. both monetarily (have to keep replacing food) and also because i can't stock up on good rest bonuses so i end up with lame rest bonuses (if i haven't been paying attention to how long i've been at sea i might literally just be left with water and hardtack). so it's not quite a no-rest challenge, but there's friction that can be a necessary counterbalance for on-rest vs on-encounter abilities. more generally the on-rest mechanics of this game are kind of a poor fit. most of the game is geared around encounters and trying to avoid the tedium of skill resource management between fights, and between empower points and the growing amount of items they added that had on-rest effects, there's a gameplay design tension. generally i'm in favor of the idea that we shouldn't have on-rest effects at all, but in practice i think that would be a huge power creep. outside of generalizations, the trinkets come so late that i'm not sure how much of a harm making those per-encounter would actually hurt the game balance. i actually ended up having lots of fun with the merge trinket from hauane o whe and the fiery core trinket from dorudugan, but at that point there were only like... 6 encounters in the game left, some of them extremely easy, so i ended up using it only like two or three times. would've been nice to have them up in every battle, and i already had to kill megabosses not sure i should be worried about encounter balance for some extremely under-leveled faction/mainquest content. edit: maybe instead of makin them per-encounter, they are multiple uses per rest? i'm just thinking of leaping boots, i really like that item, and 2 uses/rest hit a sweet spot where i didn't feel like hoarding the ability, but i still had to be a little careful with it. edit also to add - the unique amulet you get from assembling across the three DLC really should be per-encounter. a 20s dominate can be pretty powerful, but as a payoff for three DLC, and an amulet slot, and the fact that you can miss with the dominate, really makes it feel underpowered for one/rest usage.
    1 point
  4. Funny you should say that because in the beginning of the trailer where they escape the car just before the twister snatches it and then run under a highway overpass for safety totally reminded me of the first movie.
    1 point
  5. New Dorudugan approach spotted The unique are quite niche, that's the main issue IMHO. Both unique wands are quite nice. A Whale of a Wand is very strong with pulsating spells, and Weyc's Wan is a good Empowering casting stick. Granted you don't want to use them as actual weapons.
    1 point
  6. If it doesn't have the Van Halen soundtrack to it, it's not going to work either...
    1 point
  7. Estocs are okay, and have the distinct advantages of universally good ones being accessible early (BofEP and Eager Blade) , which is priceless for a two hander (No purchasable Stalker Patience or Sun&Moon). BofEP has excellent properties, I think. Granted, yeh, they are more about PEN, but so are half of two hander, and two handers as a whole are more about PEN. Probably not top tier for a optimized DPS, but works well for reliable DPS. Estoc modal also doesn't trade damages for PEN but deflection. Having base 12 PEN on demand is neat. The issue is Pierce damages type is often resisted, so you need a backup weapon. No way for Devoted, but apart for them, I think they are okay.
    1 point
  8. Blunderbuss (and Frostseeker) trades DPS (and a bit of PEN) for multi attacks. Multi attacks is a bonus on its own and has a lot of combo potential : - Tranquilizer as you said. Bane of Auranic life IMHO. - BPM Gambit - Really any condition inflicting or interrupting attack, just for getting more rolls. Worth mentionning Stunning Surge (almost guaranteed refund vs single target) and Confounding Blind - Combusting Wounds, Avenging Storm (28-40 additional base damages per attack), resonant touch, - Dispelling mirrored image, iron skin, etc... Without this advantages, they are indeed meh. Worth mentionning Kitchen Stove cone attack is one of the most potent per encounter weapon activable ability.
    1 point
  9. Personally I consider Engoliero do Espirs one of the best 2H in the game, but it also depends on the build you're using (works great especially on a soul blade/rogue). Eager Blade has also a great heal on crit with Battle Unending, but you also need to be able to enfeeble your targets (a great choice for FF/berserker). Overall I would say the estocs have good enchantments compared to most 2H weapons and their modal is also better than other piercing modals, however their lower base damage puts them a little behind other obvious dps 2H.
    1 point
  10. I was about to make some lame joke about putting a new spin on an old story. This just looks... bad? Like really really bad? Uwe Boll bad?
    1 point
  11. 25 years: A surprise, to be sure, but a not so welcome one. Guess that means it's 25 years since The Matrix even sooner.
    1 point
  12. Playing some Troubleshooter. Hadn't tried the second DLC, but it should be content complete now (you never know with these devs, they keep churning out updates). Haven't gotten the hang of Misty. As a stealth character I am not sure what role she is filling in the team. But it also added more side missions, upped the level cap slightly, and added new opponents apparently, so there is enough to do to justify playing again.
    1 point
  13. Basically, by being quadruple A, Skull and Bones won't fit in any remote control. Kinda pointless game then.
    1 point
  14. Some brilliant quotes "Pegging isn't new for me friendo... but it is for Disney" & "I am the Messiah, I... am... Marvel Jesus!..." I never saw the second Deadpool movie, but I loved the first one. Comedy according to my own tastes
    1 point
  15. I made steak on toast. Cooked the steak in herbs and butter, as is our way, and then sliced it and put it on toast and drizzled the butter pan sauce on top.
    1 point
  16. Hope things like this are splashed all over global newsmedia. Being made a complete joke would so drive Putin bananas.
    1 point
  17. I played like ten minutes of Citizen Sleeper and then was like "this seems cool, it's definitely gotten past my 'should i immediately chuck this into the garbage' test - not going to play it for real right this second, but I'll get back to this". It currently sits directly above Disco Elysium in my games directory, which I also did the exact same thing with. Whoops.
    1 point
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