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"i found it funny in the west women fighting in battle is an issue, it is not in my place, we have woman admiral in history who command an armada fighting Portuguese and Dutch...."


That's fantastic, but that's likely an exception to the rule.


Actually its not, there are many cases of women being involved on various levels historically in military conflicts. But there contribution was and is overlooked by narrators and some historians


Sounds interesting, care to provide links?


Because for the most part I'm certain that in trained forces women were kept out, irregular armies and special corps might be a different story.


They're too busy inventing COBOL to fight, obviously.


Well if you believe SJWs, tech is a hostile environment to women.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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"Actually its not, there are many cases of women being involved on various levels historically in military conflicts. But there contribution was and is overlooked by narrators and some historians"


Actually, it is. Historically speaking, women are an extremely low percentage of military conflicts.   How much involvement do you think they had? 20%? 40%? 50%? Whatever number it was they surely wweren't  as involved as men.  'Hiding their contributions'  doesn't change the fact.


But, hey, start naming names.


Give me 100 and I bet someone could give 1000 names of men.


I'm all for equality but I also believe in not changing historical fact for the 'feels'.


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"i found it funny in the west women fighting in battle is an issue, it is not in my place, we have woman admiral in history who command an armada fighting Portuguese and Dutch...."


That's fantastic, but that's likely an exception to the rule.


Actually its not, there are many cases of women being involved on various levels historically in military conflicts. But there contribution was and is overlooked by narrators and some historians 


Sounds interesting, care to provide links?


Because for the most part I'm certain that in trained forces women were kept out, irregular armies and special corps might be a different story.



I'm glad you asked that, here is an informative link that debunks the incorrect view that women played  a minimal role in history. And military conflicts are obviously part of that 




@ Volo


No need to try to marginalize the role that women played in history ( and yes military contribution is part of that ), I know this suits your idea of the gender role but my advice is  try not to generalize. Its sexist and inaccurate  o:) 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"No need to try to marginalize the role that women played in history ( and yes military contribution is part of that ), I know this suits your idea of the gender role but my advice is  try not to generalize. Its sexist and inaccurate  innocent.gif "


Huh? You are the sexist one. Youa re thje one who thinks women shouldn't be allowed to play sports.


\Again, you are lying. Nowhere did I say women had no role in past history (military or otherwise) but it's historical fact they weren't largely in front of war.


Of note, youa re now twisting the feminist/SJW mantra that if 'women had power' there'd be no wars. L0L So, which is it? Were women en masse involved in war at the same level as men or all women peace loving hippies? You cna't have it both ways you anti women sexist pig.


Also, your link is laughable. If women had all this power how the ehck were men compeltely (well not quite apparantly) erase them from history? Again, you just randiomly spam stuff hioping it sticks.


FACT: Women have played important roles in military history but not as much as men did. This is historical fact.



P.S. Nothing in your link disproves my position on this. Not one thing.

Edited by Volourn


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"No need to try to marginalize the role that women played in history ( and yes military contribution is part of that ), I know this suits your idea of the gender role but my advice is  try not to generalize. Its sexist and inaccurate  innocent.gif "


Huh? You are the sexist one. Youa re thje one who thinks women shouldn't be allowed to play sports.


\Again, you are lying. Nowhere did I say women had no role in past history (military or otherwise) but it's historical fact they weren't largely in front of war.


Of note, youa re now twisting the feminist/SJW mantra that if 'women had power' there'd be no wars. L0L So, which is it? Were women en masse involved in war at the same level as men or all women peace loving hippies? You cna't have it both ways you anti women sexist pig.


Also, your link is laughable. If women had all this power how the ehck were men compeltely (well not quite apparantly) erase them from history? Again, you just randiomly spam stuff hioping it sticks.


FACT: Women have played important roles in military history but not as much as men did. This is historical fact.



P.S. Nothing in your link disproves my position on this. Not one thing.


I have never once suggested that women played a bigger role in history than men, I am rejecting the view that examples of women in history is the exception


These are your words when you responded to Qistina 


But if what you meant is that women did in fact play a role in military history but not as large as men then I agree 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Still real bummed you can't dual wields longswords as a rogue in Dragon Age. Sure some might think it a munchkin style of play, but it did bring out my inner Miyamoto Musashi.

That makes me sad because that is how I play a rogue, with two swords or a sword and dagger.

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The Vinsomer is aggravating me a tad. I'm a level above it and I can only get it mostly down before my party starts running out of potions.


Though I did grab everyone's Focus abilities once I realized Focus isn't a shared resource. This might turn the tide. Eat four level threes!


I hate that dragon. Have yet to beat it. I'm level 21 and still can't kill it. My character even did 5000+ damage to it once and it barely scratch its hit points and it didn't have any defenses up either. Cheating game.


I beat that on hard with little trouble. What build are you using?


Rogue who specializes in twin daggers with a minor in archery.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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I finally beat the Highland Ravager, the third dragon in Emprise. Several tries it took to finally take it out. I made some armor that gave my other party members resistance to fire and took control of the party mage, Solas for 3/4 of the fight. Half tempted to go back to the Storm Coast island and take another wack at that dragon, that has been the bane in my dragon killing quest. 

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"i found it funny in the west women fighting in battle is an issue, it is not in my place, we have woman admiral in history who command an armada fighting Portuguese and Dutch...."


That's fantastic, but that's likely an exception to the rule.


We have many women warriors in history, just because your school don't teach our history doesn't mean it doesn't happen


We have our own word for women warrior, we call them "Srikandi"


We have many queens in history, also there's a specific custom that more align to women over men in Adat Pepatih. There's two custom, another one Adat Temenggong that is align to men over women. Most tribes using Adat Temenggong, but Adat Pepatih is recognized.


The world is big, not just the west....


Oh, i forgot, when i say "we" i mean the whole SEA, meaning Malay people, not specific of modern nationality (in which exist only after WW2)

Edited by Qistina
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I'd be happy if the stereotype of rogues being dual-wielding light fighters died out altogether, but then the rogue archetype I play is the thief with no meaningful combat skills. I especially loathe situations where *not* dual-wielding is outright disallowed. Godammit, WoW.


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"I bet you guys in the west don't even have a word for woman warrior isn't it?"


We do. It's called warrior. We ain't as sexist as you having to make up words where one already exists.


A warrior is a warrior is a warrior.


The ME also has a special word for women: lesser being.


 The truth hurts, right?


Bottom line is women are better off in the western world than the ME world. Then again, so are men. Or children.  Or animals. Trust me on that. :)

Edited by Volourn


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I bet you guys in the west don't even have a word for woman warrior isn't it?


You just said it yourself. Warrior is gender neutral so it applies to both genders. 

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Still real bummed you can't dual wields longswords as a rogue in Dragon Age. Sure some might think it a munchkin style of play, but it did bring out my inner Miyamoto Musashi.

That makes me sad because that is how I play a rogue, with two swords or a sword and dagger.



Now reading over what I wrote, I should say "can't dual wield longswords as a rogue in Dragon Age anymore". Perhaps limiting the dual wielding rogues to daggers makes it easier on animators since introducing a new moveset that includes swords to rogues means more work (that said, some of the melee animations for archer rogues and mages from Dragon Age 2 are conspicuously absent). Or more likely it's the sad product of Bioware progressively pigeonholing the classes into their own specialisations with little room to try out different builds a la DnD. I played Origins as an Elf dual wielding rogue prestiging in Duelist, Bard, and Shadow (since it was the closest thing to a 40K Harlequin I could make) that could dish out amazing damage *and* was next to impossible to kill with conventional attacks.

Edited by Agiel
“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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But if what you meant is that women did in fact play a role in military history but not as large as men then I agree

The problem is not that women didn't play a role in military history but that some people twist and bend that role so they can portray it as uncommon combatants rather than victim or camp-follower.
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I found a dupe bug for crafting materials. It requires a stack, 2 minimum, so I spent two hours farming fade-touched silverite. I don't actually need more than two pieces, one for me, one for Blackwall, since it can't stack between weapon and armor, but it's nice to have extras.


Especially if I decide to start playing the critical crafting lotto.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I bet you guys in the west don't even have a word for woman warrior isn't it?


You just said it yourself. Warrior is gender neutral so it applies to both genders. 



Really?.....or it is because it doesn't exist in the west. Women warrior in the west is a rare, like Joan of Arc


So you must say "woman warrior", you don't say the same if they are men. You must specified the gender


But here, we have the word, "Srikandi", women warriors are "Srikandi", they are always exist here, it is not a rare word either


Men warriors we called "Pendekar"

Edited by Qistina
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so, a muslim woman walks into a bar and criticizes western notions o' freedom of gender roles... is start of a bad joke, yes? 




is more than a few western cultures that got iconic woman-warrior examples, and they is far less obscure than qis example. joan of arc, boudica, etc. however, we make two observatioons that should be obvious, but ain't.


1) biology, not bigotry, prevented women from pursuing martial careers for almost the entirety of human history.


for all of pre-history and most of history, martial pursuits required considerable strength, particular upper-body strength. swing a sword, shoot arrows, carry a shield, and other such activities all require manly upper body strength. sure, there were women who had exceptional strength, and there were also arms and armour that women could excel with even if they didn't have manly strength, but such stuff were atypical, which is part o' why women contributing to combat were also rare.


'course, the unspoken but likely more significant reason for women being excluded from combat (and many other pursuits) is that women is the gender that provides gestation o' live births in the human species.  we could detail how significant pregnancy were in limiting women's roles up until very recent times, but that would be tedious... though it will likely become inevitable when some clown starts spouting off anecdotal examples and the tripe their women-in-history professors taught them.


in any event, is not the fault o' women that biology made it difficult for their gender to contribute to martial history for much o' human existence, but it is a fact that women had a very limited role in actual combat until relative recent times. firearms and reliable and safe birth control  has effectively removed virtual all such biological hurdles to women, so now they can kill as effective as can men. hooray for progress?




2) games ain't history


am not certain why this is a difficult concept for some to grasp. gotta game with medieval and renaissance era real world weapons does not mean that unfortunate real world gender roles need be adhered to. games is entertainment and telling a woman gamer that her female warrior needs wear b00b armor and will suffer a strength penalty is asinine.  'course, it is possible that many women players wanna have b00b armour... it does seems that most male players want b00b armour. heck, we recall one female poster on the old nwn boards who honest-to-god complained that the single biggest flaw o' nwn were the lack o' shoes. shoes?  were like karzak with dual-wield. it hurts us to admit it, but there is more than a few players, male and female, that is as concerned with their avatar appearance as they is with actual mechanics. make their female characters look pretty or sexy or whatever is a genuine concern. even so, while we is likely stuck with b00b armour for the foreseeable future, there is no good reason for adding real world mechanical rules penalties to women characters. bring up reality is a silly rationale in a game... particular a game that includes magic and monsters.


regardless, women in combat has been relative rare for much o' human existence, but so what?  in any event, person from malaysia complaining about western notions o' gender roles in modern society is funny... is a joke, yes? 




HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir
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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Could we please get back to topic?


I just plugged my Xbox controller to my PC and voilà! A world of difference, it plays much more smoothly than KB+M, even though its not as precise and I need more controller practice. 

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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Did Joan of Arc or Boudica even fight? One was a mascot and prophet, the other a spiritual and political leader. We do have a female version of warrior, it's warrioress. We have another term for female warriors, "Amazons" after the Greek nation where women would hunt and wage war alongside men.


Just because a game has magic doesn't mean that it has to have equal ability between gender in martial skills. It doesn't follow that all realism has to fly out the window because you introduce some fantasy elements.


it's interesting that a word for warrioress, "Srikandi", would be associated with an Indian fable of transexualism including a warrior  refusing to fight a woman.

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The Vinsomer is aggravating me a tad. I'm a level above it and I can only get it mostly down before my party starts running out of potions.


Though I did grab everyone's Focus abilities once I realized Focus isn't a shared resource. This might turn the tide. Eat four level threes!


I hate that dragon. Have yet to beat it. I'm level 21 and still can't kill it. My character even did 5000+ damage to it once and it barely scratch its hit points and it didn't have any defenses up either. Cheating game.


I beat that on hard with little trouble. What build are you using?


Rogue who specializes in twin daggers with a minor in archery.



That's probably your issue.  From my two play throughs, I'd say the duel-wielding rogue is the weakest class in the game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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