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If Project Eternity was turn-based...?

Real time vs Turn based.  

329 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you support and look forward to PE if it was Turn Based?

    • Yay! :)
    • Nay! :(
    • Don't care if Turn Based or Real Time :|

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Would you still support and look forward to it?


Surely, real time with pause and turn-based combat both have advantages and disadvantages, yet what would you prefer?


Personally I love turn based combat of ToEE with its tactical choices and strategic positioning. Also, after playing new X-com, I believe that even turn based gameplay can be dynamic, engaging and fun to watch.


I love IE real time with pause too. Essentially it was also turn based because we paused after pretty much every action.


What do you think?

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I dislike RTwP combat (unless you count the Mass Effect games as RTwP, in which case they are an exception). In games with full party control, like the IE games, RTwP lacks the tactical depth that a well designed turn-based system allows since you can't micromanage all six party members simultaneously.


That said, since P:E was pitched as a spiritual successor to the Infinity Engine games, which all used clunky RTwP systems, I think P:E should employ a similar system. Even though it will make combat mechanically tedious for me, it is what people will be expecting from a sequel to the IE games (and lots of people apparently liked the combat in the IE games). In an ideal world, I would like all games with full party control to use turn-based combat, but given the circumstances, I think RTwP is the right approach to take with this game.

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I prefer turn-based, but they're clearly trying to harken back to the Infinity Engine kind of mechanics and pacing and turn-based doesn't lend itself well to that. A pity but oh well, I can always hope that Obsidian will do a turn-based title eventually if they can self-fund more titles on the side of their bigger projects.

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I really have no preference, I'm a fan of both styles of play. Luckily we're getting both in the somewhat near future in Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity.


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I vastly prefer turn-based CRPGs (eg. Fallout 1+2, Arcanum, ToEE) over real-time/pause CRPGs, so I defenitely vote yay.

While I hoped from the first announcement of Project Eternity that it'd be turn-based, I'm still happily backing it, and remember that Wasteland 2 will be turn-based so we'll get to scratch that turn-based itch :)

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I'd prefer TB, but I can choke up the RTwP... TB usually is better in terms of tactics and planning. While I like games like DotA, I love games like X-COM ;)


I also find it that TB can be visually superior, because animations are easier to be defined and synced. Recent examples - XCOM: EU, and Age of Decadence which is in works (although it's not the same detail level as XCOM, due to far lower budget)

Edited by Darkpriest
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Absolutely. I prefer Turn Based combat as I find the systems hold up better and provides you with more choices tactically. I find that Real Time or Real Time With Pause generally has to have more lee-way in combat to make up for reaction time and the like. In TB strategy game your choices tend to have a bigger outcome on the battle. X-com is a good recent example of how you can do good TB combat systems where the stakes can be higher than in a real time counterpart. Also I just tend to find RT or RTWP clunky. I love BG2, PST, NWN 1&2, but the combat in those games turns me off to replaying them. At times it really feels more like a chore than anything else.


Although I will admit I will always have fond memories of clearing out the under dark in BG2 by summoning up a fleet of magic swords, sending them into a room to cut everything to bits and just shutting the door and resting. Repeat as needed. Take that stupid mind flayers!


Edit: I should say however that while I prefer TB I have no regrets about their call to go RTWP. I knew it going in and I wouldn't want them to change what they've got planned.

Edited by Pshaw
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I would have supported the game either way.


Personally, I prefer turn based a little bit more, but I'm used to real time with pause. The only reason I prefer turn based combat is that I like to take my time and have total control over my characters. I know rtwp lets you pause during combat, but it won't allow me to put my characters in the exact position I want them in. The bad thing about turn based combat is that if you do it wrong, it will be boring as hell.

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I like a good turn based system but RTwP was an integral part of the old IE games and I liked it a lot there. I'd be disappointed if PE wasn't RTwP also because of that.


Also TB really needs to be done right or it becomes boring. I liked combat in ToEE for the many options and full party control but I found the combat in Fallout 1&2, even though I love those games for the world, atmosphere and the writing (and the SPECIAL system!), to be a snooze-fest. What's the point of a turn based system if you can only control one character and one that has few attack options at that (and will likely only use one of them - either burst or aim for the eyes - for 90% of the game)

Edited by Hugo Rune
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I love some turn based games. I love some non-turned based game.


So I'm happy either way so long as its "good".

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Considering they've brought up the concept of pause conditions(being able to set it up so the game pauses whenever a character is able to use another ability, for instance), I feel confident that if I so desire I could play it similarly enough to a turn-based game that it could serve as a reasonable scratch to that particular combat itch.

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I like both types of games. I also have enjoyed first-person shooters, action-RPGs, platformers, puzzle games, mining games, adventure games, interactive fiction games, and racing/flying simulation games.


The hypothetical situation here (if PE was turn-based) cannot be answered by me due to a severe lack of related hypothetical data. I guess it would depend on how it was presented, for starters.


The easy answer to the dilemma at hand, of course, is that they should make a turn-based mini-game playable amongst your party members in the game (say, inside the stronghold). That way everyone will be appeased.

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It's a balance thing. If the main focus of the game was combat and I was spending like 90% of my time in combat, I would prefer turn based. If combat is incidental and happens occasionally, I can live with something not too different from IE combat (bearing in mind that I hate RTS games passionately). As long as it's slow enough that I feel like I stay in control of what my entire party is doing. Isometric perspective does go some way to help with that.

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Mostly I play games for the story, so if the story is good enough I'll suffer through even the most atrocious of gameplay systems. Turn-Based combat is one of those things that I really really dislike so the story better be amazing if they put that system in Project Eternity. If you then consider that they announced the game with a RTwP combat system the story had better be the best damn thing in the Universe if they switch now.

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