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I'm playing a game of "Memorize the 500 page book for the upcoming exam", so you'll see me in three weeks when I slay the final boss or die trying.


Until then, ta-ta


/Battlefield control terminated

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Dungeon Siege III.


So far it gets from me the rating "Very poor"

Hope it improves. Since so far the combat is worse than DS1 and 2 and the story and characters are also worse than DS2. Which is not something I would have expected from OE.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Started a new game of Arcanum. I've never made it out of the first village you get to before (the game bores me to death), but I thought I'd try it with a high resolution patch and see if that helps.


It's still an exceptionally ugly game though, even in 1920x1080.

My recent attempt to play Arcanum kind of fell flat on its face when I, as a pure self-interested thief character, told Virgil to bugger off and tried to wander off on my own. After several attempts, I managed to sneak past the 'ambush' but the tightly packed wolves in the narrow mountain passes slaughtered me a dozen times over.


Then I discovered/remembered that I could fast travel before engaging them. But by then I was a bit too annoyed at the game to carry on.


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I'm playing a game of "Memorize the 500 page book for the upcoming exam", so you'll see me in three weeks when I slay the final boss or die trying.


Until then, ta-ta


/Battlefield control terminated


500 pages is three DAYS at most, certainly to a member of the PC master race, when even a console peasant can do that. ;P

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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Dungeon Siege III.


So far it gets from me the rating "Very poor"

Hope it improves. Since so far the combat is worse than DS1 and 2 and the story and characters are also worse than DS2. Which is not something I would have expected from OE.


DS3 only really shines in multiplayer but it does get better after the first couple of hours. Some of the locations are gorgeous and the enemies and boss encounters get more varied and entertaining.

Edited by Serrano
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I'm playing a game of "Memorize the 500 page book for the upcoming exam".


500 pages is three DAYS at most, certainly to a member of the PC master race, when even a console peasant can do that. ;P



Yeah my last exam was like 2000 pages.. Global History - please know everything from the late paleolithic until the 20th century - thank you.


Also playing Arkham Asylum when I get to scared to continue playing Metro 2033. I loooove beating up goons as Catwoman.

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Fortune favors the bald.

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Fighting Rajani. Defeating her, she respawns, didn't expected that, wiped. Yay, 10 minutes gone.

Trying it again, got her to her second form, beat in on her about 5 minutes there, died again.


Going to play another game now. I don't mind challenge, but I don't particuarly think 20 minutes of rolling and bashing is any kind of fun. That during the second fight half the arena is blocked and the controls are so horrible you obviously get moonwalking and having a hard time reaching the boss doesn't make things better.


No, I don't really warm up to this Dungeon Siege...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam

Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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I'm playing a game of "Memorize the 500 page book for the upcoming exam", so you'll see me in three weeks when I slay the final boss or die trying.


Until then, ta-ta


/Battlefield control terminated

Hopefully no redhead cyclops interrupts your critical work.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Fighting Rajani. Defeating her, she respawns, didn't expected that, wiped. Yay, 10 minutes gone.

Trying it again, got her to her second form, beat in on her about 5 minutes there, died again.


Going to play another game now. I don't mind challenge, but I don't particuarly think 20 minutes of rolling and bashing is any kind of fun. That during the second fight half the arena is blocked and the controls are so horrible you obviously get moonwalking and having a hard time reaching the boss doesn't make things better.


No, I don't really warm up to this Dungeon Siege...


Rajani is probably the worst part of the game. I think she is part of the reason why I didn't get far on my second playthrough.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Fighting Rajani. Defeating her, she respawns, didn't expected that, wiped. Yay, 10 minutes gone.

Trying it again, got her to her second form, beat in on her about 5 minutes there, died again.


Going to play another game now. I don't mind challenge, but I don't particuarly think 20 minutes of rolling and bashing is any kind of fun. That during the second fight half the arena is blocked and the controls are so horrible you obviously get moonwalking and having a hard time reaching the boss doesn't make things better.


No, I don't really warm up to this Dungeon Siege...


Rajani is probably the worst part of the game. I think she is part of the reason why I didn't get far on my second playthrough.


I found Rajani to be the second hardest battle in the entire game, maybe not the best idea to put that difficult a battle that early in the game.  The Daeva Statue battle in the Treasures of the Sun expansion was the hardest IMHO.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I found Rajani to be the second hardest battle in the entire game, maybe not the best idea to put that difficult a battle that early in the game.  The Daeva Statue battle in the Treasures of the Sun expansion was the hardest IMHO.




I have heard this said before. I can't remember that battle though. At all. So for me it must have been easy with Katarina kitted out.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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I found Rajani to be the second hardest battle in the entire game, maybe not the best idea to put that difficult a battle that early in the game.  The Daeva Statue battle in the Treasures of the Sun expansion was the hardest IMHO.




I have heard this said before. I can't remember that battle though. At all. So for me it must have been easy with Katarina kitted out.


Decked out rifle Katarina makes everything easy.  It's not even fair, she's a walking death machine.  ;)


As an aside, I liked playing as (mostly) human Anjali the best, which is far from the most powerful character/stance combination.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I think the main problem on Hardcore difficulty I had with the Rajani fight was that it's really easy to get disoriented when she hits her second form. It's easy to lose track of her and die quickly. But if I kept my head cool, it's a pretty easy fight I found. The patterns are not that difficult. I think I had more problems surviving some fights in Gunderic Manor actually, especially with those skeleton priests. Their projectiles *always* trip me up.


I think the hardest fight in the main game is... hrm, well, a certain fight near the endgame. Sooooo much stuff going on, really hard to keep your focus there and really hard to keep your companion alive. Beating that one with Lucas was probably the toughest thing in the main game for me, since Lucas lacks ranged capabilities except for that special ability (whatever it was called). The boss in the Swamp area could also be really tricky at times for me. The DLC also had some really tough fights.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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In my Anjali playthrough I died fighting Rajani twice.  I died fighting the Corrupted Creator once, but that was only because I got overconfident and sloppy, I beat him EASILY the next time.  I must have died at least four times, possibly more, before I finally defeated the Daeva statue.  Man, that fight was brutal.  No other deaths besides that.


No deaths to speak of when playing rifle Katarina.  I just steamrolled through everything with her.  It was so easy that the game ceased being fun.


I still need to do a Reinhart playthrough someday.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Finished Last of Us, now Xcom Enemy Unknown on my iPhone 5

So how was The Last of Us? Been wanting to buy the game but I don't have the jinks.

Edited by Astiaks

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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It was epic, I will not spoil anything, it takes story telling in games to higher levels! It's scripted, but levels are big enough to explore in. Stealth and combat is smooth, with different options to tackle enemies with. I also found it funny that the same guy who voiced Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite) voiced Joel in another father/daughter style story

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Still the Neverwinter Online game. I don't spend hours and hours in-game most of the time, but it's just such a nice quick, easy game to jump into for 30-60 minutes at a time, between other life tasks. Perfect for that, for me.


Unlike, say, strategy games or Diablo or Borderlands or FNV, where my obsessive nature can lead to 8 hour days for far too long ... and that's not what I really want anymore. At least not very often.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Finished House of Sorrows questline in Alamur. Saw the twist coming from the very beginning. Disappointing compared to House of Ballads, then again that questline I did when the game was still fresh.


Still better than anything in Skyrim, mind.

Edited by Drudanae

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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