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List of Subclasses as we learn about them.

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how could you mention the chanter subclass and not mention the barbarian option josh revealed a smidgen earlier?


"have i mentioned that one of the barbarian subclasses is "corpse eater"" 


HA! Good Fun!

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I see. I had no idea IWD2 was ever planned as an AD&D game. A lot of those kits are copied from Baldur's Gate 2, but there are also some new ones.


As far as light armour/no armour defence goes... I would definitely like that, but the balance concerns people have brought up are very real. Going light already has the advantage of reducing recovery time. It doesn't offset the cost of less protection for a frontline character, but it's really easy to overshoot with compensating for it. Sounds like it happened in Tyranny, but it's not exactly uncommon for going full ninja to be the superior form of protection.


Yes, that's why it might be better to limit it to a few subclasses (hopefully with interesting variations), so they can be balanced accordingly.

Edited by SaruNi
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Something, something... BTNGhoul.png?version=f072422eea2f4ceb3bb

Corpse eating - check; frenzy - check.


Some cannibal tribes eat the meat of their enemies, in hope of getting their strength or having a vision of their plans.

It would be great if these barbs would get some abilities (or passives and faster bestiary info reveal) of those fallen and eaten.


P.S. I wonder if Beckoner's summons leave corpses behind, for the barbarian to use them.

Edited by MaxQuest
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I can guess that it works in some way like White Worms and Garden of Life: corpses in a certain AoE range will do something like giving you bonuses of some sort or so. Maybe passively, maybe actively via ability use. Would be great in combination with Bloodlust, Bloodthirsty and on-kill effects. :)


This would also mean that spirits for example won't work with that stuff (no corpse).

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Corpse-eater sounds great.  The Beckoner is a terrible name for a cool class idea.  How about summoner, or shardcaller, or lifesinger, or anything else.


Yeah not a fan of The Beckoner either, sounds a little too much like someone looked up synonyms for "summon" and plugged it right in. Why not The Recaller or The Assembler?  :disguise:

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sounds a little too much like someone looked up synonyms for "summon" and plugged it right in


I think the use of "beckon" is intended to capture a specific flavor for the summoning process: namely that of drawing the attention of something from the Beyond (or wherever else) and enticing it to cross over into this world. Or at least, the name Beckoner is evocative of that to me, even if there are arguably better names to represent the same concept.


I personally find approaches to summoning that emphasize the importance of luring and bargaining with otherworldly forces to be more interesting and opportunity-rich than the more customary dynamic of tossing around pliable cannon fodder (though I don't particularly expect the mechanics of summoning to change much in Pillars 2).

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Why not The Recaller or The Assembler?  :disguise:


The Assembler sounds awesome :lol:

But the class names alone imply I'll have to play the game in english again (not that I mind). When PoE was released and I started a chanter in german, the name was translated to what would be 'Singer' in english. It was immediately mocked when I shared a picture of the character I made, and I continued to play the rest of the game (e.g. everything) in english.


I think conjurer would sound nice.

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It seems that Ganrich isn't following the forum atm. Maybe we should send him a PM so he can update the list in his opening post?

Yeah, sorry. Been working way too much lately. I'm on my way there now. I'll try to update when time allows this evening.

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Is there any details on Corpse Eater other than the name? Updating now.


Something about cannibalistic mutiny was also mentioned as happening when you don't have enough corpses around.


My opinion was that it sounded like making the character into a Fampyr, but that's just speculation on my part, and seems a bit odd to restrict the Fampyr form to a barbarian subclass anyway.


Also, the tweet had the name in quotes, so, it may not be the final name.

Edited by smjjames
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Any theories on their abilities? Given the name it makes me wonder if they have a self heal when they land a kill, or perhaps they gain fighter like Regen as corpses pile up. Either way, the name has me intrigued.

Edited by Ganrich
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The only speculation that I'm aware of is the bit on this thread and my own theory. Primarily because there is so little information and a corpse-using mechanic would be completely new to PoE.

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Man, I thought the concept of a berserker was brutal but corpse eating... that is something entirely different...


I'd love it if there were an animation of it (maybe optional gore and (neo-puritanical) "decency" toggle?). 


As Boeroer alluded to, there was in fact a corpse consuming mechanic in PoE 1. Remember the Chanter invocation?


I love the name. It's probably not a radical departure from the archetype---Barbarians already had bloodlust, the DA:I Reaver subclass had something similar iirc---but it's interesting enough and could amplify a potentially fun mechanic (kill as many as possible, as fast as possible) that was most likely underused in PoE 1, and that might otherwise be OP if not isolated to a subclass.


The "cannibalistic mutiny" aspect makes me think it could be related to Frenzy---maybe if Corpse-Eaters use Frenzy but you don't consume corpses fast enough they become PoE 1 style confused and choose random targets, or attack allies?....

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The "cannibalistic mutiny" aspect makes me think it could be related to Frenzy


The cannibalistic mutiny comment was from Emolio G, not Sawyer, and it was about rations and underfed (cannibalistic) ship crew members, not the Corpse Eater subclass. It's probably not worth factoring into the Corpse Eater's theoretical mechanics until we hear anything from developers that actually stresses the volatile appetites angle for the subclass itself.


For my part, I doubt that the subclass will involve much by way of literal corpse eating since it could require unique animations (which none of the other subclasses particularly seem to entail at this point) and corpse eating itself sounds a bit too time-consuming to effectively blend in with combat. I'd also wonder if they'd get into whether particular enemies were safe to eat or not (such as undead, trolls, oozes, fungi and other sufficiently infectious and/or squalid critters) but they could probably get away with shrugging off such concerns pretty easily or just limit viable targets to beasts and kith.


The simplest way to implement something thematically appropriate for such a subclass that comes to mind is to have frenzy benefits start off lower but receive a temporary, possibly stacking, bonus with each kill, similar to the headhunter subclass idea I tossed out on page 8 of this thread. A bite attack would be cool, but that's far worse in terms of animation requirements than merely eating bodies.

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