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I keep running into situations and questions that could be answered easily by those in the beta but their isn't any real place to ask those questions.


So I will ask my first question here. If it gets answered maybe others can ask easy mechanical questions or other types of questions.


A shattered pillar monk has in my opinion a good benefit but the detriments i cant find numbers on anywhere.


So as of the last beta, how much damage did you have to do to gain a Wound and how many wound would you max out at?


You max out at five wounds.


I'm not sure of the actual damage needed but FoA can generate the one wound it costs when upgraded so you can use it forever. Torments reach generates like 2 wounds and costs 3 to use. On a crit you get back 3 wounds.

Posted (edited)

For 10 damage you get 1 wound (as a non-Shattered Pillar).


With Lesser Wounds you only need to receive 8 damage for a wound.


So - same as in PoE.


A Shattered Pillar has to deal 20 damage to gain 1 wound. With Lesser Wounds it's 15 damage.


Last time tested in beta4.


I don't know why this isn't mentioned in the ability description. I guess they wait with that until they are sure they won't tweak things anymore.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Thanks for the answers! I had hopes other people would have taken advantage of the knowledge you two and others possess but maybe Im the only one that was not in the beta.


I can't find it either. At some point I guess I'll have to get up and put things into the gamepedia wiki myself. ;)

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Does anyone have a link to the effects of the different tiers of afflictions and inspirations? I am having a really hard time finding that info.


It's from before the recent updates so it there may have been some changes since then, but here's MaxQuest's list of Afflictions and Inspirations.

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Why is focus amount displayed on portrait, under every spell level and at the beginning of spell list as well? Can those numbers ever differ?

Is it same for chanter?

Vancian =/= per rest.


How does selecting abilities work for multi-class at each level? Does the game force you to select from each class at certain levels or are you free to always pick from whichever class you want?


How does selecting abilities work for multi-class at each level? Does the game force you to select from each class at certain levels or are you free to always pick from whichever class you want?

Every level you gain one skill point which you can invest wherever you like. However, every few levels you reach new power level, which unlocks new tier of skills and improves your already aquired skills. In this case you gain two skill points and if you multiclass you have to spend one in each class. 


Did anyone test uncanny luck? I am wondering about the 5% resistance. Should we interpret resistance as in the case of afflictions (downgrade of the hit resolution: crit goes into hit, hit goes into graze etc) or it's just a chance to completely avoid an attack  be it crit/hit/graze?

Posted (edited)

As far as I know it's like the spell resistance of the Mage Slayer: 5% chance that the graze/hit/crit is canceled completely (maybe turned into a miss? Don't know how it's done). But I didn't test it.


I guess the blocking of the medium shield modal works the same way? Also didn't test that one yet.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Hi every one. I wonder if anyone have some insight why non caster abilities cost more ressources as you progress in level? From the streams I watched it feel pretty weird to me, specialy compared to POE1. Replaying it right now, and each time you get a new active ability it always come with it's own per encounter/rest use. So you always gain more abilities uses and each abilities don't predate each other.


Casters in POE2 (as I understand) get new spell use for their new level, so more powerfull spells don't reduce the number of time they can use their lower level spell. They always progress with more spell uses as they level up.


But for non casters in POE2, look like as you take highter level active abilities you're loosing number of time you can use your abilities. A level 8-9 character that use a 2-3pt ability use prety much half his resources. It feel like it's encouraging you to use and spam only 1pt abilities, or respect just to take 1 hight level ability. (or use empower to restor resources instead of powering an ability).


Is there something missing in the beta? I noticed somewhere there is a boon (brilliant I think it was) that allow you to restore your resources. Is there some consumables (like potions) that can restore resources? Or items that give you +x resources like in POE1 and the caster rings. Something that will explain this design choice.


Cipher and monk wound abilities don't have this problem because they can generate focus & wound during the battle.

Posted (edited)

Hi every one. I wonder if anyone have some insight why non caster abilities cost more ressources as you progress in level? From the streams I watched it feel pretty weird to me, specialy compared to POE1. Replaying it right now, and each time you get a new active ability it always come with it's own per encounter/rest use. So you always gain more abilities uses and each abilities don't predate each other.


Casters in POE2 (as I understand) get new spell use for their new level, so more powerfull spells don't reduce the number of time they can use their lower level spell. They always progress with more spell uses as they level up.


But for non casters in POE2, look like as you take highter level active abilities you're loosing number of time you can use your abilities. A level 8-9 character that use a 2-3pt ability use prety much half his resources. It feel like it's encouraging you to use and spam only 1pt abilities, or respect just to take 1 hight level ability. (or use empower to restor resources instead of powering an ability).


Is there something missing in the beta? I noticed somewhere there is a boon (brilliant I think it was) that allow you to restore your resources. Is there some consumables (like potions) that can restore resources? Or items that give you +x resources like in POE1 and the caster rings. Something that will explain this design choice.


Cipher and monk wound abilities don't have this problem because they can generate focus & wound during the battle.

While casters rely on their spells, the melee classes rely on their autoattack. In addition keep in mind that high level big spells take time to cast, which make them more tricky to use and take time (action economy as Josh described it - only so many things you can do during one fight). It is true that for melee higher level powers consume more of the class resource. In beta there is a soulbound weapon which allows to restore some of the class resource with a kill once per rest, so its possible there will be more items like that.


One thing to consider is that "upgrated abilities" don't replace their base version. Let's take figher's knockdown and mulekick as an example:


While primary use of knockdown is an interupt while mulekick gains +25% damage, knockup and a chance to disorient an enemy. However, both stay in your repertoire:


You can use either of them, depending on what you feel is needed. In addition every class gains additional resource to spend when reaching new power level.


Edit: factual mistakes.

Edited by Wormerine
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Posted (edited)

It depends. If their costs don't change and you only get bonuses with the upgrade, it replaces your lower tier ability.


  • Flames of Devotion (1 Zeal - Full Attack with +30% burning lash, +20 ACC) --> upgrade to
    • Shared Flames (1 Zeal - same as FoD + a 20% lash for your allies for some time) or 
    • Eternal Devotion (1 Zeal - same as FoD + a 20% lash for yourself for some time)

Both will replace FoD because it makes no sense to leave it in the action bar.

Knockdown/Mule Kick is no Full Attack by the way.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


As far as I know it's like the spell resistance of the Mage Slayer: 5% chance that the graze/hit/crit is canceled completely (maybe turned into a miss? Don't know how it's done). But I didn't test it.


I guess the blocking of the medium shield modal works the same way? Also didn't test that one yet.


You should probably test the Medium shield modal, I believe it is a deflection check against the attack and not a fixed % chance of blocking. Although, I haven't tried it since beta 2 and I have now uninstalled the beta so I can't check it myself.

Azarhal, Chanter and Keeper of Truth of the Obsidian Order of Eternity.


Does Lightning Strikes benefit from Heart of the Storm?  I've been pondering a melee/Druid multi-class to make better use of Taste of the Hunt and the Storm spells (though if the ability list from the Codex is right Avenging Storm is a level 8 ability :( ) and didn't know if there was some synergy there or not.


Nope. At the moment only attacks who have a primary elemental damage source (Firebrand - burn damage, Fury spiritshift weapons - shock damage, Concelhaut's Draining Touch - corrosive damage and so on) and abilities that are keyworded with the element (for example Flames of Devotion - fire).


If you simply have a shocking lash on claws or fists or weapons this won't work (as far as I know). At least not for the initial attack roll. Might be that the PEN of the lash vs. the elemental AE is affected and compared in the background, but I can't check that.


So in theory a Bleak Walker/Fury with Flames of Devotion + Scion of Flame + Spirit of Decay + Heart of the Storm can get +3 PEN with FoD (his FoD is keyworded with Fire and Acid and the Fury's attacks are shocking). He can add +30% burn, +20% corrode and Wildstrike Shock to the FoD.

Fun times. ;)

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Yeah, I'd read about the keyword thing, but I didn't know if Lightning Strikes was keyworded (and the wiki isn't exactly reliable at this point :) )


That's actually good, because I didn't really want to do Monk/Druid (though a drugged out hippie Nalpazca/Lifegiver would be funny), but it would be a shame not to if they both benefited from Heart of the Storm.


Kind of wish Flames of Devotion elements depended on Paladin order beyond Bleak Walkers.  As far as I'm aware, none of the melee classes really benefit from/use lightning damage beyond Lightning Strikes, correct?


Priest of Wael can summon a rod with +50% shocking lash and Furies have their Spiritshift weapon (and Wildstrike). That and Lightning Strikes is all shocking stuff "with weapons" that I know of. Melee classes besides monk: nope. :)

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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