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Square-Enix is teasing a new game - again.



Polygon info-dump


Some posters have reasoned out an interesting concept: What if the murder being investigated is your own? I'm interested...




Detective/Ghost/Horror mix from the studio where also the original Portal creator works at?


Yeah, this game suddendly climbed up into my top-five list.

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Dreamfall sequel Kickstarter is up: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/redthread/dreamfall-chapters-the-longest-journey


Pledged because I'm an idiot.


Hm, tempted. Maybe I'll just rush to try Dreamfall before deciding.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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People talk about he 'failure' of TOR despite the fact it sold as much and likely more than either KOTOR did. So, there is an audience for it. The issue isthat money was simply thrown at it that didn't add enough substantial stuff to it to warrant it costing a smuch as it did (for the record, it did not sell a billion or  400mil).


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People talk about he 'failure' of TOR despite the fact it sold as much and likely more than either KOTOR did. So, there is an audience for it. The issue isthat money was simply thrown at it that didn't add enough substantial stuff to it to warrant it costing a smuch as it did (for the record, it did not sell a billion or  400mil).

So you're saying that despite evidence to the contrary(included in your post) that TOR is not a failure because it sold more than previous games in the series?

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Define 'failure'. TOR has sold lots of copies - more than KOTOR2 for sure and very likely mroe than KOTOR1 - so if it is a failure based on that than those games are also failures.


It has madem money - just not as much as LA/EA/BIO foolishly thoguht it would.


It didn't meet the retarted expectations, but it still was successfule noguh to bring money in.


Failure in expectations (because they were stupid) but success  in actual bottom line.


Then again,m youa re part of the inetrnet who claims that TOR cost 10billion dollars to make so I cna't take yous eriously. L0L


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TOR had a 'relative lack of success' because it was way too expensive. It sold well, has a decent player base (not me); but costing 1 billion dollars is just stupid for any video game espicially a MMO based on a franchise/game (KOTOR1) that sold approx. 3mil copies. L0L


Anyways, why can't Obsidian move on from SW? Stick with PE, and other stuff. Try for a new DnD game (lol PE lol); but SW has always been overrated and contrary to popular belief, being a SW game doesn't equal insta success. heck, sales wise, TOR is one of the more successful SW games most likely.

Volourn, you were the first, and so far as I can tell, only person in this thread to claim it cost a billion or more dollars. That means you cannot take yourself seriously. ;)


Regardless of that, profit from an MMO isn't based solely on volume of units sold, it's based on length of subscriptions or the success of micro-transactions. They need to make enough money off those to warrant running the servers and continuing to produce content. As usual, it wasn't the rollicking success the developers hoped for, and they've been adjusting their methods ever since to maintain a stable population and revenue.




In other overly-optimistic MMO endeavors gone wrong:

Impossible Stuidos is closed


If you didn't keep abreast of the chaos less than a year ago, Impossible Studios was formed from survivors of Big Huge Games who went under when Kingdoms of Amalur failed to meet expectations, killing the envisioned MMO empire. Now, Epic has closed Impossible down, though they had the good grace to give the employees severance pay and has even allowed them to keep the rights to the Impossible studio name and logo if they want to reopen it independently.

Edited by TSBasilisk
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It ain't binary success or failure. KoA:R should have made money for example given its sales. but its studio folded soon after because its success wasn't enough to finance loans and a delayed mmo. Similar for System Shock 2, the game did fine by itself but earlier decisions doomed LGS. Both games are usually seen as financial failures when in fact they did better than most games do. TOR's big problem appears to have been incorrect market expectations, if they sold 3 million copies they ought to have made most of their money back if they'd had proper cost control.


1 billion dollars!!!!! was pretty clearly hyperbole based on the massive cost inflation seen from 'analysts'.



Those that saw it as "we're getting SWTOR instead of KOTOR 3" and that the mere existence of SWTOR meant that the chances of there ever being a KOTOR 3 were somehow compromised.

That was a marketing message of TOR. That TOR is KOTOR 3. If people got that impression, it seemed to be the intended one.



Yeah, something along the lines of TOR = KOTOR3-8, suck it h8rs!!1! (the last bit may have been personal impression of the comment and not actually said). It was an understandable position as the success of TOR was to an extent predicated on getting all KOTOR fans to stump up money for an MMO so dashing any hope of a successor standard game was necessary. Edited by Zoraptor
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Sorry to hear low opinions of it. Borderlands 1 and 2 really made me like Gearbox, despite not being a fan before.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Sorry to hear low opinions of it. Borderlands 1 and 2 really made me like Gearbox, despite not being a fan before.

 From watching the Let'sPlay from one guy, it doesn't look all that terrible to me. Not great, but ... a lot of the complaints are about hammy dialogue, too much dialogue (works in Borderlands, maybe not in a real FPS), not being scary (Aliens wasn't really a scary movie, it was more an action anyway), graphics not shiny enough, clipping issues, etc.


But it does look pretty older FPS generic, so to speak, so if people were expecting something more...anyway...not that I personally care. Maybe it sucks when actually playing it. The one thing I wouldn't like from watching the videos is that aliens seem to be general fodder, which isn't in keeping with them being a serious threat like in the films. But I do like how they got the gun-firing/other sound effect noises right. ;)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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TOR is much better when you think about it as KotOR 3-8.  As an MMO it has a lot of flaws.  I still love it though, but it's like an Ike and Tina thing, not always healthy.

Then I ask the question, does it look like a 200 million dollars game?

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I'd observe that that the runaway success of WoW may have compromised, if not killed off, any chance of a Warcraft sequel. While not a perfect comparison in that Warcraft is of a different genre to KoTOR, it does illustrate that generation of content for MMOs can and does have a real impact on the future of the originating property. I recall there was more than a little whinging whenever WoW used and killed off characters from the RTS in the MMO, such as Arthas.


One thing in TOR's favour I guess is that at least there's still a little bit of space timewise in the continuity to fit in a game set after KoTOR2 but before the events of TOR.


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I think I'd actually prefer it if they re-conned the events in TOR, I can help but feel that they handled established characters poorly.

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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Makes me all warm and tingly inside. :)



One odd thing though is that the enemy cones of vision are so narrow that you wonder how they managed to get this far in life.

Yeah, especially with flies, who *should* have a near 360 field of view

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