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Yeah, I'd say he's confused. This Xcom is turn based and has all the strategy elements of the original. Basically it's getting the treatment the Civilization games get, which is simply awesome.


The shooter was put in limbo last year. Hopefully it stays there.

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*Sigh* at least they aren't shy about what they are doing. They already put it in the "shooter" department in their games line up.



On 2k's website, it's classified as 'shooter'


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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*Sigh* at least they aren't shy about what they are doing. They already put it in the "shooter" department in their games line up.



On 2k's website, it's classified as 'shooter'


You do know that there are two (2) XCOM games, right? The one from 2K Marine (shooter), and the one from Firaxis (TB strategy).

Well, I checked out the one on the website that was linked to in the post I quoted. That's sort of the point of providing a link, isn't it? :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yeah, I'd say he's confused. This Xcom is turn based and has all the strategy elements of the original.

We already know that you no longer build additional bases so that's not entirely true.


That doesn't really bother me. As I said, it is getting the Civilization treatment, which means they change a few things here and there but the overall design stays the same. I have no reason to doubt Firaxis, they manage to make every Civ game different without losing the addictive quality.

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They kinda dropped the ball on Civ V for me, but I guess that's due to Shafer.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Relic talking about Company of Heroes 2


"Germany lost approximately 80 per cent of its total combat losses on a front of the war we've never visited until now," Duffy said.


I'm glad somebody finally gets serious about making a Triple-A RTS perpetrating the criminally underused Eastern war theatre. I can't really stomach that whole Normandy and Western Front **** any longer.

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CoH2 will rock our worlds, if you like that sort of thing.


Although I'm a bit leery of the "we're trying to deal with the politics sensitively" BS. Both sides were monstrous tyrannies. Both sides set up and operated merciless death camps. Both sides murdered and raped (the mass rapes of 1945-46 in Germany are still conveniently forgotten by Soviet apologists). The game should start with Nazi and Red officers carving up Poland, just to get a sense of perspective.


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CoH2 will rock our worlds, if you like that sort of thing.


Although I'm a bit leery of the "we're trying to deal with the politics sensitively" BS. Both sides were monstrous tyrannies. Both sides set up and operated merciless death camps. Both sides murdered and raped (the mass rapes of 1945-46 in Germany are still conveniently forgotten by Soviet apologists). The game should start with Nazi and Red officers carving up Poland, just to get a sense of perspective.

Mass rape and murder were conducted even in countries they liberated. E.g. Budapest.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Really looking forward to CoH2. Operation Barbarossa, Operation Citadel and the Battle of Stalingrad. That's great stuff for some awesome missions. But only playing on the Soviet side? That sucks.

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Really looking forward to CoH2. Operation Barbarossa, Operation Citadel and the Battle of Stalingrad. That's great stuff for some awesome missions. But only playing on the Soviet side? That sucks.


The German campaign I suspect will be the stuff of XPs, a bit like OF and ToV.


Of course, German multiplayer will be playable out of the box.


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Western Front is kind of overdone, I suppose. And still not that many games set in Korea.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Hundreds of thousands of women were raped by the Red Army. This is not cold war propaganda, that was fact.


Stop denying Soviet crimes already.


Even wikipedia, which is biased because written based on books by cold war propaganda, states the obvious.




Most published and most numerous are the rapes committed by Soviet servicemen, for which estimates range from tens of thousands to two million.


Nice estimate. I estimate that it'll take me from 1 minute to a million years to reach the nearest shop. Good estimation, yes? Very scientific, based on no numbers.


There is dispute in Russia concerning these claims.[19] They have encountered vast criticism from historians in Russia and the Russian government.[20] Critics argue that the numbers are based on faulty methodology and questionable sources. It is argued that although there were cases of excesses and heavy-handed command, the Red Army as a whole treated the population of the former Reich with respect. In his review of Berlin: The Downfall 1945, O.A. Rzheshevsky, a professor and President of the Russian Association of World War II Historians, has charged that Beevor is merely resurrecting the discredited and racist views of Neo-Nazi historians, who depicted Soviet troops as subhuman "Asiatic hordes."[21] In an interview with BBC News Online, Rzheshevsky admitted that he had only read excerpts and had not seen the book's source notes. He claimed that Beevor's use of phrases such as "Berliners remember" and "the experiences of the raped German women" were better suited "for pulp fiction, than scientific research." Rzheshevsky also defended Soviet reprisals against Germans, stating that the Germans could have expected an "avalanche of revenge".[19]


Rzheshevsky states that acts such as robbery and sexual assault are inevitable parts of war, and some men of Soviet and other Allied armies committed them. But in general, the Soviet soldiers treated peaceful Germans with humanity.[22]


Colonel Ivan Busik, Director of Russia's Institute of Military History, wrote what Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Ivan Tretiak said to him that there was not a single case of violence committed by men in his regiment. Tretiak said that although he wanted revenge, Stalin's orders on treating the population humanely were implemented, and discipline in the army strengthened. Tretiak said that in such a huge military group as that in Germany, there was bound to be cases of sexual misconduct, as men had not seen women in years. However, he explains that sexual relations were not always violent, but often involved mutual consent. The work of Beevor and others alleging mass rape is characterized by Tretiak as "filthy cynicism, because the vast majority of those who have been slandered cannot reply to these liars."[23]


With respect to the number of abortions reported in Berlin, and the estimates of number of rapes based on the abortions statistics, there are some alternative explanations, that don't necessarily involve rapes by Soviet soldiers. Atina Grossman in her article in "October"[24] describes how until early 1945 the abortions in Germany were illegal (except for medical and eugenic reasons), and so when doctors opened up and started performing abortions to rape victims (for which only an affidavit was requested from a woman), many women would claim they were raped but their accounts were surprisingly uniform (describing rapists as having "mongoloid or asiatic type"). It was also typical that women specified their reasons for abortions being mostly socio-economic (inability to raise another child) rather than moral or ethical.


German women were denied abortion up until '45, where they had to say they were raped to get one. So they did. Because women just need abortions, especially during the worst of the war time, which happened in 45 in Germany. Father most likely dead. Country in ruins. That's when women do get abortions, historically.


When you're done reading this, I will remind you that rapes happen in all wars, but there is absolutely no proof that Soviets did it more than others. Americans and British raped native population of France, Belgium, Germany.


I'm sure you can google it up yourself, I'm not your nanny.


Here's a juicy part from the American occupation of Japan:


Soon after the U.S. Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of American soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[72]



You have no shame.

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Alpha Protocol had a sillicone-enhanced Russian chick in hotpants chasing you around. Puh-leez.


Funny thing about that is she only appeared in 1 mission of my playthrough, and even the correspondence with her through email was based in reality off of a personality trait. I got to play the game in accordance to my own personal views and in the end it turned out exactly how I wanted it to. That's pretty impressive for a game and I can't really say that same type experience has ever been achieved before in games.

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