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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/24 in all areas

  1. YouTube giving me gold today Worth it just for that awesome photo of Tito
    3 points
  2. am having brought this up previous, but we did learn an additional fact recent so am reposting https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-13/ Thirteenth Amendment Section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2 Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. in 1867, recognizing the injustice that idiots and the unlucky, through the graft o' sinister individuals could be convinced to sell their freedom, Congress abolished debt peonage. however, please note the thirteenth amendment allows slavery if it is resulting as a criminal punishment. after the civil war, the US maintained a rather robust system o' debt peonage that were legal not in spite o' the fact it were slavery but rather because it were slavery. serious. more than seven decades after the 13th amendment is ratified, when the US entered ww2, fdr realized that his moral high ground as a justification for fighting the evhul fascists was in jeopardy. sure, the japanese and germans were doing unspeakable, but the fact the US maintained chattel slavery was gonna be problematic. so, december 1941, the fed government finally gets around to making US slavery illegal... am thinking it were december 12, but we didn't double-check. juneteenth celebrates the recognition o' the end o' slavery in texas, but the last chattel slave in texas were freed in late september o' 1942... and the last known US chattel slave (again, am talking about people who were made slaves through legit & legal process, so am not referencing modern slave trade stuff. is also not about illegal chattel slavery conducted by sheriffs in a couple US counties as late as the mid 1980s) didn't gain freedom until 1963. am posting 'cause we always thought it were guy who were released in texas in 1942 who were the last chattel slave freed in the US. aside, am never having seen the laurence fishburne narrated pbs miniseries am linking. kinda discovered rando when we were looking for a link for slavery v. debt peonage. don't know how we missed. https://www.pbs.org/video/slavery-another-name-slavery-video/ HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  3. through the looking glass. s'posed a bastion o' conservative american news, this story is not a headline at the main fox news site. try and imagine imagine if obama had said the same thing. what would fox news look and sound like the day after such a story broke? 2024 tucker carlson fans don't get @Gorth surprise. in fact, before 2018, tell us a significant % o' republicans would shrug off the nato comments you quote coming from the likely gop candidate for President and we would think you were chemical impaired. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  4. Got new eyeglasses, so that's the excitement for the year.
    2 points
  5. You can't make this stuff up... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68266447 "Donald Trump has said he would "encourage" Russia to attack any Nato member that fails to pay its bills as part of the Western military alliance. At a rally on Saturday, he said he had once told a leader he would not protect a nation behind on its payments, and would "encourage" the aggressors to "do whatever the hell they want"."
    2 points
  6. Ho Chi Minh really looks like a weird Chinese martial arts master in a cheap 80ies movie.
    1 point
  7. Itorah The MC's facial expressions are excellent. Ending spoilers.
    1 point
  8. I apologize for bumping this thread after 1 year, but I just found out that "CP: keywords" mod breaks bonus elemental damage on Sun and Moon's auto attacks. I have current version of the mod and after disabling it in the mod manager and restarting the game, bonus damage works fine. @MaxQuest are there plans to implement the changes discussed above that would fix this problem ?
    1 point
  9. Took my son to Monster Jam and Grave Digger won its 200th event. I was slightly dreading it but it turned out to be super fun.
    1 point
  10. is not funny, but we couldn't help but imagine a december 1944 german tank crew viewing your clip. not just an egg, but at least three eggs being supplied to troops in the desert. pride? despair? numb indifference? am not knowing, but our typical perverse turn o' mind made us wonder. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  11. I played about 2 minutes of Dredge before I uninstalled it because gameplay in video games is bo-o-oring and I don't really want to spend a bunch of time fishing, Lovecraftian horrors or no. Just one of those games that you try and it instantly jumps out as a "no" for you. So I started another game called Homebody, except I've already had this game installed for a while and so I do not remember even the littlest bit of what this game is about. O.K., I'm a young woman that is apparently struggling with her mental health, seems to have some kind of guilt and obsessive compulsive complexes right off the bat that's making doing basic things painful/difficult, and I'm on my way to spend a night with my old high school friends at a remote-ish Airbnb. Lots of dialogue as I try to catch up with these friends of mine that I haven't seen in a while, but that's fine, they seem nice enough, except for the jerk who has some kind of problem with me because he's mysteriously pretending that I don't exist. The house has only one apparent exit, the front door, and there's some kind of weird powered lock on it that nobody else seems to be very concerned about at the moment. It's all kind of strange, but whatever. The house rules put down by the host say don't go into a few rooms that have been locked up, so of course after talking to everyone in the house, I immediately go looking to solve some of the puzzles to open them up. One thing leads to another, I'm collecting little bits of information and putting them into my character's notebook, and then pretty soon I'm in the basement examining this weird liquid canister stuff. So I'm sitting there trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with it and not really paying attention to what's going on around me - I think I heard some sounds coming from upstairs, but nothing distinctive enough that I really paid much notice because I kind of just figured it was environmental noise. But then a little bit later, I suddenly hear my character start to breathe loudly and just kind of freak out, so I stop looking at the canisters and turn around right in time for me to scream in real life because I got stabbed right in the face by a knife-wielding maniac, game over. Well, guess I should've paid attention to the weird sounds upstairs after all - though I didn't lose all the information I put into my character's notebook, so that's nice. Now if I had actually looked at the banner art of the game on the Steam store page, I probably would've noticed the knife and blood and generally murder-y look of the game, but since I didn't do that, I honestly thought this was gonna be a very chill and laid back dialogue/puzzle kind of game. Whoops. But hey, moments like that are what you live for in video games, so I won't complain. Now I just have to actually play the rest of the game.
    1 point
  12. Condolences Raithe. My dad's recent lung checkup did not go great. The tl;dr of the situation is that he didn't take off enough time to heal and his lungs aren't recovering, may be even worse. He got yelled at by his doctor that he'd get put on a ventilator if he got worse, which hopefully scares him enough to sit his ass down for a month.
    1 point
  13. Cipher's Whip abilities are supposed to turn off at full focus (except for Ascendant). But Draing Whip does not turn off at full focus for Vanilla Cipher, Soulblade and Wild Mind. You still get +20% weapon damages (focus drain bonus is of course irrelevant). This is clearly an oversight since it does turn off for Soul Whip and Beguiler's Draining Whip. (ascendant does not turn off but this is normal and it's a different ability). Note that the error in the data file was pretty obvious once the issue was spotted, so it will be corrected in next BPM version.
    1 point
  14. And with today, so do I. Played last holdout at Interplay for three days. My condolences. A while back my father asked if I could help him type a bunch of pages he only has as scans. Even though there are rougly two hundred of them, he said, they are written with large letters and he already typed up fifty of them. It would be much faster if I would help him out, as he is a very slow typer (which still is an understatement). He said he would dictate the contents and we would be done really quickly. Admiral Ackbar looked at me and said: However, I wilfully chose to ingore him and agreed. I can type quite fast, not at a world record pace, but well above average, so I figured I will waste a weekend and a half at best. Alas, the devil, as the proverb goes, is in the details. What are the details? Well, am I glad you asked, lest I would write this complaint without an audience. He got his hands on minutes of meetings of the local municipality dated over a hundred years back, from directly after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and before the rise of Austro-Fascism (and the Third Reich later). Needless to say that minutes of that age were handwritten. That would still be not so bad, however, they were handwritten, under severe time constraints, by people with a decidedly poor grasp of grammar and syntax, in the parlance of their time, and most damning of all, in German cursive. Well, how bad can that be? Have a look: It is not his slow typing that is an issue. Deciphering the texts on the other hand? Very much so. In case you are interested in comparing German cursive to modern scripts, the first couple of lines read: "[...] eine Subvention von 2000 Kr. zu bewilligen. Dieser Antrag wird einstimmig angenommen. Anschließend darauf verliest G. Ruckteschel einen Brief des Schriftführers der Lokalorganisation um Anschaffung eines Kastens zur Aufbewahrung der schriftlichen Agenden. Diesem Wunsche wird einstimmig Rechnung getragen." The second to last word of the seventh line illustrates one of the issues rather well. The word is schriftlichen, and as you can see, the letters used for s, f and h are dreadfully similar to each other when written hastily, and there is very little difference between the t and the l. Good thing these letters are not so commonly used in Germanic languages. Dodged a bullet, huh? Minor historical fact, it was Hitler who did away with both German cursive and Fraktur, the blackletter typeface used to print German books, with the Normalschrifterlass in 1941, saying they were Jewish letters and calling them German is wrong.
    1 point
  15. made nacho cheese sauce. ... hate to admit this, but our nacho cheese sauce doesn't tastes quite right unless we use some quantity o' american or velveeta. it should taste better with a combo o' cheddar(s) and something such as jack, and am having tried dozens o' combinations, but... we start with a very blond roux to which we add evaporated milk (or some other dairy, but usual evaporated milk for nacho cheese sauce) and reduce until is starting to thicken--bechamel. next we add cayene pepper and diced pickled jalapeno as well as a bit o' the brine... typical add a bit o' fire roasted salsa as well. then we stir in copious amounts o' cheese. we got a bunch o' different variations o' the 'bove process, but the resulting changes provide only minor differences in the finished product. as we ordinary start out with a bechamel, we do not need american or velveeta to keep the sauce creamy. nevertheless, we literal cannot get the taste quite right w/o cheddar and velveeta or american cheese. am not sure why it bothers us we need use american or velveeta, but it does. HA! Good Fun! ps sour cream is one o' those dairy options most folks do not consider when making a cheese sauce, but am finding it is a possibility worth exploring. sour cream is in fact our defacto dairy when making stovetop mac and cheese.
    1 point
  16. That howler build is a phenomenal idea! I love it, and that's what I am going to do. I never would have thought of something like that, but it's got wonderful synergies within the build and the Eder. I do wonder if I have an NT in an old playthrough that I can just bring into my new game to get the build running earlier. Plus, any build that uses Body Blows debuff well is usually a plus for me. The Shephard I may save for my next run. I love Paladin and Ranger, and never thought to put them together.
    1 point
  17. Finished Itorah. It is a reasonably well-made Metroidvania. The story follows the last human (who is also a child) named Itorah and a talking axe named Koda (neither name appears too often) who are trying to find out what happened to the humanity and fight against the plague which is threatening the present not-humans (anthropomorphic animals, like Mickie Mouse, and living masks with limbs). The level design is functional - there are very few optional secrets and most of the maps must be explored in order to proceed. The movement controls are tight, rebindable (but limited to the keyboard only), responsive, and comfortable. All actions were executed perfectly. The character development system consists of health, stamina (required for some, but not all, attacks and actions, such as sprinting), the number and the potency of the healing items. In order to upgrade, some XP and material components (very few, fixed position on the map) are required, while the upgrades themselves can be done only in the main hub. Most areas loop back, and it is reasonably easy to reach the town on the way to the next objective. Since there is no fast travel, it is as convenient as it gets. From what I can tell, there is only one ending. The combat can be described as functional as well. There is 1 ground combo, singular directional and aerial attacks, and dodging (consumes stamina). The bosses are diverse and some of the encounters consist of running, instead of combat. However, they do not have visible health bars and there is only one difficulty. On the other hand, it is usually clear when the battle progresses and phases change. The saving system is checkpoint-based and there is usually one right before bosses. The graphics and visual design are beautiful - painted 2D images and backgrounds, though seeing the interactive objects occasionally was challenging. The soundtrack is rather good as well, the voice acting is limited to some noises to indicate who is talking. No bugs were encountered during the playthrough (Steam says 10 hours). Overall, it was a positive experience. --- Sands of Aura. After I've upgraded the swords, the game started to remind Diablo-likes, rather than Dark Souls. --- Saints Row. Created the main character. The range of settings (character creation, controls, accessibility) is amazing, though the DRM is not. I will probably get it on Steam on sale (would prefer GOG, but not available there). I am also pleased that it runs on my main PC, which I had doubts about.
    1 point
  18. https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-ceo-defends-skull-and-bones-dollar60-price-tag-says-its-a-quadruple-a-game/
    1 point
  19. @LadyCrimsonbeat me to it, but I also played the Outcast 2 demo: There's a lot of optimization work ahead. While I would mostly get a good framerate on my fairly high-end system, there are HARDCORE frame stutters and hitches aplenty. The game does look nice, though. Well, the environment looks great, the character models... See for yourself: The animations during conversations are quite stiff. The combat is functional but uninspired action combat: On the positive side, you have a jet pack that doesn't suck. I can think of another game that could benefit from a jet pack that doesn't suck (stares at Bethesda). You can even use the jet pack to swim really fast, like a motorboat.
    1 point
  20. This horizontal flying jetpack was cool. I'm guessing that's what Starfield needed. Is it just me, or do most games these days not know how to do non-cluttery/non-annoying UI's? All these elements were huuuuge on the 55" TV. This demo wouldn't let me alter UI size scale either - that at least would help.
    1 point
  21. I can only pick one? How unfair. Yes, that is a cat all right. Success, now to go hide it under the shelf in the garage for later. ...it's kind of cute, but it's no Stray.
    1 point
  22. It's Interesting, but would the wolf spiderlings be dangerous like widow spiderlings? I mean, will they have poison and will they have a decent amount of health?
    1 point
  23. That thing is 4 feet long! I mean what's more likely, I'm misreading the measurements or that's a comically oversized tape measure and the largest bug in the world. It's obviously the latter.
    0 points
  24. I know I've posted pictures of the life outside of my place before, but this preying mantis sure was eye catching, sitting there on the mosquito net. Grabbed a measuring tape (with cm & inches just for good measure). Looked like it was doing stretching exercises, pushing its from legs (the "grabbers") way out in front of it's body. I went outside, just to check where the front end of the insect was before taking a picture with my phone (partly obscured by the door itself)
    0 points
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