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Is the co-op not just split screen? (i.e. remote) <.<

I haven't done Raid Mode on the PC version yet, I've only done Raid Mode on the 3DS, and that was via wifi.  You're obviously not doing split screen on the 3DS.  Raid Mode on the 3DS is basically just speed running levels either solo or co-op.  It's simple, but insanely fun and addictive.  The PC version adds playable Hunk and Rachel, which is sweet, though I've obviously yet to try those 2 out.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Started up a game of Resident Evil Revelations.  I already knew it was a great game, I have it on 3DS also, and it's my favorite 3DS game and favorite Resi game, my only concern was how would the controls translate to the PC.  So far so good.  The controls feel responsive and intuitive.  They did a good job, for the most part, upscaling the models and textures from a 400X200 pixel screen to HD sizes, though there are occasions where there will be a horribly low res looking texture really clashing with the nice HD models and textures around it.  So far this mostly seems to happen in cutscenes.  Anyway, I'll mostly give this a rest for now, I just wanted to see how the game controlled.  Gonna jump back into Risen 2 and finish that up before I dive headlong into Resi Revelations.


Loved Revelations (played it on the 360).  Much better than RE6, which I played immediately after it.


IMO, Revelations was a good blend of old RE (ie. more survival horror/creepy environment) and new RE (shooting things like a third-person action game).  I think it's the best compromise in the series, in terms of pleasing fans of the old style and new style of game.


My only complaint is it's a bit short.

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"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Oh, and staring at Jill Valentine's butt all game never gets old.  :biggrin:

Or Jessica's utterly ridiculous 1 legged wetsuit.  She's my go to in Raid Mode because I like rifles and she's the rifle master.


Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Playing around with Armored Core: Verdict Day. And people thought Dark Souls was tough (and yes, this is also a From Software joint). Being a long-time fan of the franchise since starting with Armored Core 2 on the PS2, I have this mentality where I cannot progress to the next stage until I get an S-rank for the one prior to that as well as accomplishing  the optional subquests (some of those verge on totally ludicrous, and like Dark Souls, sort of depends on how well you can game the system).  


To give you an idea of how idiosyncratic the From games are, in Armored Core 4 the developers gave you an option to revert to an older version of the game, wherein you can utilise some of the more broken weapons and parts before they were nerfed. And the thing is, the Armored Core community won't think any less of you if you do this to S-rank the missions. 

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Planescape: Torment


Only my second time playing it and I probably rushed the first time. So I'm really enjoying it, perhaps too much as it's causing me to stay up to 2 AM.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Mars: War Logs.


It's okay so far. You can tell it didn't have a huge budget behind it but I'm still enjoying it. I do hate the moles when you get stunlocked, but if you're careful and use the moves at your disposal, it becomes easier.


We need more games that don't want to have a $100 million budget.

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Just finished Red Dead Redemption. It's not a bad game. Wouldn't be surprised if they announce a new game now at some point, after GTAV got released.

Edited by Lexx

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Restarted my Xcom game, easy ironmode.


Going pretty well so far. Then again, so did last time. Did the "all female team" achiev for fun and to get some more teammates leveled up. Unlocked 5-team ASAP so they can get XP from just being on a mission (they get XP for that, right?). Soon should get more XP per kill.

For now focussing my money on building the base and sattelites, trying to get many engineers (much more useful than scientists imo). No good items yet to craft, research goes it's way.

While first game I was forced America or Europe (and went Europe) this time went Africa for the money boost.

Got sloppy on an escort mission, thin man got 2 of my escort's 3HP. So lucky. Shotgunned him almost to the face (poison and all, kept a move inbetween) with run&gun. That's quite a good move. Never really used it last game, should use more.

Also the game seemed to think I need a LOT of snipers. Got around 5 now. Thought they were kinda useless last game (not being able to shoot after moving, got the upgrade that did that away, still... the penalty. Would have used a machine gunner instead), so hopefully they will not be when I listen to you guys this time and get the squad vision upgrade.

But, well, very early, don't even have the stun item yet. Still wondering if capturing more than 1 of each type alive is useful, guess I should test that out this time.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Restarted my Xcom game, easy ironmode.

Ironman mode is a very bad idea. I finished the game it on and while it was much more fun at first, I HATED it at the end. It's a great way to remove all temptation to reload if you screw up, but it's pretty damn far from great when the game bugs out, which it WILL. Trust me, you aren't going to be too happy of it when a squadron of mutons teleport out of nowhere in middle of your team and kill half of them, when an enemy throws a grenade through a perfectly intact floor/wall/roof or one of your guys cannot shoot because he/she cannot do the step side and shoot animation for no apparent reason and someone dies as a result.


You will find other people saying the same thing if you google it. Have pity on your mental health and start a new game without it.

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Guns of Icarus Online - awesome game.. Steampunk airships duke it out in the clouds. Had some intense battles today.


A pretty cool moment where a big Galleon was hiding in a dust cloud and I was trying to force it out with flak, when it did we got ambushed by a small lighter ship that came up from underneath. We won, but only by a a hair's breadth.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Hmmmm.  I loved XCOMs Ironman mode and played through until completion twice (once failing, and another winning).  I did have one issue where targeting was causing problems, but I was able to circumvent it by being super patient and making sure that I was moving where I thought I was moving.

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Well, it's going swell.

Much better than the last time. The advise here and learning by shame from the last time did work wonders.


So far only lost 1 sniper, because I was keeping my oponent alive for the Arc Trower (the outsider for the mission). Oops. Aside from that everyone levels up fine, I unlocked 6-character teams, building out my base, and this time everyone got good armor and some laser weaponry (still working on replacing all). Kinda keeping the main mission aside and just focusing on expanding. Should give those cryssalids what-for this time.

A big boon is actually knowing the UFO intercept works. Being able to shoot them down really helps, since last time I ran out of alloys and now due to that I have alloys a-plenty.


Snipers still feel kinda clunky to me, even with squad sight. A LOT better, true, but still less than the other classes. Assault must be my favorite so far. My highest leveled just unlocked free response shots without overhead if enemies are near. It's pretty neat, in my last mission he blasted a floater to death and a muton to 2 health in 1 opponents turn. Muton free for capture :).

Last mission I described also allowed me to capture a muton (was their introduction) and a thin man, and get a muton corpse. Still had a cryssalid corpse too.

And low-and-behold, 1 day after that mission a sattelite went up over South-America and my interrogations and autoposies became free. So done 4 in a row. Suddenly all remaining research doesn't take that long anymore. Maybe shouldn't have gotten that second laboratory :).


So far my X-Com: Enemy Unknown update.


PS. I hate elevation. Going up stairs in that game is a nightmare.

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I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Finished Dishonored.  Had a reasonably good time with it. 



The second betrayal scene was interesting in its totality.  Some kind of backstabbing was pretty well telegraphed by the pacing of the game, and I had spent some time trying to guess which conspirator would be the one to turn on me.  Hadn't anticipated all of them being in on it.  Also, it may have just been good luck in finding the "bypass serious opposition route" quickly, but I found the last mission far easier than I did the previous two. 


The ending itself ("Low Chaos" version-- I missed the "no murderin" achievement by 1 death attributed to me at some point in the Flooded District mission) was somewhat anticlimactic-- Climb up to the glass roof at the top of the lighthouse, listen to Havelock's monologue, deal with him, open Emily's closet, and watch a cutscene.  I was hoping for something that took on the in-universe morality of Corvo's utilization of the Outsider's favor.  ("We had to poison you to protect Emily from your demonic influence!!")




Not sure what I'm going to play next.  Maybe Arkham City.  Also have LA Noire and XCOM in the backlog.  (More likely, I'll just start a new game of CK2 or Civ5.)


(Edit: made 1 big spoiler block instead of a few smaller ones)

Edited by Enoch
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Finished Planescape Torment.


That final third/half is kind of awful. But the first part of it and the overall writing make up for it. Curst was probably the part I forgot the most of and for good reason.


Not sure what to play next.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Finished Planescape Torment.


That final third/half is kind of awful. But the first part of it and the overall writing make up for it. Curst was probably the part I forgot the most of and for good reason.


Not sure what to play next.

Congratulations on finishing it, specially since you were playing it at late hours. Every time I tried doing conversations got longer and I would wake up with a note under me that said "you have slept for 8 hours"


Edit: since you seem to be in the mood for CRPGs how about going from the nameless one to the living one? (they really need to have more variety) go load up Arcanum.

Edited by Orogun01
I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Restarted my Xcom game, easy ironmode.


Going pretty well so far. Then again, so did last time. Did the "all female team" achiev for fun and to get some more teammates leveled up. Unlocked 5-team ASAP so they can get XP from just being on a mission (they get XP for that, right?). Soon should get more XP per kill.

For now focussing my money on building the base and sattelites, trying to get many engineers (much more useful than scientists imo). No good items yet to craft, research goes it's way.

While first game I was forced America or Europe (and went Europe) this time went Africa for the money boost.

Got sloppy on an escort mission, thin man got 2 of my escort's 3HP. So lucky. Shotgunned him almost to the face (poison and all, kept a move inbetween) with run&gun. That's quite a good move. Never really used it last game, should use more.

Also the game seemed to think I need a LOT of snipers. Got around 5 now. Thought they were kinda useless last game (not being able to shoot after moving, got the upgrade that did that away, still... the penalty. Would have used a machine gunner instead), so hopefully they will not be when I listen to you guys this time and get the squad vision upgrade.

But, well, very early, don't even have the stun item yet. Still wondering if capturing more than 1 of each type alive is useful, guess I should test that out this time.

Blatantly stolen info:


Kill XP is 30xp, double if it's a rookie, squaddie, corporal or sergeant killing a later-game alien (Chryssalids and later). Buyable perk increases values by 25%. (Note it's no XP at all for stunning an alien)


Mission success is 60xp for regular missions, and 120 for 'special' ones like plot missions and terror missions. +50% one time bonus for soldiers encountering later-game aliens for the first time. Flat 20xp bonus for no casualties.



And yes, correct on the engineers. Indeed it's conventional wisdom to *never* take scientists or build laboratories: early game you can't afford them, and late game you're mostly done researching anyway.


Capturing more than one of each alien gives you their weapon only (at the cost of kill XP).


I very much enjoyed my (so far only) classic ironman run (which I did after a normal normal run first up, which got boring towards the end). It was with patch 1.2, and bugs were pretty minimal - and while 1.3 was a buggy mess, it should be more stable now than when I played. Would recommend it every time.

Edited by Humanoid


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Started up a game of Resident Evil Revelations.  I already knew it was a great game, I have it on 3DS also, and it's my favorite 3DS game and favorite Resi game, my only concern was how would the controls translate to the PC.  So far so good.  The controls feel responsive and intuitive.  They did a good job, for the most part, upscaling the models and textures from a 400X200 pixel screen to HD sizes, though there are occasions where there will be a horribly low res looking texture really clashing with the nice HD models and textures around it.  So far this mostly seems to happen in cutscenes.  Anyway, I'll mostly give this a rest for now, I just wanted to see how the game controlled.  Gonna jump back into Risen 2 and finish that up before I dive headlong into Resi Revelations.

So, I lied, I couldn't help myself.  Wound up playing Revelations for about 6 hours over the weekend.  I got past the Comms Officer boss fight, it took me 4 tries.  Going back to my time playing on the 3DS, I still think this is the hardest boss battle in the game, mainly due to the limited arsenal you have at that point, and the sheer swarm of lesser enemies that accompany the Comms Officer (Spoiler:  It's an endless swarm, they will keep spawning until you kill him).  I'm playing on normal difficulty.  I can't even fathom how brutal the Comms Officer battle would be on infernal difficulty.  I also played some Raid Mode.  Every bit as fun and addictive as I remember.  It's super easy to unlock Rachel, I did it on the very first level.  She's my go to for now, since she has Magnum Mastery skill.  Magnums, are awesome.  You don't get a lot of ammo for them, but you don't need a lot of ammo for them.  If they gave you a lot of magnum ammo to work with (both in the campaign and in Raid Mode), it would make the game trivial.


Played a bit more of Risen 2 also.  I journeyed out to the Air Temple and hacked my way through a bunch of gargoyles and sunken ones.  Beyond the quest objective, there is more to explore in the temple, and a bunch of treasure to be had.  I cleared out some of it, but there's a room I can't access right now (I need a couple idols), and a chest I can't open because I didn't come prepared with a thievery potion.  No problem, I can always come back later.  I went back to Antigua to drop of Crouse, because a deal is a deal, and dug up some treasure there.  I should probably take a trip back to Caldera.  If I remember correctly, I can get some better clothing (armor) there.  

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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AIndeed it's conventional wisdom to *never* take scientists or build laboratories: early game you can't afford them, and late game you're mostly done researching anyway.


Could cancel my second laboratory with 1 day left for full refund. Pfew.


Also, ironman showed it's head. Fired a rocket at some mutons. On second thought, that was a bad idea in a GAS STATION. The cars where outside the impact display, but still blew up. My 2 best snipers, and my best assault trooper died.

Afterwards spend 5 rounds trying to get my troops to climb a ladder. Did I say I hated elevation? At the end of 5 I got one up, but both sectoid on the roof thankfully decided not to wait so I could both gun them down on the ground.

Now just have to live with my losses of my own stupidity.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Not sure what the difficulty is with climbing - are you trying to interact with the ladder itself? Don't, climbing is a free move, just change the elevation view and click the destination tile. A little ridiculous that it costs no more movement points to move one tile on level ground as it does one tile up onto a building, I know, but that's just how it is.


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Afterwards spend 5 rounds trying to get my troops to climb a ladder.

Try using the scroll wheel on your mouse, it makes selecting the right elevation much easier.


Also, easy, tsk tsk. You could easily do normal now. Easy teaches you nothing.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Finished Planescape Torment.


That final third/half is kind of awful. But the first part of it and the overall writing make up for it. Curst was probably the part I forgot the most of and for good reason.


Not sure what to play next.

Congratulations on finishing it, specially since you were playing it at late hours. Every time I tried doing conversations got longer and I would wake up with a note under me that said "you have slept for 8 hours"


Edit: since you seem to be in the mood for CRPGs how about going from the nameless one to the living one? (they really need to have more variety) go load up Arcanum.


Arcanum is far fresher in my memory than Planescape was. My original run of Planescape was in my Assassin/Rogue days, where my Arcanum run was fully in the midst of my Mage days. Since I still play Mages, I'd probably just end up playing it exactly the same way.


I'm thinking about doing Drakensang next.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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