ShadySands Posted April 20, 2018 Posted April 20, 2018 Yeah, I think that's the default happy ending though there is a better ending and I think 2 worse endings. I think you can get the worst ending by just replaying the final fight and picking different options but the other two would require you going further back and probably some meta knowledge on how to get them. Not worth it if you didn't enjoy the game that much anyway. I'd still recommend the high level follow on campaign though. It's pretty short and ties up some loose ends. Free games updated 3/4/21
213374U Posted April 20, 2018 Posted April 20, 2018 I enjoyed the follow-up campaign, but hated the combat design. It's like every other enemy was a grenadier and 75% had the stun immunity cyberware. Stupid easy if you were a fire mage, a pain in the ass if you weren't and didn't get Duncan's magnet arm. If you had to drag yourself to play the main campaign to the end though, it probably won't change your overall opinion of the game. I'm kinda disappointed that HBS seem to have abandoned Shadowrun after putting together the engine and a ton of assets. Looks to me that they could make good money by pumping out more modules, both Dragonfall and HK were well received. 2 - When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.
majestic Posted April 20, 2018 Posted April 20, 2018 (edited) I'm pondering playing through NuTorment but the opening didn't inspire much confidence, NuTorment was okay as long as you go out of your way to avoid the crisis system. There are a few non-optional ones but those aren't even about combat - more or less (one is about running away and the other is about surviving long enough). The actual main quest wasn't bad either, the game is just so full of filler and terribly verbose at that. Sometimes it felt like every side quest was a doorstopper type book. Even when all you had to do was fetch a trinket from a pile of rubbish. Sure PS:T also had a bunch of filler content but Tides of Numenera lacked the narrative focus of PS:T. Every time you had a memory there it pertained to the main quest or your current situation - in Tides whenever you have a memory it's just some random musing of who came before you. Most of the time with no connection to what is going on. It's just there to have you read more text. Oi, and it is also full of obviously unfinished things and left the interesting parts of the main quest annoyingly unexplained. Not just unclear or intentionally fuzzy as it was with PS:T (the nature of TNO's crime or his name) but things that would have helped to explain what was going on simply went without any further information. And for a game called Tides of Numenera there was preciously little about the actual tides in it. Edited April 20, 2018 by majestic 2 No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering.
Katphood Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 (edited) Man, Truck Racer is good simple fun. Edited April 21, 2018 by Katphood There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
GhostofAnakin Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I think Farcry 5 might be the only game where a 308 does the same damage as a 22. The game design on this game is so ****ed that it ain't even close balanced. They did make a great leap in narrative design, now the side quest are meaningful since you need complete them in order to progress. My one complaint is you progress too quickly by completing them. I was forced into a confrontation with the second region boss before I'd even uncovered half the map because I'd done a handful of the quests that bumped me up to level 3 for the region in no time. Kind of ruined a couple of quests since the quest giver died before I'd had a chance to actually complete either of them. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Drowsy Emperor Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 Yeah, I think that's the default happy ending though there is a better ending and I think 2 worse endings. I think you can get the worst ending by just replaying the final fight and picking different options but the other two would require you going further back and probably some meta knowledge on how to get them. Not worth it if you didn't enjoy the game that much anyway. I'd still recommend the high level follow on campaign though. It's pretty short and ties up some loose ends. I enjoyed the follow-up campaign, but hated the combat design. It's like every other enemy was a grenadier and 75% had the stun immunity cyberware. Stupid easy if you were a fire mage, a pain in the ass if you weren't and didn't get Duncan's magnet arm. If you had to drag yourself to play the main campaign to the end though, it probably won't change your overall opinion of the game. I'm kinda disappointed that HBS seem to have abandoned Shadowrun after putting together the engine and a ton of assets. Looks to me that they could make good money by pumping out more modules, both Dragonfall and HK were well received. It was a combination of no-challenge combat (on hard), obligatory decking (still not fun) and a story that failed to hook me in - neither the foster father, crime bosses or brother are endearing or very interesting, and the big bad is just spat out 15 minutes before the finale because there has to be one. The Russian and Japanese companions were the best thing about the game. I was also expecting them to keep pumping out more modules. И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,И његова сва изгибе војска, Седамдесет и седам иљада;Све је свето и честито билоИ миломе Богу приступачно.
Katphood Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 Having so much fun with Far Cry 2 on the PC. The only thing I miss from the PS3 version are...trophies. Also, who said that this game had 'corridor maps'?! 6 hours into my replay of the game and there has been already more than one occasion where I could drift away from the road and completely ditch a fully armed outpost. If anything, the map feel more natural compared to Far Cry 3+. Wish I hadn't sold my PS3 version of the game, I could go back and hunt a few more trophies. I'll keep an eye out for a sale. There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
Hurlshort Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game.
Oner Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game. I don't see why they'd run back to Shadowrun immediately? At least one expansion is likely I think. Giveaway list: What is glass but tortured sand?Never forget! '12.01.13.
Katphood Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 Finished Halo CE Anniversary Edition. I had totally forgotten about the godawful driving sequence towards the end. Whoever designed that part is a masochist. Started Halo 2. Sure is nice to replay the game with updated graphics. Never played past Halo 2 so I am kind of excited for Halo 3 and Halo ODST. Not so sure about Halo 4 though. There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
Hurlshort Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game.I don't see why they'd run back to Shadowrun immediately? At least one expansion is likely I think. Sure. I didn't say they would not stay with Battletech for awhile. But they are a pretty small studio, so I imagine they keep the bulk of their staff on one project at a time.
ShadySands Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I'd still love an Obsidian Shadowrun game 2 Free games updated 3/4/21
Sarex Posted April 21, 2018 Posted April 21, 2018 I just finished watching an almost 9 hour long walkthrough of the new God of War. Solid 9/10 and I haven't even played the first 3. "because they filled mommy with enough mythic power to become a demi-god" - KP
GhostofAnakin Posted April 22, 2018 Posted April 22, 2018 Now that I've unlocked the ability to bring along two Guns For Hire, it's actually entertaining to walk around with them accompanying me because they banter back and forth with each other. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
wolfrider100 Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 (edited) Just started a play through of The Technomancer (having played Mars War Logs and really enjoyed it). Doing a Rogue/Technomancer combat build. Speaking of combat, combat in this game is a mixed bag, most days I been enjoying it, then other days I just want to pull my hair out from it starting to get on my nerves. Also the main plot line is pretty good. it has got me wondering, if you/they will ever make contact with Earth. As to the side quests a few of them I have enjoyed, the others are nothing really to wrote home about.. your standard fair, go here kill this or pick this up and bring it back type of thing. Companions (meat shields) are just there to draw attention off you, so you can easily get a few hits in on your enemies when there back is turned. Phobos and Niesha are the companions I use most, but I do switch them out with Amelia Reacher and Andrew so I can level them up too (Scott Seeker being rarely ever used). Edited April 23, 2018 by wolfrider100 2 " Life... is strength. That is not to be contested, it seems logical enough. You live, you affect your world. " ` Jon Irenicus ´
Katphood Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 Playing The Walking Dead Season 2 or as I like to call it 'people die after you meet them' simulator. 1 There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
lichtjahre Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game. Think on the bright side. HBS would have a better engine to make Shadowrun Series after Battletech.
Katphood Posted April 24, 2018 Posted April 24, 2018 Finished Crysis 3. A very enjoyable shooter that lets you play the game in any way you want. Story wasn't particularly good but it didn't stop me from having some fun. I like shooters with a semi open-world design and Crysis 3 does that very well. Each section is carefully handcrafted so you can play around with the enemy in a multitude of ways. You can hunt them with the bow, go guns blazing, set traps, hack mine fields and turrets or use explosive weaponry. I wish Crytek would make a shooter similar to Far Cry/Crysis but in a new setting. For now they are focusing on F2P shooters which is not my thing at all. :/ 1 There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
marelooke Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 (edited) Felt like doing a new playthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. I used to run it with Olmod but that wasn't updated to support the final patch (and it will just crash) so I stated looking into alternatives. I wanted something that fixes some issues, maybe updates the weapon models/graphics and possibly adds some removed stuff back in (like silencers for the AKs) but leaves the gameplay intact. It seemd the Stalker Starter Pack was my ticket, but after starting the game on Master difficulty I immediately noticed the Bandits you meet in the first mission didn't have any shotguns... I am *very* sure they did in vanilla so I'm wondering whether it's the mod messing with enemy loadouts or just random. Guess I need to start over and if that doesn't work try it without the mod. There's nothing in there that claims it interferes with enamy loadouts but it's pretty common for mod authors (or Enhanced Edition authors...) to get carried away... EDIT: typos Edited April 25, 2018 by marelooke 1
Fenixp Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 (edited) Playing Mad Max again because... It's actually really fun. Finished Crysis 3. A very enjoyable shooter that lets you play the game in any way you want. Story wasn't particularly good but it didn't stop me from having some fun. I like shooters with a semi open-world design and Crysis 3 does that very well. Each section is carefully handcrafted so you can play around with the enemy in a multitude of ways. You can hunt them with the bow, go guns blazing, set traps, hack mine fields and turrets or use explosive weaponry.Yeah, Crysis 3 was really neat. It was clear they were kinda exceeding their budget towards the end of the game, other than that tho, individual scenarios had quite a lot of personality and offered some really fun encounters. And the storytelling was fun at least, even tho the story itself made no sense. Edited April 25, 2018 by Fenixp 2
Malcador Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game. Lot of DLC to milk people for with Battletech Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
Gfted1 Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Downloaded and installed Battletech. I'm on the fence if I want to dive into V1.0. Hows the bugs so far?,Gfted1,black,red.png
Katphood Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Downloaded and installed Lord of the Rings: War in the North this morning but didn't get to play it. Now I am back from work and fully rested so I am off to Middle-earth! There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.
ShadySands Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Downloaded and installed Battletech. I'm on the fence if I want to dive into V1.0. Hows the bugs so far? I've only had one crash to desktop and some slowish loading 1 Free games updated 3/4/21
Malcador Posted April 25, 2018 Posted April 25, 2018 Downloaded and installed Battletech. I'm on the fence if I want to dive into V1.0. Hows the bugs so far? Only issue I had was getting stuck trying to create a profile, restart fixed that. Neg on any other issues though 1 Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
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