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So far so good for my Bayonetta 2 Rose playthrough.  Through 5 chapters I've gone platinum, platinum, gold, platinum, platinum.  Granted, that's only on 2nd Climax (Normal) difficulty and the chapters where **** gets real start around chapter 9.  Still, I'm getting much more comfortable playing as Rosa.  It's pretty fun being able to deal that much damage.  I'm cutting my completion times down a lot on every chapter, by as much as a third in some cases.  Good times.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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^ I take it you removed the silencer =]


Yeah, no more silencer for my big games.  Though I did already sort of start to get in a groove even with the silencer.  I was going positive in K/D with it, but have been really good without it.


Today wasn't a very good day with regards to lag.  For whatever reason, I kept being put in lobbies with either Europeans or Mexicans.  I'm pretty sure there's people playing closer to me than Mexico or countries in Europe that I could have been matched up with.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West -- IT's a game I have wanted to play, Ninja Theory seems like a solid developer aside from that Donte May Cry atrocity, Heavenly Sword is great, so here's Enslaved. It rings of promise, from grumpy Andy Serkis to a neat post apocalyptic setting, to decent combat, but then... there's the obnoxious Uncharted climbing mechanics, where the most obnoxious bug, right at the start of the game's chapter 2 prevents you from proceeding because Monkey-boy can't seem to grasp the conveniently lit prompt-jumping point -- thus you find yourself awkwardly climbing up and down a steel pipe, not being able to back or onward. I want to like this game but screw these obnoxious climbing mechanics that actually quite literally ruins the game.

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Been playing 'This War of Mine'. Hadn't heard of it at all prior to its release but I'm glad I got it. It's set during wartime and you control a number of civilians (starting with three, but they can die quite easily and you can get new ones) who have to survive. During the daytime, you spend time at your homebase where you can build things, cook food, upgrade stuff, even cheer each other up if it's needed. During nightime, you send a guy out into the city (choosing a location from a "world map" to go to) to scavenge for supplies. Various areas differ in danger.


I'm sure one can break the game but I have to say the difficulty feels pretty good off the bat. I'm almost up to day 30, and it feels like I'm scrounging even though it also feels like it's going pretty well at the moment. It's also really bleak. More than once I've killed innocent civilians for my own survival, and have also had some of my own people killed while taking risks. Your dudes can get depressed (even "broken" where they can basically do nothing) where other people will need to cheer them up.


The controls feels pretty clunky at times, that's about the worst thing I have to say about the game. It works during non-stressful gameplay but when you have to sneak or fight, the game feels pretty crude to play. But it's also one of those instances where that kinda reinforces the feel that your guys are really vulnerable.


Definitely recommended. Some things appear to be randomized when start a new playthrough also so there appears to be some degree of replayability there.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Quick people, I am 85% done with my "PC to TV" setup and now I must make a decision:

... or I am buying a new controller only for playing on my PC / TV system. I probably prefer this solution, but then the next question comes: What kind of controller should I buy? It has to be wireless in any case. Some custom thingy? A simple XBox or XBone controller? (Never used an XBox controller, so I dunno if it's better or worse than the PS3 version)...

Wireless Xbox. Hubby/we use it, never had issues.


I could be wrong, but seems like it's the most supported re: pc games. eg, occasionally a game officially only supports the Xbox one, where maybe you can get others to work but it takes some tweaking. I prefer not having to tweak, because I'm lazy.


The one thing is hubby wishes the pad that controls, say, switching weapons in BL (the big plus-sign like button on the left) had individual buttons to press vs. the connected/sorta sliding action surface, because it tends to wear out if you use it a lot. Did that make sense? Don't know how the PS3 controller works, don't have one.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Saints Row IV. Its my first encounter with the SR series. Its okay, like old GTA used to be but with even worse driving physics. Dated graphics and presentation, a lot of juvenile humor. 7/10 so far


Funny enough I'm about to finish SR4, I am on the last mssion


Yes its been very entertaining, I'll give a full  review once I'm done

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Quick people, I am 85% done with my "PC to TV" setup and now I must make a decision:

... or I am buying a new controller only for playing on my PC / TV system. I probably prefer this solution, but then the next question comes: What kind of controller should I buy? It has to be wireless in any case. Some custom thingy? A simple XBox or XBone controller? (Never used an XBox controller, so I dunno if it's better or worse than the PS3 version)...

Wireless Xbox. Hubby/we use it, never had issues.


I could be wrong, but seems like it's the most supported re: pc games. eg, occasionally a game officially only supports the Xbox one, where maybe you can get others to work but it takes some tweaking. I prefer not having to tweak, because I'm lazy.


The one thing is hubby wishes the pad that controls, say, switching weapons in BL (the big plus-sign like button on the left) had individual buttons to press vs. the connected/sorta sliding action surface, because it tends to wear out if you use it a lot. Did that make sense? Don't know how the PS3 controller works, don't have one.



But is it clumsly? On photos that controller looks kind of uncomfortable.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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My only real ergonomic complaint about the 360 controller is that the battery pack in the back can sometimes get in the way if I adopt a "non-standard" hand position. Not as comfortable as my 90s Sidewinder gamepad, but nothing is. For the record, I've never liked the Playstation 1/2/3 controllers which seem to be a triumph of geometry over comfort (no idea if it's changed for the PS4), though admittedly I rarely get to use them.


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I wonder what sort of criteria or ideology they use to determine which guns unlock at the various levels in CoD.  It's certainly not a case of the cool guns unlocking the more you level up.  The assault rifles, in particular, suck after the HBR (or whatever it's called).


I don't know whether to prestige or not.  I like my gun of choice and the attachments I've unlocked for it and don't want to lose them.  But at the same time I'll get bored if there's no incentive to level up by gaining XP.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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But is it clumsly? On photos that controller looks kind of uncomfortable.

Not sure what you mean. I have fairly small hands and it's perfectly comfortable and I like the way the general position/gripping works. Hubby has very large hands and he hasn't mentioned any comfort issues. Buttons seems fine. We haven't used it to play a ton of games, however. Mostly Borderlands series. Hubby used it to play Rage, Overlord, and some others.


The battery pack isn't an issue for me (small fingers) but like Humanoid I think hubby has occasionally found it a little annoying, but not overly so/very often. I have arthritic thumbs so eventually using the sticks starts to hurt, but if you don't have arthritis, not an issue. ;)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Do you get to keep your favorite gun and attachments when you prestige, like in black ops 2?


That's a good question.  If you do, I might end up going prestige as that's the one drawback I have about prestiging (losing my favorite gun and attachments).

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Still lots of WoW, almost to 100. Lots of stuff to do while levelling, I guess they borrowed a lot from GW2

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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But is it clumsly? On photos that controller looks kind of uncomfortable.

Not sure what you mean. I have fairly small hands and it's perfectly comfortable and I like the way the general position/gripping works. Hubby has very large hands and he hasn't mentioned any comfort issues. Buttons seems fine. We haven't used it to play a ton of games, however. Mostly Borderlands series. Hubby used it to play Rage, Overlord, and some others.


The battery pack isn't an issue for me (small fingers) but like Humanoid I think hubby has occasionally found it a little annoying, but not overly so/very often. I have arthritic thumbs so eventually using the sticks starts to hurt, but if you don't have arthritis, not an issue. wink.png



I've ordered a wireless Xbox 360 controller now. Should hopefully arrive in two days or so.




Dark Souls 1 arrived today, and damn... The controls are horrible. :> DS2 feels so much more smooth to play.


So far it's still quite easy and I've leveld up a bit. Guess in the not so sooner future it will start to kick my ass, though.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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The new build of Grim Dawn includes new extra tabs of shared stash. Unfortunately, it costs "iron" to get all 3 extra, and I don't have enough (on one chr.) to get them right away. Not sure when I'll play enough to get 200k+ more iron (haven't played in a while). From the looks of things, I could use about 4 more tabs, tho. All the bloody rune pieces. Oh well, it's a start. 4 should allow me to get rid of a few mule chrs...

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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The new build of Grim Dawn includes new extra tabs of shared stash. Unfortunately, it costs "iron" to get all 3 extra, and I don't have enough (on one chr.) to get them right away. Not sure when I'll play enough to get 200k+ more iron (haven't played in a while). From the looks of things, I could use about 4 more tabs, tho. All the bloody rune pieces. Oh well, it's a start. 4 should allow me to get rid of a few mule chrs...

I've been meaning to jump back into that game.  It's been a long time since I played and many things have changed. 


In the meantime, I'm up to chapter 12 in my Bayonetta 2 Rosa playthrough.  The goal is to get at least gold on every chapter and so far I've managed to do that with 6 platinum chapters and 5 gold.  I'm pretty sure there's an unlock for all gold chapters or better and I think there's an unlock for all platinum chapters or better too, so I may go back and see if I can better my score on the chapters I've gotten gold on.  First things first, though, is to finish the last 5 chapters gold or better.  I peeked at my Wii U stats and it reads at 38 hours played for Bayonetta 2, 41 if you count the 3 hours I put into the demo before the game came out.  Add the 20 hours of Bayonetta I put in and that's 61 hours of Bayonetta 1 & 2 over the last month or so.  


Beyond that, I sneak in a couple hours of Tropico 5 here and there when I need to break up the action with something much more laid back.  I think I'm about to reach the Cold War period in the main campaign.  I kind of hope somebody tries to invade one of my islands, because I have both of them armed to the teeth and I'm just waiting to flex my muscles.  My personal death squad could use some exercise.  Just having them play badminton in the palace gardens all the time is entertaining and all, but I need some invaders to shoot up.  I'm doing a good job keeping my population happy, so I barely ever get a change to gun down some rebels.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Relented and picked up Warlords of Draenor and a month's sub to WoW, now that the technical issues look to have been sorted, and amidst all the "best new content in 6 or 8 years" hype. For context, I quit some two-and-a-half years ago, and my guild had recently moved to the Sydney-based Oceanic servers, and I had pre-emptively moved with them. Couldn't not do it, since I co-founded the bloody thing back in '07. Looking like a bit of a skeleton crew at the moment though, so raiding is probably off the menu for now - and with the highest difficult raid being restricted to 20-person groups, I'm not sure it'll ever be back. (We were a mid-range progression guild from BC to Cata, though scaled down to two raids of 10s by the time the latter arrived)


Can feel the effect of the reduced latency instantly, 10ms pings instead of the ~200ms I was used to in my 7 year stint on a West Coast US server. The flipside of this is that any other MMO isn't likely to be able to match it, making WoW the only MMO in town now (as if it wasn't already).


Don't really have an opinion on whether that hype is justified yet - from what little I've done so far (2 levels in out of 10) the questing is more or less what's been done with the last few expansions. It took me 15 minutes to stop paying attention to quest text and cutscenes and start accepting them blindly, the writing being as perfunctory as ever. My garrison isn't developed enough to formulate an opinion on them either. Profession changes seem nice, much less taxing on bag space, and no firm need to go through obsolete content to skill up.


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Dark Souls 1 arrived today, and damn... The controls are horrible. :> DS2 feels so much more smooth to play.


So far it's still quite easy and I've leveld up a bit. Guess in the not so sooner future it will start to kick my ass, though.

The controls are horrible, but I think DS2's are, too - just a different brand of horrible. Hated them coming from DS1 - still like DS1's better, and I know a few people who played DS1 first that agree, haha.


How I have existed fills me with horror. For I have failed in everything - spelling, arithmetic, riding, tennis, golf; dancing, singing, acting; wife, mistress, whore, friend. Even cooking. And I do not excuse myself with the usual escape of 'not trying'. I tried with all my heart.

In my dreams, I am not crippled. In my dreams, I dance.

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Both games had such horrible controls and lagging input (on top of ugly graphics) that I gave up on them. (PC version)

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Gta 5 on XBone is epic. Everything is clearer and more detailed

I will agree. On the PS4, the game looks superb as compared to last generation and I'm really enjoying the first person mode. PC players with great computers should be looking forward to this game looking even better come January.

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Dark Souls 1 arrived today, and damn... The controls are horrible. :> DS2 feels so much more smooth to play.


So far it's still quite easy and I've leveld up a bit. Guess in the not so sooner future it will start to kick my ass, though.



The Xbox 360 controller should help quite a bit, but you should also keep in mind that in Dark Souls 1 rolls only work in the four cardinal directions, and take advantage of the much longer sprinting time. Let me know if you need explanations on the different mechanics too.

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