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tried Underrail, and so far it's been a miserable experience. I just can't get into it. for a game that emulates Fallout as much as possible it sure's doing a poor job. 


I don't mean to say that this game is terrible, but I can't say it's good either. so far it plays like a bad mod for Fallout: one where the first cave with rats is made 100 times bigger and more difficult to navigate. 


maybe it's the build I've chosen, but even the rathounds (or w/e they're called) give me a hard time. I can't evade their attacks, I can barely run away from them and I can't kill them with my pistol. obviusly I don't have the money to buy better gear (one piece of equipment runs in the thousands, while I have 200 credits to my name). am I supposed to rely on melee combat until a certain point in the game? if so, why didn't one of the NPCs say so in the beginning? if not, what am I supposed to do?


I have capped stealth, evasion, guns, melee etc. and I still can't survive most of the fights the game throws at me. I am forced to cheese my way around most battles (like locking myself behind a fence before the hounds can get to me and shoot them all for 20 combat rounds). did I go in the wrong direction? my first quest says I should go to these caves, why are they so f'king hard? why is there a boss fight in the starting location already? what is a player supposed to do if he's not like me and didn't loot everything in the 10 km radius (read: doesn't have molotov ****tails, grenades and all that stuff).


or is using psy skills obligatory? the game seems to imply as much, but it's too late for me now, I have to either restart the game or keep going, trying to level up my char and catch up.


and this game could surely use a map screen.

Underrail is torture no matter how you do it. People on this forum said the grenades help a lot but it just feels like the whole game was designed for a party of PCs without companions actually being implemented. At one point later I had to fight 3 guys alone, each of them packing a grenade that could oneshot me from full HP. And this was a manageable fight.

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Underrail is great. I played it on normal and it was a good challenge. May be try it on easy if you're having so much trouble. Rat hounds shouldn't be that hard to kill, that's the starting enemy, you do have to heal quite a bit at first. Use stealth to avoid the tougher enemies, like the ****ing sentry robots. Don't forget you need a hackxor to hack and lockpicks to open locks. Use air vents when possible (need a multi-tool to open). Use the walkthrough on the wiki if necessary, that helps a lot. Psi powers do become very important later in the game, I think mind control winds up the most powerful, although I used thermal. What you guys say does apply to the end-game area which is quite a slog and I couldn't beat the final boss at all (I think you might need some kind of crafting here, as the in-game equipment just doesn't cut it anymore), but up until then it's a wonderful game. Edit: I have to warn you, if you think it's hard now, it gets really hard mid-game, you'll really need to search for solutions to certain seemingly impossible fights, although mines and stealth will usually solve them. You can find all the maps on the wiki also, although I preferred to just wander about until I came onto something, but you do need them for the end game.

Edited by Wrath of Dagon
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"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Finished Actual Sunlight, lasted for about an hour. Don't know what to think.

I was really looking forward to playing that, it's on PS+ this month. But it turns out it's not PSTV compatible. There's lots of comments from the developer around saying he doesn't think it's a good experience sit down on a screen, it's better on a mobile device.


But he released it on Steam...

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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How is Endless Legend? We've got civ VI releasing soon, but I think I'd rather have something a little more interesting.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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We do have Civ VI releasing soon, but historically, purchasing Civ games is really worthwhile at the end of their life cycle, so I'm not getting that for... A long time still.


Anyway, Endless Legend. Master of Magic meets Civilization meets Alpha Centauri. The game has a strong focus on its theme and story, seamlessly mixing sci-fi and fantasy elements into a very intriguing world. Each faction even has its own storyline that you may follow (or ignore completely, as you wish) and there's actually a surprising amount of good writing fleshing out the world of Auriga (the game also ties into lore of Endless Space and Dungeon of the Endless which is cool if you happened to play either, and its storyline will be directly followed by Endless Space 2. Amplitude is building quite a universe for us.)


Gameplay-wise, it's easily among my favorite 4X games of all time, and one of my major gripes, lack of naval warfare, will get resolved with the expansion that releases in 4 days or so. The game can get a bit stale late-game, depending on playstyle, but that's really an issue with majority of 4X games. Around teh interwebz I've also read complaints about lack of fine balancing of factions and such, but the game does seem to concern itself a lot more with creating fun, distinct and thematically fitting factions as opposed to obsess over balance too much. (Cultists, for instance, can only build a single city and they gain map control by assimilating neutral factions. Shadows can't research technology at all and must either buy or steal it. Stuff like that, choice of faction can change gameplay drastically.)


Oh right, and the music is amazing. Soundtrack of Endless games by FlyByNo is one of the few select ones that I listen to at work. I mean... Here you go, main title theme.



At any rate, I would recommend grabbing the base game, as many expansions as you see fit and then enable them one by one while learning to play (they can be freely enabled via main menu) - or just grab everything and get a rather complex experience from the getgo. Each expansion is worthwhile and adds something that the base game was lacking.

Edited by Fenixp
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Hopefully they'll do a sale on the base game to celebrate the new expansion.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I haven't had a lot of time to play anything at the moment other than Pathfinder Adventures in small amounts.  I want to sink my teeth into a serious gaming experience, but I tend to dither far too long.  I just hate buying crap on steam that sits there unplayed.  I typically play and finish games I start, but I have some I thought I'd like and just couldn't get into them.  I suppose I could replay one I haven't played in a while like Cthulhu:  Dark Corners or Alan Wake or something.

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Got a good laugh as I realized open borders in Civ 4 are a good thing as I can trade with the neighbours, also I can peddle my religion easier. Paranoia had me denying everyone access.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. It's ...not great, the gimmicks (mostly reused from the other campaigns) don't really serve a purpose, recruitment is all over the place with character levels seemingly decided by a random number generator. It all feels rather slapdash, which I suppose isn't surprising since it's the final campaign, presumably developed last. Ah well.


Started raiding a little in WoW again. Emerald Nightmare is a mixed bag. I have to say that it definitely feels a bit like a stopgap, cheaply made filler content made with minimal effort (this is becoming a theme in this post). The bosses themselves are fine, and I appreciate that it has a more reasonable difficulty curve than WoD raids did, where later normal mode bosses were harder than early heroic bosses. On the other hand, the layout is shocking, you start in a room, which is followed by a long corridor, which ends in four teleporters to rooms made out of old assets, just with a red paintjob. Whereas Highmaul, the equivalent raid in WoD, felt like an intelligently designed area (being an ogre city), Emerald Nightmare is pretty much "okay, we've designed a bunch of bosses, now stick each of them in a room and call it done."

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I have to warn you, if you think it's hard now, it gets really hard mid-game, you'll really need to search for solutions to certain seemingly impossible fights, although mines and stealth will usually solve them.

thanks for the warning. uninstalling it as I write this ;) good thing it wasn't expensive, hopefully the next game from these guys will be better. but I'd rather play through Fallout for the 20th time than have to suffer through this. I'll "play" Underrail on YouTube.

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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I have to warn you, if you think it's hard now, it gets really hard mid-game, you'll really need to search for solutions to certain seemingly impossible fights, although mines and stealth will usually solve them.

thanks for the warning. uninstalling it as I write this ;) good thing it wasn't expensive, hopefully the next game from these guys will be better. but I'd rather play through Fallout for the 20th time than have to suffer through this. I'll "play" Underrail on YouTube.


I understand the feeling.  I like challenge, but sometimes I want the story more than I enjoy the gameplay.  I have to be in the mood for challenge and find something enjoyable I the challenge or it just isn't worth it.


I've been enjoying Disturbed a lot recently.  Absolutely ridiculous game with tons of trial and error and all that, but it's still fun and I don't have anything else.  I guess I better figure out a way to throw coin at the dev.  Only fair, I suppose.  Crude, random, and built on 'save scumming (detestable term)' but I *like* it.

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yeah, I agree, there are times when I want to be challenged by the game. but that's not the reason I bought Underrail. I wanted to play a post-apocalyptic turn-based RPG. and when the first five hours of the game are spent fighting rats and going back to base to heal up - and this cycle is repeated over and over again, I think, most people would lose interest, because they have better things to do with their free time.

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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I will play Dungeon of the Endless next, have been intending to for a year.

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Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Naturally, as we all know, Endless Space 1+2 and Endless Legend are just crappy spinoffs of the masterpiece that is Dungeon of the Endless. This can certainly also be attributed to the fine ladies and gentlemen who helped test this ageless piece of art.

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Still have to try the new raid, Paladin healing is still odd to me as I can't zone out at the back. Bah!


May give Endless Legend a good go once my Civ 4 game ends in defeat. Beating up Africans now but eventually have to cross the sea and put the Aztecs to the sword - bastards have the Americas though.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Dungeon of the Endless

Arguably the best game in the Endless series, since it had this awesome dude - who won't brag -  testing a lot of stuff  ;)

I sure hope the bug report was similarly endless. :p

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I'm playing Titan Quest Anniversary Edition.  I had to start over because I realized I'd recreated my old character and was wanting to try something new.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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guys, I think I have a problem. am I getting too old "for this ****"? just installed Dex, really wanted to play this game for the longest time. and it's the same problem all over again. the first area you get to after the "tutorial" has a boss fight as a way to begin your adventure. you're all alone, against a tough opponent and 2 of his minions. they hit like hell, attack you in pairs, have unblockable attacks and don't care about you hitting them, being able to hit you regardless, which interrupts your attacks. 


I mean, do these "game designers" give any thought to what they put in their games? this is the third time in a row this month when a game managed to frustrate me before I even had 1 hour with it... uninstalling this turd. and god help me if NEO Scavenger turns out to be as bad.

Edited by sorophx
Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Hopefully they'll do a sale on the base game to celebrate the new expansion.



Anyone want lotto numbers while I'm at it?

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I bet Tale works for them and this is some low rent viral marketing ploy.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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