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  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-01/saudi-arabia-steps-up-gaza-arrests-as-israel-ties-edge-closer Interesting development, Saudi Arabia is making some positive steps towards supporting Israel. Its sooner than I thought considering the ongoing war in Gaza but geopolitical events in the ME tend to move quickly Im not sure if its Abrahamic Accord revitalization but it may be more about " Saudi Arabia and regional allies like Egypt and Jordan have been alarmed by the trend, fearing that Iran and Islamist groups could exploit the conflict to incite a wave of uprisings, said some of the people, who asked not to be identified due the delicate nature of the matter. Memories of the Arab Spring more than a decade ago remain fresh among regional rulers, who are desperate to avoid a repeat"
  3. Yeah, that's sort of the joke about it. It's so similar to their previous games, it feels like it was made 10 years ago.
  4. Today
  5. I have no regrets over my novelization of Obsidian Forum Adventures: The Wrath of SonicMage117
  6. Well it certainly isn't going to be worse than pedohorse grooming a preteen but....yeah I can believe it's the least bad. If only because it's shorter and the production values of the series looked like cat **** eaten by Bruno and puked up. I guess it's a miracle that the 90's show is what it is. That song is great but incredibly misplaced. Imagine hearing "put your glasses on and nothing will be wrong" during the ****ing Eclipse.
  7. I have encountered a bug with the new pet ants and their favourite food being rotten slurry but they wont eat the slurry can this please be fixed? I'm also unable to provide a photo because of the file size is limited to such a low amount of data
  8. 4 episode into gundam the witch from mercury and yes yuri does make most genre better even mecha anime
  9. Well, I would not say it was much different from other Beth games. Same engine, same bugs, just in space They should have put it into Starship Troopers universe, at least the bugs would fit into the lore
  10. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/todd-howard-reckons-he-knows-why-starfield-was-so-divisive-it-was-too-different-than-youve-seen-from-us-in-past/
  11. Cool find. It should stack with Effigy's Resentment: Kana. That's +5 against Prone (and Hobbled). And with Coastal Aumaua's +20 against Stunned and Prone. That would mean +70... Bane of Ogres!
  12. Well, Israel is engaging in war crimes in its war with Hamas according to basically everyone without a vested interest. It is already illegal to invest in Russia for the same reason. Israel gets a pass because the security cooperation and financial ties between it and the US as well as the unfathomable amount of influence it holds in internal US politics. European leaders back Biden's play because of the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid for Ukraine, and because if they don't, they will be dealing with Trump for the next four years. These relations are all transactional, none of them are ethical. If the international criminal court means anything, it will have to issue arrest warrants on both Hamas and senior Israeli leaders, given the facts. With all this, it is entirely appropriate and moral to attempt to undermine the US-Israeli relationship, or at least to say that they don't want their university to have a stake in the continuation of violations against human rights.
  13. Fallout 4, Far Harbor. Reached the point of the main conflict's resolution or close to it. Not particularly fond of the combat, controls, dialogue system (keyboards have somewhat more keys than gamepads and I can see what the game was focused on, even with the mod), and the UI. There was one unique puzzle (pointing a beam at certain points) mission based on the building system, where I also could not save in the process (about 1-2 hours, considering that it highlighted the issues with the controls and that the PC is a flying camera in the first-person view). On a funny note, I sneaked/ran to the console, while leaving 2 legendary dominatrix murder bots behind (after trying to kill them unsuccessfully a couple of times). The only way to survive it for me was to lower the difficulty and eat all damage-resistance consumables I had. Several hours later I noticed that I had some armour that was not focused on stealth and carrying capacity, so it is possible that I could have fought them. The story is fine. Not great, but good enough to keep going. No strong feelings about the loading times, the game runs fine from an HDD.
  14. So I'm testing a bit about afflictions and found that Boots of Stability gives +45 defense against the Knockdown ability. It seems the +15 push defense is also added against knockdown, make it very potent item when fighting monks.
  15. You asking an important and relevant question and that is " whats radical about demanding that a university divest from the arms industry " Thats not radical at all and its reasonable. But thats not what the protestors are asking They asking for the Universities to divest from all companies that do business with Israel and a boycott of these companies if these companies continue to do business with Israel or have an Israeli footprint. Its similar to South Africa Apartheid sanctions which were reasonable, understandable and effective But if you think how impractical the students demands really are, just take IT companies that include Microsoft, Amazon, FB or Twitter. The Universities and the students themselves arent going to boycott these products so whats the point of asking for a generalized boycott and divest of all companies? But if they were specific about weapons companies that would be a different story because the Universities can do this
  16. There is a lot going on at the same time at different sites but ; What's radical about demanding that a university divest from the arms industry, or that it publish a list of it's potential conflicts of interests. the same should be true of investments with a connection to slave labor, or fundamentally undemocratic ones. The protestors, well at least 50% of them, are paying customers. Institutions of higher learning are supposed to be committed to democratic ideals, there is a long history that at least. Without an ethics clause attached to their investments, the rot and corruption will set in, as we have seen evidence of already.
  17. I bought all the Gold Box SSI games on Steam and Im playing Eye of the Beholder 1 as my first game. Im going to spread out when I play these games I played it when it was first released back in 1992 and I still remember certain mechanics like the pressure plates The Gold Box games have the All-Seeing Eye automap built in which is a "must have " feature if you dont have the time for making maps manually which I dont And Im really enjoying it, its very simple but thats the fun of this type of classic dungeon crawler. And of course it uses the D&D ruleset and mechanics which is always a win for me
  18. It's like someone split me into two characters.
  19. Its interesting you raise " or that that they were dubbed "outside agitators" when this was not true" Now that hundreds of arrests have been made that view is demonstrably untrue https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/live-updates/college-protests-israel-palestine-war/nearly-half-of-columbia-university-and-ccny-arrests-were-nonstudent-protestors-109886454?id=109734946 " Nearly half of Columbia University and CCNY arrests were non-student protesters Of the total arrests made at Columbia University and The City College of New York, many were affiliated with the university, though nearly half were identified as non-student protesters. At Columbia University, there were 112 total arrests with 80 of the arrests being individuals affiliated with the institution while 32 individuals were unaffiliated. The protests at CCNY saw 170 total arrests with 68 individuals arrested being affiliated with the public research university and 102 individuals being unaffiliated with the college" So why does 50% of the total numbers of people arrested not being students just at 2 universities matter? Two main reasons, the first one being that the allegation of outside agitation is true and the second one is it undermines completely the view that says " these protests are about well-meaning students who have an understandable concern about where there universities spend there campus endowments " I do think most of the students have a well-meaning and genuine belief they doing the right thing even if the demands are unrealistic and unachievable But you cant deny that there is a real element of protestors who have hijacked the protests for there own radical left agendas
  20. I think i killed my save by just closing the game while it was loading a save. I can't get to BURG.L because the oak lab hasn't exploded but the SPAC.R has already been triggered. It doesn't matter what backup save I load because they all load the same broken thing. I'm on nintendo switch.
  21. Heh, is there any better illustration of the absolute mess that is Gamebryo than F4's loading times? The loading times are linked to frame rate, and the frame is limited to 60 because otherwise minigames, physics etc get screwy because they're linked to frame rate too... (If needed in future there is/ was a mod that 'fixes'/ helps with the issue by uncapping fps only during loading screens, whether it works still after the next gen update who knows)
  22. Yesterday
  23. As I said, I am just going to build up Sanctuary and wander around. No need to enter the ballpark. Maybe I'll go in once to get Valentine.
  24. Ooph that's a weird one. What it looks like it some of the ".assets" files might have become corrupted. The files "sharedassets0.assets", "sharedassets0.assets.resS", "sharedassets1.assets" and "sharedassets1.assets.resS" are the files that contain the assets for main menu start up. If those are present in the "PillarsOfEternityII_Data" directory, try deleting them, then verifying the integrity of the game files through GoG-Galaxy/Steam
  25. Hmm, you could try swapping the models and materials referenced in that in characters.unity3d around see if that changes anything? Maybe that could work? I dunno though, despite multiple attempts I've never managed to crack editing the contents of assetbundles. Most recently I was trying to swap around some conversation portraits for npcs that use the same portrait. No matter what edits I make to the file paths, nothing changes. I try to understand, but nothing ever changes...
  26. I know this is the 'net and we could all simply "disappear" at any time, for whatever reasons etc. - I probably wouldn't have thought about it without that "forum software sucks" post. Just made me wonder, is all. I've been gone for months at time more than once myself ... I just eventually keep coming back. Re: Guard Dog - he's also crossed my mind now and again and I do remember the health issue posts. Hope he's doing fine/beat those/happy.
  27. I don't know about 3 minutes, but right now I'm just exploring the map, so it's rare that I have to transition to a new place. It does take awhile when I do transition, but it's probably about 20 seconds.
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