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1. The Godlike. Yes, I know they are there to be the tiefling/daeva analog in this game, but to me they just feel so unique. If the last race was just half-orc or something standard I wouldn't be having nearly as much fun. Running around literally on fire and punching things is awesome. Can't wait to see what kind of story impact playing the oddballs will have in the final product.


2. Class diversity. PoE's class design might be one of a kind in the CRPG genre. I've only spent time with Baldur's Gate and Planescape, so i'm not sure if any other class-based CRPG had each class have such unique mechanics. In some ways, the classes feel very MMO-inspired, which is not a bad thing. Having each class play differently will add a lot to the replay value. 


3. I've seen some people take shots at the art design, but that seems crazy. This game looks real purty. There's some issues with how characters blend in with the background, but those are just bugs that will be fixed. 


Those are all the things i'm really digging so far. 

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- Dialogue: All of the dialogue I've seen has been pretty awesome. Yeah, every line is not 100% pure quotable gold (and I can't name you a game where it is), but I'm not expecting side quests to give me the emotional feels that the main quest and character interaction is going to. The quality really makes me eager to play the main quest and interact with the real party members.

- Reactivity and Character Customization: First person I talked to when I created my first character in the beta commented on my region of origin. Can't wait to have the background conversation with Callista when the game comes out. I haven't seen it really in action yet, but the personality trait system promises to be neat. In addition, the conversation options feel distinct but still realistic - I never feel railroaded into a certain personality, which happens a lot to me in other games with dialogue options.

- I got a pet piglet for completing a quest. I got a pet piglet for completing a quest.

- Chanters. Not how they're balanced, just how they work in general. It's unique and fun.

- The lore I've seen so far is top notch.

- The graphics are beautiful.


And more that I can't remember right now. 

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I love the 2D painted backgrounds. Man, have I missed those!


I love the music that I have heard so far.


More than anything I love the potential that this game has to be great, truly great.


There's more, but I'm pressed for time.

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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke


I like:


- that so far it feels fairly deep

- the environments are beatiful

- the dialogue so far has been good

- the rest system because rest spamming was bad and needed to go


The character creation (options) and especially the Godlike race are amazing. Also a lot of the environment is done pretty well. And I haven't even seen any of the lighting effects as I've been overground in the sun all the time.


Also, I tend to like the stats and abilities system. The actual application in combat is still a bit wonky but once proper feedback and input is provided I think it'll be a lot of fun.

There is a road that I must travel
Let it be paved or unseen
May I be hindered by a thousand stones
Still onward I'd crawl down on my knees.

Posted (edited)

I don't see why everyone is praising this thread. I mean, it's nice, but let's not act like we're not supposed to be criticizing the beta.

  On 8/19/2014 at 10:53 AM, IndiraLightfoot said:


Things I like about the game so far:

-Intro screen music is just great. It reminds me a bit of Storm of Zehir.

-The combat music is really engaging. It has beauty and urgency rolled into one!

-I like those choruses!

-The Moon Godlike is cool. Almost alien, and with interesting capabilities.

-The water effects are most of the time stellar.

-The ambient sound effects are brilliant overall.

-I love Stormwall Gorge, especially when it was moonlit, and getting attacked badly by elder lions.

-All the flavour currency is a nice touch.

-That you can find Camping Supplies as loot is pretty neat, as long as they are rarities, of course.


Agreed on all accounts.


- Portraits

- art direction

- level design

Edited by Bryy
  • Like 1

Godlike are incredible, Earth Godlike are just perfect, fallen in love with them <3.

Also, something I've always had issues with in other games: Barbarians, I could never really get a feel for them in DnD, but the feel of Barbarian in PoE is absolutely brilliant.

To sum up- Female Earth Godlike Barbarian! 


The fact that it has been like turning back the clock 15+ years in my life as a gamer is amazing.

Big head mode should be standard in every game.

And oddly the fact that everytime I engage in combat that pulls in three or more beetles it's a fight for my survival oddly refreshing.


I'm actually perversely starting to like that the only way to play this is Trial of Iron, since reloading will leave you naked and shivering with naught but your bare fists. Er, if that counts as praise.

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

  On 8/20/2014 at 4:04 PM, PrimeJunta said:

I'm actually perversely starting to like that the only way to play this is Trial of Iron, since reloading will leave you naked and shivering with naught but your bare fists. Er, if that counts as praise.

I'm going to be doing the same thing for the same reasons.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle


Love the smoothness of the animations, reminds me of Temple of Elemental Evil in the best way.


The little things too--like how you can right-click and drag to rotate your party's formation. Things like this really make PoE feel like the second coming of the Infinity Engine games.


The writing, what little I've read so far, has all been excellent.


If they take enough feedback into account and smooth out the bugs and UI, this could well become the best RPG ever made.

Ask a fish head

Anything you want to

They won't answer

(They can't talk)

Posted (edited)

- ... already had some pretty epic fights.
- ... think classes are fun and diverse in their abilities, they all have tactical value.
- ... enjoy exploring and interacting with various mysteries.
- ... like the new world, great lore, books :)
- ... think it's fun having an even larger group (6 characters + 3 skeletons + animal companion = 10). It feels massive in a way, gets me all riled up with ideas~ Pillars of Eternity: Total War.
- ... love the graphics, grandiose. It is astonishing!
- ... like the outline of the animations and the spell casting in ~misty~ visuals.
- ... find dialogue interesting, but wait to say anything until I have seen more.
- ... love the art in the menu UI and the one in-game UI. In contrast with the eora world and background beauties, the in-game UI fits really well. Or at least, it hasn't bothered me much. Some objects can be small, it can be unresponsive, it needs some tinkering with, the general idea when I got the hang of it is accessibility and easy to understand (though I have followed this 2 years now, so I have some already learned knowledge).
- ... 've spent little time with the character creation (built 3-4 characters, 3 Fighters and 1 Chanter), but enjoy the entire presentation (cultures before attribute, trial-and-error box scaling suggestions).
- ... am introduced to beta testing on a whole different level than I've been before. I find it exciting.
- ... want to play more.
- ... believe in Pillars of Eternity :)

Edited by Osvir
  • Like 1
  On 8/20/2014 at 4:04 PM, PrimeJunta said:

I'm actually perversely starting to like that the only way to play this is Trial of Iron, since reloading will leave you naked and shivering with naught but your bare fists. Er, if that counts as praise.

I think that's what you call backhanded praise! :p

"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke


Priest spells. I love Priest spells.


Your party is poisoned? Suppress Afflictions.

You're facing a Spider Queen and all her Spiderlings? Blessing, that's right, sexy defenses.
Want to kill that Ogre super fast? You need yourself some Dire Blessing.

Want that Ogre to stop killing you super fast? Might I suggest Despondent Blows, madam?


Yes. I love Priest spells, even if I feel some of them might be a tad imbalanced.

  • Like 2
  On 8/19/2014 at 7:15 PM, Forlorn Hope said:

- The feel of the game

- Backgrounds/ water

- Scripted interactions

- The dialogue (with descriptions what a person does while talking etc.)

- Spell effects

- Music

- Guns are cool! I can't believe I like them so much :)



1) The background and environments are beautiful. I see a lot of well deserved praised for the artists; whoever is working on the shaders and procedural rendering stuffs deserve a lot of praise too.


2) Portraits and visual design of the races over all.


3) Reloading animations.


4) The classes all feel very distinctive. I'm looking forward to exploring the build options.


5) I like the idea of making every attribute matter, and having every ability scale in power, duration, etc, especially if support with various gear and feat options.


6) The dialogue is great, and I like that they describe actions and nuances that can't be easily displayed on screen. PST/FNV use of attributes and skills in dialogue are always welcome.


7) Handling mature topics maturely. "Mature" isn't breasts and gore everywhere... it's treating the characters as though they had their own (grownup) lives and goals and opinions, within the context of the setting, and letting them act accordingly. E.g., the alchemist's off-handed reference to abortifacients.


8) The choose your own adventure skill challenge dealies. Great art. I would like a bit more feedback on what the consequences will be, however, as though I were playing in a home game. E.g.: You can cross the canyon, but you think it'd make you really tired. Especially you, Wimpy the Wizard.

  On 8/20/2014 at 6:51 PM, Sylvanpyxie said:

Priest spells. I love Priest spells.


Your party is poisoned? Suppress Afflictions.

You're facing a Spider Queen and all her Spiderlings? Blessing, that's right, sexy defenses.

Want to kill that Ogre super fast? You need yourself some Dire Blessing.

Want that Ogre to stop killing you super fast? Might I suggest Despondent Blows, madam?


Yes. I love Priest spells, even if I feel some of them might be a tad imbalanced.


There are so many of them I've been trying to work them all into fights but yeah I love some of their spells and Dire Blessing did work like a charm on that Ogre!


I would like to praise how the game has so many controversial design decisions, not because they are different, but because they are bizarre.


That is what I was really looking for in a spiritual successor to the IE games. Thank you.

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Pillars of Eternity Josh Sawyer's Quest: The Quest for Quests - an isometric fantasy stealth RPG with optional combat and no pesky XP rewards for combat, skill usage or exploration.

PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's GateJosh Sawyer doesn't like the Baldur's Gate series (more) - PoE is supposed to reward us for our achievements


"Josh Sawyer created an RPG where always avoiding combat and never picking locks makes you a powerful warrior and a master lockpicker." -Helm, very critcal and super awesome RPG fan

"I like XP for things other than just objectives. When there is no rewards for combat or other activities, I think it lessens the reward for being successful at them." -Feargus Urquhart, OE CEO

"Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat [...] the lack of rewards for killing creatures [in PoE] makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game)" -George Ziets, Game Dev.

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