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On the final mission for Borderlands 2 with my commando. I ended up at level 32 (same as with my assassin). Hope it's enough.


More than enough - we're 38 and facing lvl 42 mobs in our PT2. Friend's smart idea to not bother with sidequests (I guess you can't redo them in the PT 2.5 seems to have backfired as we're undergeared. Still, dying easily does make it more challenging.


Starting through Dishonored, seems ok so far, even if the guard's field of vision is rather narrow and they tend to not look up after their comrade gets a bolt in the head. Probably am killing too many people, but eh.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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More than enough - we're 38 and facing lvl 42 mobs in our PT2. Friend's smart idea to not bother with sidequests (I guess you can't redo them in the PT 2.5 seems to have backfired as we're undergeared. Still, dying easily does make it more challenging.


I don't know if I like Borderlands 2 enough to do a second play through, but that's good to know if I do.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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After about 10 months, I finally returned to my game of New Vegas with all the dlc on it. I'd just started Dead Money when I stopped playing - I can't remember what it was at the time.. hm, it might have been Deus Ex HR coming out, so maybe more then 10 months - but anyhow, worked my way through Dead Money and quite enjoyed that. Trapped Elijah alive at the end... It seemed somehow more fitting then actually killing him. :shifty:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Finally finished Borderlands 2, as a commando. The end battle was ... long. It wasn't particularly hard; I found a nice spot to hide behind and alternate between sniping and using my auto turret. It was just long.


Not sure if I want to continue with that character on a second play through or attempt one of the other characters I haven't used yet.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Playing Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition.

But I think they changed one of the lines the commentators do. I think it was "What a wimp!" and it now is "What a sissy!"

And I hadn't thought it would bother me, but it really turned out to do.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Spending large chunks of the weekend blinking around rooftops and not-killing people in Dishonored...

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"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Hubs and I started the Wildlife Preservation quest path at lvl 40, reached the boss fight at lvl 41, and .... totally failed. :lol: Boss monster was lvl44 and the skags were often multiple 43 & 44 Fire/Shock BadAsses. We knew it would be hard since we were a bit underleveled - we had originally thought maybe we'd level up enough on the way there. Wrong. Took us a long time/many deaths to get to the boss arena.


We tried almost everything, including me staying "up top" to Revive hubs and be support as he ran around below. I'm pretty good at getting 2nd winds but too many of those and death becomes inevitable. After about 25 hard deaths each, we quit. Meaning, we have to run the entire long path back again since the only loading-save point is at the beginning. Heheh. Not sure how to get better gear, nothing that drops has been worth a darn for the past few clvls. Hopefully the 2nd run attempt will be the charm. ;)

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Pressing on with Thief 2 v1.19, and it's better than ever.


Also tried out TheDarkMod for Doom 3, and while it is professionaly made, I doesn't really give me that same lovely vibe as the Dark engine.


Also re-installed Dragon Age: Origins and continued to play with my short hairy dwarf, quickly realising how bland this game is, and then uninstalled.


Then I proceeded to buy Game of Thrones for the cheap on Steam and so far I like it.


Dishonored is also sitting on my hard disk but for some bizarre reason my mind still hasn't come to terms that the game is now out and ready to play. This special gem I've been waiting for so long deserves special time when I finish my backlog.

Edited by Morgoth
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Completed Trine 2 today. I had put it on hold for some time. It turns out I was on the last level. The game is so beautiful. Probably on of the best looking games I've played. Some of the puzzles were ok, but I think I enjoyed those in the first Trine more. Fighting wasn't as annoying as in Trine, and it felt like there were less enemies, wich was good.

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Completed Trine 2 today. I had put it on hold for some time. It turns out I was on the last level. The game is so beautiful. Probably on of the best looking games I've played. Some of the puzzles were ok, but I think I enjoyed those in the first Trine more. Fighting wasn't as annoying as in Trine, and it felt like there were less enemies, wich was good.

I can't make up my mind either if I liked the first or the second one better. I might just have to play through both again some day and see if I can't get all the little hidden things.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Hubs and I started the Wildlife Preservation quest path at lvl 40, reached the boss fight at lvl 41, and .... totally failed. :lol: Boss monster was lvl44 and the skags were often multiple 43 & 44 Fire/Shock BadAsses. We knew it would be hard since we were a bit underleveled - we had originally thought maybe we'd level up enough on the way there. Wrong. Took us a long time/many deaths to get to the boss arena.


We tried almost everything, including me staying "up top" to Revive hubs and be support as he ran around below. I'm pretty good at getting 2nd winds but too many of those and death becomes inevitable. After about 25 hard deaths each, we quit. Meaning, we have to run the entire long path back again since the only loading-save point is at the beginning. Heheh. Not sure how to get better gear, nothing that drops has been worth a darn for the past few clvls. Hopefully the 2nd run attempt will be the charm. ;)


This is why I don't look forward to my second play through. I don't like XP grinding, but it seems I'm going to have to if I don't want to get my ass handed to me every battle.


I'm playing the original Borderlands. The two games are remarkably similar, except BL2 has a much better story (or rather, more apparent story).

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Yeah - from reading the descriptions, BL2 sounded exactly like BL1. I wouldn't play that game for free.. but if you love BL1, you must love BL2 because it sounds like the same thing. People were saying that the side quests are disappointment in BL2? Well they were pretty horrible in the original also..

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Finished Mask of the Betrayer. Good ending is nowhere near as awesome as the evil ending. :(

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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(I also remembered where I had heard her voice, playing Zoya in 'Trine' which was released a few years before)


Victoria Kruger.

Hasn't done much else though other than Trine, Trine 2 and DA2.

A shame really. She has a "pleasant" voice and I would probably rather listen to her than Jennifer Hale throughout yet another video game (and I played both Trine and Trine 2 extensively) ;)


Jennifer Hale.... hoo boy. She's alright, but as soon as she tries to do a line that's meant to be humorous, witty, sardonic or sly she enunciates in such an obvious, cheesy way, like her audience is 6 year olds and they wouldn't get it if she weren't being as melodramatic as possible.



Finally finished Borderlands 2, as a commando. The end battle was ... long. It wasn't particularly hard; I found a nice spot to hide behind and alternate between sniping and using my auto turret. It was just long.


Not sure if I want to continue with that character on a second play through or attempt one of the other characters I haven't used yet.


Played Maya, it was comically easy. Maybe I was over-levelled or something. Badass threshers were the worst.



Hubs and I started the Wildlife Preservation quest path at lvl 40, reached the boss fight at lvl 41, and .... totally failed. :lol: Boss monster was lvl44 and the skags were often multiple 43 & 44 Fire/Shock BadAsses. We knew it would be hard since we were a bit underleveled - we had originally thought maybe we'd level up enough on the way there. Wrong. Took us a long time/many deaths to get to the boss arena.


We tried almost everything, including me staying "up top" to Revive hubs and be support as he ran around below. I'm pretty good at getting 2nd winds but too many of those and death becomes inevitable. After about 25 hard deaths each, we quit. Meaning, we have to run the entire long path back again since the only loading-save point is at the beginning. Heheh. Not sure how to get better gear, nothing that drops has been worth a darn for the past few clvls. Hopefully the 2nd run attempt will be the charm. ;)


This is why I don't look forward to my second play through. I don't like XP grinding, but it seems I'm going to have to if I don't want to get my ass handed to me every battle.


I'm playing the original Borderlands. The two games are remarkably similar, except BL2 has a much better story (or rather, more apparent story).


Part of Borderlands' charm was the simplicity and lack of story. The lack of a real antagonist was the problem, but it wasn't all this "player! you are the chosen one who must save pandora!" cliche stuff they're pulling in BL2. It was just everyone minding their own business on a chaotic planet. Near the end of BL2 Dr. Zed starts crying about Hyperion "kicking him out of his beloved home of Fyrestone," but he himself moved to every new hub town as you progressed through the first game and Fyrestone was left an abandoned ghost town without Hyperion involvement. They try to put in emotion and develop characters who were originally meant more as caricatures or lunatics and it didn't really work. Seemed disingenuous.

Edited by AGX-17
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Completed Trine 2 today. I had put it on hold for some time. It turns out I was on the last level. The game is so beautiful. Probably on of the best looking games I've played. Some of the puzzles were ok, but I think I enjoyed those in the first Trine more. Fighting wasn't as annoying as in Trine, and it felt like there were less enemies, wich was good.

I can't make up my mind either if I liked the first or the second one better. I might just have to play through both again some day and see if I can't get all the little hidden things.


I have a soft spot for the first one, because it was crazy playing it in 3 player co-op. The second game looked better, but felt like more of the same, despite some new puzzle types.


Edit: Trine 2 was also my 35th game completed this year. I have 71 games in my backlog now. I have 11 days without work in December and I have decided that much of that time will be used for gaming.

Edited by Labadal
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This is why I don't look forward to my second play through. I don't like XP grinding, but it seems I'm going to have to if I don't want to get my ass handed to me every battle.


I'm playing the original Borderlands. The two games are remarkably similar, except BL2 has a much better story (or rather, more apparent story).

Have to remember we've been skipping most of the side quests. We haven't had to "grind" exp. in the sense of the Diablo's, say. Last night we did some side quests, gained a couple levels. Will do one or two more and tackle that quest/boss again at lvl44 ... the boss will probably be lvl46 then, but the rest should be easier. I do know someone who tried that questline at lvl42 (solo, not co-op) and failed (15 attempts).


The main thing I dislike about the sidequests is still the backtracking. In BL1, I felt like you entered a new area, could get a bunch of new quests, and if you did them all before leaving that area, when you were done, 98% of the time you didn't have to go back for anything. In BL2, not the case at all. In this type of game, backtracking should be left to a minimum, and they failed.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Started up Icewind Dale, but am not feeling very compelled by it. So I'm installing Max Payne.


I think I need a break from RPGs for a little while. I just ran through as much Neverwinter Nights as I could stand, then a complete run of Neverwinter Nights 2 and Mask of the Betrayer.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Still not playing much at all, any time a serious real life issue crops up it pretty much obliterates my ability to get lost in a game :(


Same here, I'm having trouble spending more than 30 minutes in a game which tends to limit the atmosphere and getting lost in the game much like yourself.

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