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Your cake for the next three goals?

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Suppose you get to choose what stretch goals are to be used for the 2.9, 3.0 and 3.1 marks.

What would you want to see?


Try to keep them in the same magnitude as previous goals (ie: don't ask for a bunchload of features), but feel free to go wild.



For reference:



6 races (human, dwarf, elf, ?, ?, godlike race)

9 classes (fighters, priests, rogues, wizards, rangers, monks, druids, barbarians, ciphers)

8 companions


0635ea8f437022696d117c499034941c_large.jpg +2 classes (makes a total of 11 classes)

4530cf6cc4ba959a78c9e4d6de321f7d_large.jpg + awesomeness





For me, it would be:


$2.9 million: another companion and even more artwork

(backgrounds for narrations, portraits, and item sketches -- in the vein of the dwarf ranger and the latest wallpaper)


$3.0 million: another companion and modding toolkit

(in reality I wanted a TB mode, but that is not going to happen)


$3.1 million: better music and bigger world

(inclusion of live music for where it can shine; more C&C for crazier things)

Edited by hideo kuze
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I wouldn't mind another companion or two, but I realize that such things end up being a lot more work. (Dialogue with PC, reactions, banters etc... )


... Didn't they mention a giant marshmallow that eats people (paladins?).


... Nope, my mind is refusing to come up with anything else.

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2.9 - new large area (continent/ really detailed super city). With appropriate lore/new race /. Known composer (Morgan/hoenigs/zaur)


3.0 - new seafaring culture/lore/race/ player boat/. Known portrait designer (sweet etc)


3.1 - well known designer to create major story arc (knowles)/ plane lands w/ lore


Add on/rewards:


Production blogs



Pnp rules based on new IP

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Upgradeable stronghold like Crossroad Keep is the one I'd like to see as a stretch goal. Beyond that... maybe additional races? More funding for music would be nice too, I suppose.


So, something like:


2.9 - Additional race

3.0 - Enhanced musical score

3.1 - Crossroad Keep/Suikoden style stronghold


Overall, I just want more C&C, but they've said that each stretch goal nets a general expansion to all elements of the game, so I guess greater reactivity is tacitly included with each stretch goal.

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I'll just move my thoughts from what i want for 2.7 to start at 2.9 but it makes no real difference.


2.7 -> 2.9 Million

- House Content Upgrade

-- Creation of Fort --> Castle --> Palace blah blah

-- Immigration of Town folk and creation of village --> City

--- Random NPC encounters that can increase your cities population

-- Semi-custom creation and placement of buildings for the city? Zoning and the like.

-- Added Quest lines for city, fame, citizens and what not.


2.8 -> 3.0 Million

- Increase Skill, Spell, Action, Feat interaction think Magicka

- Mounts and Mounted Combat (in open spaces)

- Sentient weapons like Lilarcor and Enserric

- Smithing? Increased Item count or added variablilty in items..Borderlands + Skyrim?


2.9 -> 3.1 Million

-"The making of" Video

- Full Musical Orchestral score

- Additional Talents for Voice and Story


3 -> 3.2 million

- Island Content / Oceanic Content

--New Companion

--New Nation / Region / Faction

--New Ocean creatures / intellectual water species

--Ocean Vessels

---Isometric Fishing? LoL


3.5 Million

--Double the core content.

---Regions, Quests, Companions, Storylines


If all else fails, add content.

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$2.9 million: another companion and another race

$3.0 million: upgrade player house to stronghold,Chinese translation added

$3.1 million: New region, faction deeper storyline, modding toolkit



Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, She got the Mercedes Benz

She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

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I'd personally like another similar to the 2.2 million stretch with a new region and faction. Of course that was a $200,000 thousand stretch goal, but, I think it's worth it. They could also make a stretch goal that added more colorful and longer side-quest, not epic, but, better than fetch this, kill that, etc. That would definitely make the game better all around, and be worthy of dumping funds into. I suppose when it comes down to it, the new stretch goals should focus on making the game deeper now, more than just adding new stuff (including my dream of a new region). As much as I like a bigger world, a deeper/fuller would is more important. Extra character classes are nice, more companions and races rule (and yes all add a bit more depth), but, if the story and dialogue is not interesting, if the quest get boring, all those extras will only carry the game into the mediocre stage, or a little above. I'm happy they are bringing Mr. Ziets, still I think they should focus even more on the story and fleshing out this world from this point on. And combat, making that as fun as possible should be the other important objective of the stretch goals. Maybe increasing your combat options, or just hiring another person to help make combat that much funner. Obsidian knows what it needs, and I'm too tired to figure it out for them now! Time to stretch myself down to bed. ;)

The Obsidian Orders Royal Pain


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I'd personally like another similar to the 2.2 million stretch with a new region and faction. Of course that was a $200,000 thousand stretch goal, but, I think it's worth it. They could also make a stretch goal that added more colorful and longer side-quest, not epic, but, better than fetch this, kill that, etc. That would definitely make the game better all around, and be worthy of dumping funds into. I suppose when it comes down to it, the new stretch goals should focus on making the game deeper now, more than just adding new stuff (including my dream of a new region). As much as I like a bigger world, a deeper/fuller would is more important. Extra character classes are nice, more companions and races rule (and yes all add a bit more depth), but, if the story and dialogue is not interesting, if the quest get boring, all those extras will only carry the game into the mediocre stage, or a little above. I'm happy they are bringing Mr. Ziets, still I think they should focus even more on the story and fleshing out this world from this point on. And combat, making that as fun as possible should be the other important objective of the stretch goals. Maybe increasing your combat options, or just hiring another person to help make combat that much funner. Obsidian knows what it needs, and I'm too tired to figure it out for them now! Time to stretch myself down to bed. ;)


Exactly what I want. More content, more regions, deeper story and side quests.


Do Kickstarters normally pick up their pace right at the end? Because it doesn't seem that it'll even make $3 million at the moment :(

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TBH I'm happy with what we've got. I know, I'd be crap at designing stretch goals.


My only concern is that there aren't quite enough NPCS. I'm more of a advocate of a broad but shallow NPC base but I know people like extremely in-depth ones (NPC: "did I tell you about my troubled childhood?" Me: "Shut up and fight those monsters.") This is why the adventurer's hall was so important.


But, apart from that I've got pretty much everything I'm after.


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I think we need 2 more companions to make it an even ten!


That would add to the replay value of this baby quite a bit (party interactions, npc sidequests, rivalries and strategic elements when building your group)...besides, I think there should be a companion per class or at least close to it. (no Cipher companion needed...I'll be filling that role kukuku)


That and deeper, richer content as well as more of it.


(more quests, lore, non-main-quest related areas, mini dungeons, or perhaps a planar adventure-the skies the limit really) It's a new IP with none of the old restrictions.

Edited by NerdBoner
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I'm with you, MC! Another wafer-thin mintie, and I'm gonna explode!

If pushed, and this isn't even strategical in any way, just egotistical:

-modding kit, add a ridiculously large variety to character building as far as choices go, flesh out the world, make an entire monster manual of baddies.

Edited by IndiraLightfoot

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I have to add my voice to the upgradeable stronghold crowd. Seriously, I want to be able to customize my mage tower (yeah, my first run will be a Chanter, but I'll probably play most as a mage). I want a steward, butlers, groundskeepers, my own damned personal valet. I want fine elvish flatware, imported dwarven silver, and the best chefs money can buy. I want a study with towering stacks of books, a mahogany desk, and a floating teakwood mage chair. I want wine cellars with every brand of wine from every corner of the known world. I want a private bath for my own pleasure and a roman bath so I can move back and forth between the piping hot water and the chilly cold water. I want fine sculptures so detailed that people wonder if I had them crafted or merely turned some unlucky folks into marble.


I don't want some drafty, flimsy, rough hewn log cabin with nothing more than threadbare sheets and en empty cupboard.


...And I want to be able to ignore the place the vast majority of the time because I'm out adventuring.

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5million, life-size Feargus bobblehead! .... wat?


Actually, I'm in the same camp as Monte Carlo...I'm lousy at thinking up ideas for things like this. But any game content that makes the actual gameplay time longer or ups replayability would be in my main wheelhouse.

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I think we need 2 more companions to make it an even ten!


That would add to the replay value of this baby quite a bit (party interactions, npc sidequests, rivalries and strategic elements when building your group)...besides, I think there should be a companion per class or at least close to it. (no Cipher companion needed...I'll be filling that role kukuku)


That's a good point. With 10 companions I could play through the game twice without having any of the same companions in either of those playthroughs. And then on subsequent playthroughs I could mix them up more. Hmm.

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  • 2.9 million - New race, plus extended world history / lore (something I enjoy even more than actual storylines in fantasy games)
  • 3.0 million - Additional major city with it's own questlines


I'm fairly happy with the number of classes and companions, so I don't feel the need to have more of either as stretch goals.

Edited by Piccolo
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I'd like 2 more races, but I think what would make them money is a player stronghold and extra companions as that's what people seem really keen on. Honestly I don't think extra companions are necessary as I think the existing ones will be detailed and compelling enough as it is, and as for the player stronghold I don't think it's appropriate for all roles people might want to play (a penniless monk wouldn't have any need for a big blinging fortress, etc.). A fortress also implies the prominence the character acheives in the world - something that may or may not be appropriate to what they have planned for the main character thus far.

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An overland map travel system like Storm of Zehir, rather than the currently suggested BG type interface.


I really loved that map/travel/encounter system :wub:

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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