Gorgon Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 then why does a desk fan have three salvagable components listed next to it ? Future DLC item perhaps. Na na na na na na ... greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER. That is all.
Sakai Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 then why does a desk fan have three salvagable components listed next to it ? Future DLC item perhaps. If you have it in your inventory it'll be used automatically. You don't have to (and can't, as far as i'm aware) brake it manually.
WDeranged Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 straying a bit too far from that even a bloatfly takes five shots to kill. I just encountered an uber-bloatfly, it took about 15 shots with an Institute Rifle...
HoonDing Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 Raiders/mutants endlessly spamming molotovs/grenades with pinpoint accuracy are getting on my nerves. Hilarious if you return to them in power armour and swat them like flies. Well, as long as you don't leave your intended level zone. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
GhostofAnakin Posted November 11, 2015 Posted November 11, 2015 Is the performance on the PS4 still an issue? "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
Raithe Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 1 "Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."
Humanoid Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Anyone tried a pure stealth approach yet? Preferably melee. How does it feel? For context I found it worked pretty well in Skyrim but poorly in FO3 and NV. L I E S T R O N GL I V E W R O N G
Elerond Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 then why does a desk fan have three salvagable components listed next to it ? Future DLC item perhaps. If you have it in your inventory it'll be used automatically. You don't have to (and can't, as far as i'm aware) brake it manually. If you really want to scrap them you need to drop them to ground from you inventory and then you can use settlement mode to scrap them. But as said previous posters game will automatically break junk items that are in your inventory or in settlements storage when you build something that need resource that said junk item gives.
Hurlshort Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I wish all the scrap crap would just go straight to my settlement storage. Inventory management isn't all that fun in games with a decent UI, let alone one that has a weird relationship with my keyboard and mouse. I'm pretty sure I'll give up grabbing every fan and spark plug fairly quickly. 1
Humanoid Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 One of the first things I did in Skyrim - i.e. before the starter dungeon was even through - was to open up the cheat console and double the carry weight limit. Later on, I increased it a further 100-fold or somesuch. Best decision I ever made in terms of being able to enjoy that game. 1 L I E S T R O N GL I V E W R O N G
Cantousent Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Aw, comeon, you could carry plenty of everything in Skyrim. I don't think the inventory is a real problem. Just the idea of putting off the critical path for side content is offputting. For my part, that's just part of pretty much any sandbox game. I would have to say that every sandbox has that moment where you say to yourself, "don't I need to go take care of some critical business?" Some games handle that moment better than others, to be sure. Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community: Happy Holidays Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:Obsidian Plays Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris. Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!
Humanoid Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 (edited) But it added nothing to the style of gameplay Skyrim encourages. New Vegas vanilla is broadly the same, you can carry plenty of stuff but it just means there's no meaningful gameplay value in deciding whether gun A or gun B is better value per weight. Indeed it strikes me as somewhat absurd that such a tangential gameplay feature is considered so important that SkyUI has a dedicated value per unit weight column in its inventory listings. No, I just want to click "loot all" for every enemy I kill without having to inspect every single one of them, I can worry about it later when it comes time to liquidate my loot. (It doesn't help that Bethesda seem to be actively trolling players by putting worthless "Ancient Nordic" gear on every single draugr, the net effect being that for a player playing without cheats, they have to click multiple times per kill to loot "properly". Screw that.) Then I played New Vegas in hardcore mode with Josh's mod. In that state, weight management is a valid and interesting gameplay mechanic, and I was happy to stick with what the game gave me as the baseline. Edited November 12, 2015 by Humanoid 1 L I E S T R O N GL I V E W R O N G
Blodhemn Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I just go with Strength stat = 1 and try to carry as little as possible. By the end of the game you're left with tons of weapons and items you'll never use, so why hassle with weight the entire game? FO3 gave me a nonstop inventory crash bug towards the end of it and I had to unload all my junk to make the game even run. Kind of ironic, I guess...
HoonDing Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Power armour greatly boosts your strength so it's no problem. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Raithe Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Well I got stuck wandering around the North West to discover locations, collecting junk and building up some of those communities you rescue. I stopped last night when I finally managed to reach Diamond City and level 24. I think I've got about 7 communities up and running with trade connections, found Vault 81 which let me pick up Curie as a companion, and have been invited to join the Brotherhood of Steel (although I haven't decided on that yet). If you're trying to build anying, I've found the best knack is to avoid the pre-fabbed whole buildings or the floor and roof joined bits. It might be a little more time consuming, but you get a lot better results using separate components. Especially the trick of sorting out the floor (potentially with the concrete foundations version), then sticking a stairwell floor in.. and then using more floor instead of "roof" on top... Then slapping up walls around it. "Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."
Gorgon Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I have strenght 1 and Endurance 1 and I have trouble making room for everything, which is fine. I can always come back with power armor if there are too many goodies lying around. Don't feel that hindered by those low stats generally though. So min maxing is probably the way to go. Na na na na na na ... greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER. That is all.
WDeranged Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I played for three or four hours last night while spaced out on painkillers (dental work) and a double vodka (irresponsibility), I made it to Diamond City and was really impressed (again) by the world density. Just the mad dash through (Lexington?) city ruins to get there was an exciting experience, I must have had twenty ghouls and a similar amount of raiders chasing me as I ran past a freaking ton of marked locations. I finally met a few characters that I liked and started to pick up threads of the main plot, even though I've had one huge spoiler I don't know the context so there's plenty of mystery to be found. Oh, I increased brightness of the pipboy worldmap texture as I found the vanilla one to be uselessly dark, people can grab it here.
Gorgon Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Watched what I presume to be the spaceship crash landing and tried to guesstimate the point of impact. Lots of creeping around and running from high level opposition and I couldn't find it. No alien blaster. dammit. Na na na na na na ... greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER. That is all.
HoonDing Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 So in prologue you see somebody taking your son, after that you get frozen again.But who's to say when you wake up that didn't happen like 100 years ago and maybe your son is already dead?Seems a huge plothole (not that I care about plot). The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Hurlshort Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I'm assuming that is part of the mystery. I fully expect that my kid may be an adult when I find him. Just hope it doesn't turn into an Oedipus scenario. 1
Raithe Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 (edited) That was pretty much my thought on it, it's going to be a decade or three later... Well, Curie is asking me if I can find some way to download her mind into something more human. And I have to say Strong is really not someone you want along during exploration times, since he disapproves of all quiet, sneaky, unlocking type of activities. Edit: For those who might not pay attention Fallout 4 Configuration Tool Mod is now out at NexusMods: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/102/? **Features:** Field of View Tweaker Toggle Mouse Acceleration Toggle Mouse Smoothing Removed due to engine error Toggle Framerate lock Toggle Gamepad Support Toggle the Intro video Tweak the Mouse Sensitivity Tweak Resolution Toggle Windowed Borderless Makes your INI files read-only after editing so they don't revert *Now Toggable* Enable/Disable Developer Console Pipboy color changer VATS color changer (please help with tooltip descriptions!) Kodix's tweaks found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3sdyu7/the_old_ini_tweaks_still_work Disable Gore Gamepad sensitivity Edited November 12, 2015 by Raithe "Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."
Gfted1 Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 There's A Pretty Great ‘Cheers’ Easter Egg In Fallout 4. 2 http://www.sloganizer.net/en/image,Gfted1,black,red.png
Tale Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 I'm assuming that is part of the mystery. I fully expect that my kid may be an adult when I find him. Just hope it doesn't turn into an Oedipus scenario.I fully expect him to have embraced evil and I'll be conflicted since he's working with the people who killed his mom. For 5 seconds before I shoot the brat. "Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
HoonDing Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 What's interesting is that if you take down raider bosses, rival raider bosses elsewhere will comment on it on their terminals and sometimes even take over a cleared base. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
GhostofAnakin Posted November 12, 2015 Posted November 12, 2015 Ended up buying it for the PS4 today. It will have to wait for a bit, though, since I'm still in the middle of my Wasteland 2 play through. At least I can install all the updates/patches for it in the meantime so it's ready to go when I start a game. "Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)
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